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You have just entered room "Gaming Chat."

EnigmaticGoku: ::A small wisping sound could be heard throughout the room, soon following a rather bright flash of brilliant white light, which meant nothing other than the fabled Z-Warrior, known as Goku had graced the tavern with his almost unbelievably powerful presence. Decked out in his usual attire of the orange Gi, the blue undershirt of sorts, the neat little blue wristbands, and his weighted boots; Goku was dressed for battle, just as always. His onyx-black hair seemed to wave slightly with the wind caused his his sudden appearence, as he casually stepped over to a nearby table. Small bolts of blue 'ki' seemingly shot over his body every so often, as a sign of his power, which had surpassed even the Gods of this realm..:: ..where is he...? ::His head turned side to side looking for an old friend of his..yet he couldn't really find him..:: Late as usual...such a little punk..::He took a seat near the farthest corner in the back..awaiting the appearence of none other than Trunks..::

Exalted Trunks: ::The young Sayia-jin, Trunks, landed ever-so-softly outside of the tavern. Dispersing the very white aura the helped to keep him aloft he opened the door. Taking a few small strides on in, his idenity was finally revealed, unbeknownst to most in this realm, dressed in his favorite outfit consisting of ungodly orange velcro boots; tucked into those boots were his loose grey slackes, tightened with an orange elastic belt. Tucked into those slacks was a black tank-top that was starting to grow a bit snug due to his previous fights. Sheathed to his back, was a powerful sword-which has rarely tasted combat. Not a scar could be found on the youth's face; in fact the only marring was the two rouge lavender strands that fell over they youth's ice-blue eyes. Two shoulder-length 'lopears' graced the sides of his face the rest of his hair was tied back to a short ponytail, about three inches in length. Shutting the door behind him, he imediatly [sp?] sensed and seen a good freind of his...he could hardly contain his excitement at that point.:: GOKU! ::The youth ran over to the table where Goku was, and seated himself:: How ya' been?!

EnigmaticGoku: ::With a rather disgustingly huge smile on his face, Goku immediately(right spelling here andrew XD) stood to his feet as fast as he could, latching Trunks in a tight bearhug, the small crunching sounds could be heard as he did so.:: Hey buddy! ::he dropped Trunks down to his previous position; that bubbly smile continued to rest over his lips:: Everything's fine man, what about you? How's your mom? ::he looked side to side suspiciously for a moment, or two, before whispering lowly..:: and how's your dad's ass holding up? :-\ he and I had a little 'spar' last night...and um..he landed on a rock..yeah..that's it...::he let out a bit of a chuckle and folded his immense arms over his extremely bulky saiya-jin chest::

Exalted Trunks: ::It's a rare thing to be bear hugged by Son Goku, indeed, and considering that Trunks did-and still does look up to Goku, he didn't mind the slight pressure. being seated back down, he brushed back one of those rouge lavender strands before speaking with that smooth voice of his:: Me, I'm quite alright. Mother's doing good too. As for father.. ::he leaned forward a tab bit, to whisper to Goku:: ..father says that if you do that again, he'll Final Flash you, or something. ::He tossed his head back to laugh for a moment. Bringing it back down, he smiled.:: But I wouldn't worry much about Father. ::He too then looked around, to make sure that no one was evesdropping.:: How's Gohan... We were training awhile back...and he uhhhh...got hit with a rock, on the rear. ::He looked about again, then just started laughing::

EnigmaticGoku: ::He plopped back in the chair he was previously seated in, and ran a few of his thick fingers through his hair, which immediately popped back up to it's original state< afterall, full-blooded Saiya-jins don't really have to worry about a hairstyle or anything ne?> with a few idle waves. With another hearty chuckle, he fixed his chocolate-colored orbs on Trunks and smiled once more:: He didn't seem to want to final flash me last night...but that's another story. As for Gohan..I believe he's recovered just fine. I saw him walking a bit funny..and I gave him one of those neat little senzu beans, and it kicked right in. So he walks a bit funny now..he'll grow out of it sooner or later. ::A few of those light blue colored bolts flashed over his upper torso for a moment, and then dispersed into thin air; once again... a sign of his incredible power:: I think you should do what your father and I do... a little of that stuff in the medicine cabinet at home..labled.."K-Y" ::A quick little nod of that massive saiya-jin head:: Works like a charm, Trunks.

Exalted Trunks: ::He brought that right hand to hsi mouth, holding back a storm of giggles. Finally stopping he crossed his arms over his chest, and finally spoke; small giggles slightly marred his speech:: Well, I do hope that Gohan gets better, him and I need to...uh...train more. So, why don't you tell me about father and yourself.. ::Moving his left hand slightly he looked down to his wristwatch, noting the time.. In the beack of his his mind he noted that 'K-A' stuff.::

Enigmatic Goku: ::With a bit of an incriminated look on his face, he casually dismissed the question of the relationship that he has with Trunks' father, with a question of his own, bascially trying to just change the subject..:: Um...so...how's your training been holding up? Reaching new heights everyday like myself? ::A little arrogance rolled over his face, which was completely unlike Goku, but it's just how he's been as of late, flaunting his powers; subjecting to homosexuality and all must've changed his outlook on things...:: So...have you ever tried to smoke those little green plants in your backyard?

Exalted Trunks: Um, my Training? ::He blinked a few times, but was rather glad that Goku didn't not answer the question about his father, because quite frankly, the youth probably wouldn't have payed much attention at all.:: Ah, yes, my training. It's going along pretty well, I know I've surpassed father...in speed and pow-- ::He quickly cut off the word, and paused for a second:: ...I've met this one person...kind of a fruit..I think his name is Draco...something. But it doesn't matter that much. ::The youth paused for a moment, thinking...:: The Green...plants...? No, Mother says those are how she makes her money, so I stay away... He quickly thought of something to change the subject...:: So, are there going to be any additions to your family...?

Enigmatic Goku: She makes her money off of those?! ::Those big brown eyes bulged for a few seconds, as he tried to think of a few excuses for Bulma's missing 'crops':: Well...eh..your father and I have dipped into her stash a few times Trunks, maybe you should give it a try. However, make sure you have a few bowls of that rice stuff your mom makes nearby...they come in handy, believe me. ::he leaned back slightly in the oaken chair, and stared up at the ceiling for a moment; his demeanor getting a tad more serious than before..:: Had Vegeta and I not had those plants back on Namek...I do believe Frieza would've finished me off. Whew...those flashy lights and seering heat on Namek was a bit much for me without those plants..they're better than Senzus...my boy.