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Dakuri Tsumari: :: The desert wind blew hot and dry under the starlit sky upon the barren stretch of road. A soft sigh sliced through the darkness, as Dakuri tried to gain her footing. Her difficulty came in the fact that her feet and hands were bound with many layers of heavy duct tape, she had struggled now, she could only guess, for many hours. Warm, thick, sticky blood, seeped from her wrists where the tape had dug into her pale, tender, flesh. The tape not having given even the slightest. She stood now, finally, wavering, her head swimming the heat eating away at her senses. It had been early afternoon, and she had left her condo to drive out along the coast, she had been in a mood, and the ocean always gave her a sense of tranquility. She had arrived at a stop sign at the edge of town, her deep jade dodge viper convertible's engine purring quietly as she waited for the light to change. She had put the top down, wanting to feel the cool ocean air. She caught something from the corner of her eye, it was the barrel of a chrome plated handgun, she was too shaken to distinguish make or model, she was only all too aware of the cold metal pressed to her temple. Strands of her silky chocolate hued tresses fell into her eyes as she sat trembling. A gruff faceless voice began barking orders to her, telling her to lay on the passenger side floorboard, warning her that movement would assure her a short life. Without a second thought she had crawled face down onto the floorboards, trembling, her black clothing and dark hair making it hard to distinguish, from the outside, there was anyone there. As he drove, she could tell by the change in temperature, they had turned and headed for the desert. He sang horribly out of pitch to some classic rock, as if he had not a care in the world. Finally he stopped, her heart raced. What was to become of her, would he kill her? Worse yet might he rape her? Tears pressed at the corners of her eyes. Once again Dakuri felt the gun pressed to her head, as he ordered her up. Rising slowly from her crouched position she could now see that they had driven off on some deserted gravel road. As far as she could see was nothing but barren landscape, not so much as a house in sight. She was ordered to place her hands behind her back, and he began taping them so tight, that they immediately began to tingle. He then proceeded to roughly yank her out of the car, his face now covered by a almost comical looking bright hunter orange ski cap.:: Aight tootse, on the ground wit ya now.. ::His voice itself made her very skin crawl. It was itself depraved sounding. She did as he bid, laying face down in the sandy earth, her eyes closing in silent prayer that he would just leave. He however did not. He once again grabbed the roll of duct tape, and began wrapping her ankles. As soon as they were secure, he moved away, and she could here the engine purr as he started it again. It was June, nearly 100 degrees in the desert at this time of day. She was garbed all in black, and tightly bound. Her mind raced for a solution. Finally, she came to the conclusion it would be wisest if she stayed put, not expending any energy until dusk. The minutes and hours had dragged by, she lay completely still, her eyes closed, but she could feel the fair skin upon her face baking in the midday sun. She could only assume at some point, she had fallen unconscious, for when she awoke it was dark, and notably cooler. She struggled for a goo deal of time with her binds, but making no head way, she righted herself, and began to take tiny baby-like hops, hopefully in the direction of something, anything::

Exalted Trunks: ::The half Saiya-jin, Trunks, was out on his usual nightly flight, heading towards no other locale then Waterford. But there had just been something about this area that made him stop in mid-flight. Surveying the area, he had to wonder what made him stop here of all places; a desert, he wouldn't want to be here--even at night. Dispersing that white aura that enabled him to fly, he just now floated; his two unbound shoulder-length 'lopears' had returned to their faithful positions at the side of his head. Now 'standing' in mid-air he brought his right hand to his upper lip.:: Now why did I stop here..? ::He spoke aloud, but one would have to have great hearing considering the fact he was several thousand feet up. But then, out of the corner of his eyes, he saw it, rather, them. A set of tracks, which must have came to an abrupt stop for a few, then went away in another direction; adding to this mystery that he had stumbled upon. Then a little bit away from the tracks was another; but he couldn't make out what they were from here. So there was one logical course of action, which was to descend to the surface. Floating downwards, those unbound 'lopears' of his tapered out a good foot. Crossing his arms over his black tank top, he kept looking towards those tracks, wondering. Landing with a very soft 'thud' from the soles of those ungodly orange boots, he could now make out the tracks; one were from a vehicle, the other, was from a person. Fascinated from the tracks from the person, he noted that prints were close together, like a hop-from a person. 'A hop..,' he wondered, 'Why would anyone be hopping here!? Unless..'. That sparked something in him, making him run in the same direction until he saw -something- hopping in small increments. At which point he shouted, hoping, nay, praying that it could understand him.:: WAIT A MINUTE!

Dakuri Tsumari: ::The voice rung out, clear as a bell, breaking the silence of the still desert air. Dakuri froze her body beginning to tremble uncontrollably, her mind racing: *Dear god no, he's come back for me. Maybe he was afraid I would identify him, or..perhaps he had just been toying with me all along. Stay still, and calm, maybe he won't see you* ::Her dark twins drifted shut, as if her closing them, her lack of sight, might cause him to overlook her. She drew in a deep breath praying for some miracle. As her mind focused, she realized something. She had not heard the whisper of the viper's engine. She wondered what had happened to it. Perhaps out here, in the desert at night, he had somehow lost control of the car and plowed it into a dune. She shuddered at the very thought. At least with him taking the car, she hadn't had to worry if he was around what he might do. Now those thoughts raced through her head. Scenarios of being beaten then killed, raped and torture, it was all too much for her. Her brown eyes rolled back into her head, until only the whites were visible, and the darkness claimed her as she slipped into unconsciousness, her body beginning to suffer the effects of shock::

Exalted Trunks: ::What he could not see, was compensated with what he could sense, with the keen ability to track powers. Up until this point he had sensed something at least, but now, there was nothing; not even from afar. Which meant one of two things; either whatever it was had slipped unconscious-or it had left this mortal coil. Whichever way the situation was, Trunks would not just sit back and let it just 'happen'. Again he ran to the figure, hiding his birth-given abilities of speed and the like. Almost as if they were answering him, the few stray clouds blocking the moon's light had moved to illuminate the figure in an errie light blue. 'A woman,' he thought, 'out here of all places. Wonder why..'. At that same instance a hint of dull silver caught his eyes, which was completely out of place on the now fallen woman's dark attire. 'Tape..' he thought, 'it's starting to make some sense now. God, I hope she wasn't..'. He cut the thought off, as he kneeled down by her feet. Placing his thumb under the already snug tape, he quickly jerked the hand up, maybe an inch or two. The tape, of course, easily gave way. 'One down,' he thought 'and they probably tied her hands too.' Which was the case again. Once again, he easily removed the tape with his thumb. 'Alright, now to get her somewhere safe...'. In a few brisk movements, Trunks had this woman supported in both arms, his left arm under her knees, his right-near level with her shoulders. With his 'passenger in tow' he just started walking, hoping that she'd awaken soon. Not knowing this area, he just started off in about the same direction that she was hopping. The odd thing was, contrary to his norm, there was no blush on his face.::

Dakuri Tsumari: ::stirring slowly, her eyes not yet open, Dakuri could sense movement. No, she was not back in the car, the vibrations were wrong for that. Focusing she realized she could hear slow steady breathing. Her senses also told her one more thing, whomever had her, was not her assailant. The smell of him had no hint of the offensive nature her captors had. Dakuri's dark lashes fluttered slowly open, her brown orbs trying to focus. A muffled *mew* escaped her gently parted pink lips.:: I...Where...::her lips where so parched. Realizing her hands were free, she lifted one to wipe at her dry lips, cringing as her hand swept over the blistery burns upon her pretty face. The afternoon in the sweltering heat, had severely damaged her pale skin:: How..Did you find me? ::her normally sweet melodic voice was now raspy and gravely. Her gaze drawn to the pale violet mane:: Who are you?

Exalted Trunks: ::Almost as she spoke, the stupid blush found its way to his cheeks, it was just this thing he had, around all women, his own mother included.:: I.. ::He hesitated in answering truthfully. He didn't want to reveal his true self yet, after all there are those that hate the Saiya-jin race, and some hate the haflings moreso. But he had to answer, even if it was fabricated.:: I just followed these tracks until, well I found you. ::It was the truth, more-or-less; barring the flying part. He paused slightly in telling his name, after all he WAS a prince of an entire race; even if nobody knew:: My name is Trunks, Trunks Briefs. ::He paused again, sighing ever so softly. He could feel his face getting warmer, meaning the blush was getting brighter.:: As for where we're at, I don't know. ::With every step, Trunks fought the intense urge to just kick up that white aura and fly the two out of there. But he had to walk, so he decided it was time to ask her a few things.:: And what exactly happened to you? I mean, it's not everyday one just stumbles upon a taped up woman lying in the desert. ::He then smacked himself mentally, for asking such a stupid thing after she had just awoke in his arms.:: If you wish to not answer, that's fine with me.

Dakuri Tsumari: ::Dakuri could not help but smile at the faint blush upon his cheeks, but instantly grimaced, regretting her actions, her lips cracked further, and she could feel them begin to bleed in places:: Ohhh, god that hurts...if I ever get my hands on that bas...::She stifled the curse as it teetered on her lips. She did not wish to disrespect this man, who had seemingly saved her. As he spoke his name she fought the urge to smile yet again, her voice once again breaking the stillness of the night.:: Trunks hmm? That is very unique..::her gaze slowly took in his face, and she thought how much it suited him, this unique being. Trouble was, something was nagging her, just not right. How could he not know where they were, considering he was on foot. Perhaps he had been kidnapped too. Judging from his appearance, that was highly unlikely:: I'm Dakuri..If you don't know where you are how in the world, did you get here? ::Her tone was not accusa tort, she was merely trying to piece everthing together:: I guess, he wanted my car ::she sighed, despondant as she reviewed what had happened::

Exalted Trunks: ::That blush refused to go away, a trait he had gotten from his mother; but he did enjoy the 'stupid human traits' as his father called them.:: Well, Dakuri, it's nice meeting ya, but I wish the circumstances were a bit different. ::He kept walking, clueless of where he was headed.:: How I got here? Well, um... ::This was going to be hard to get out of; but he just couldn't lie to the poor woman.:: ...Um, well you see; I can't exactly say how I got here. If I did, you might think completely the opposite of me. ::He had to change the subject, even if he had just made a bigger fool out of himself. 'Think different of me,' he thought, 'she won't think different...I saved her for crying out loud. Maybe I should just tell her.' But, instead, he asked another question; the conversation would make the time pass.:: Who's this 'he'? Some lousy ex plotting some warped revenge..or worse?

Dakuri Tsumari: ::Looking up into his eyes, she shook her head slowly, a few errant strands of spun chestnut falling into her face. Inhaling sharply, she exhaled quickly, blowing them from her face. Even her dainty lips puckering to blow them away and her wince, her burns were that severe.:: I have no clue who he might of been. I'm certain he is no ex of mine though, I have dated now and again, but there has been no boyfriend. ::*gah* she silently cursed herself, *what was that? An advertisement. Oh yeah Kuri, so very attractive with bubbling sores on your face. Time to change the subject* her mind tried to wrap around everything, She lay her head down upon his chest:: Think opposite of you? Pray tell how? ::she shook her head again gently:: I don't laugh at hero's, and without you I would have died. I owe you many thanks.

Exalted Trunks: ::That blush, now a darker hue of red, still refused to go away, he couldn't help that part of his being. This...smug little smirk came about his mouth, while this faint, almost nonexistant chuckle escaped from his mouth. He quickly 'replaced' that smirk with the same serious expression he had before...he needed to look serious for this speech; one of the utmost importance, and seriousness. He sighed rather softly, and finally spoke; his voice rather soft.:: Well..telling you how I got here, will also involve telling you what I am. ::He paused for a moment, this wasn't exactly what he wanted to do right now.:: Well, you look at me, and you see your average human guy; well, that's only partially right. ::He paused for a split second, deciding how to word this.:: Truth be told, I'm only half human; I get it from my mother. The other half is part of a race known as the Saiya-jin. A 'special' race of beings that are devoted to constant improvement in the art of fighting. ::He decided it was enough of that part of his being. Inhaling, he spoke again; his tone was completely serious.:: How I got here...how I found you..simple. I spotted you from above.

Dakuri Tsumari: :She canted her head, her rich chocolate tresses spilling over her shoulder, as her gaze locked upon his. She listened to to his words with a great deal of curiousity, after all this young man had just saved her. At this point in time he could tell her he was a flesh eating zombie and she would be grateful. As his story unfolded, she was not in the least shocked, or disgusted, and she smiled warmly at him nodding, hoping to provide him with some sense of comfort. She studied his face as he spoke, noting how pleasant his features were, and could not help but once again smile. Only as he finished up his "speech" did her expression change, her brow furrow, and her eyes held her obvious confusion. Softly she spoke, her voice barely a whisper:: From above? But how? Do you have some type of craft out here?

Exalted Trunks: Ah...hah. ::He chuckled nervously; this was going to be the 'fun' part of his "What I am" speech, the part he loathed, for just reason. But upon seeing that smile of hers-he almost knew she wouldn't take advantage of this little 'gift' of his..:: Well, you see... ::He just couldn't say it yet, without wording it in his own mind first. Then it hit him...she had inquired if he had had a craft, which in all reality he did; it was just a little bit compacted at the moment. He remembered the set of those handy-dandy Capsules from home, which were now in his left side pocket. One of those surely had his vessel to this world in it. He could just blatantly use that. 'Well, Trunks' he thought, 'What am I going to do? I've already told her this much, might as well go for broke. But then again...well, I..'. He trailed the thought off.:: A craft, no not exactly. ::he paused once more, no reason at all.:: What I meant from 'above' was, well...I have this unique little gift, as do all Saiya-jin. This gift, is well, unaided flight...you know withou- ::He cut the word off, she could finish the thought. With that, he closed his eyes and lowered his head a bit.::

Dakuri Tsumari: :She listened carefully as he spoke, the crease in her brow relaxing until it faded completely. A smile tugged at the corners of her full crimson lips. She watched as he spoke, noting that he seemed to be very nervous explaining this all to her, and for a moment she felt regret for inquiring, then dismissed it straight away. If she understood him, he was born with the ability to fly. She pondered this. What a gift, an incredible feeling to be able to fly. Her smile widened into a grin. Once again her gaze sought out his and she reached out almost as if to touch his hand, wanting to reassure him, but remembering how shy he seemed she pulled it back, before speaking again softly:: You can fly..That must be incredible...But..well..why would you hide that?

Exalted Trunks: ::He raised his head a little bit, rather glad that to this point, she had not thought ill of his being; and probably never will. He opened his eyes once more, revealing his 'lovely' ice-blue eyes, those of a human [can't believe that I forgot this one..], he finally spoke, his voice lowered and even more serious.:: Why..? Well, as I told you before; I'm part Saiya-jin. It seems as though everywhere I go, everywhere I've been there's been people that have utterly despised my race; for no reason what-so-ever. And well, no normal hu-being of this realm has this gift.. ::He sighed rather softly; he didn't much enjoy this one, small part of being a Saiya-jin.:: And, I'm what they call a 'worthless halfling', which are actually hated more then the full-bloods. So, that's why; whenever possible I try to hide this gift. ::He looked upwards towards the night sky, briefly taking in the stars and moon. He then brought he head back down to its normal level.:: And, yes, flying is rather incredible; especially on clear nights..

Dakuri Tsumari: :Dakuri looked down at the ground for a second ashamed of her own race, and their narrow-mindedness. Her lips parted gently and she gave a sigh, how could anyone hate him for simply being able to fly? No is was a clear case of humans being envious, and spiteful. Finally she looked up, her deep dark gaze falling upon his brillant blue twins, and she could not help think how appropriate it was that one that could sore through the air should have eyes the color of a clear blue sky. She reached for his hand clasping it gingerly, before once again letting her voice break the silence.::I apologize for most of my kind, they fear what they don't know. :: her gaze traveled upward to the clear night sky illuminated by the moon. it was breath taking::

Exalted Trunks: ::He didn't very much like giving that speech and was very glad that it was, for the most part, over with. Starting forward, he finally realized how, well, inane it was to keep this from her or to not just fly her to someplace safe and be done with it. But, he had really enjoyed how the evening's events panned out. 'Maybe she's right,' he thought, 'maybe they just feared my race because they could do a few things differently.' but; he didn't want to clutter up the already eventful eve. Almost lost in thought of what to do what to say...he was actually a little bit jumpy when she took his hand. His once half-opened eyes, shot wide open for an instant, then returned to normal..the blush would never go away at this point, he deduced.:: Ah, it's alright, you needn't apologize. So far; I've met no one that thinks like that yet. ::He just paused in his movements, he had a crazy idea.:: Say, is there anywhere I can take you..?

Dakuri Tsumari: ::His question threw her for a brief moment, her gaze still upon his handsome face, watching his every action. She tried to imagine soaring through the sky but the sensation was just not something she could fathom. The closest she could come was driving her viper with the top down. She frowned, her viper, she would most likely never see it again. She sighed wistfully, and shrugged.:: My condo I guess, without my car I cannot continue on my little getaway..::she looked at him forcing a smile.:: I hope the police can catch him, he now has my purse, laptop, and car, basically he knows everything about me now. Oh god, what if he's at my condo waiting?

Exalted Trunks: ::He almost expected her answer, he'd probably request such a thing if he was in her position. But almost as it hit her, it hit him as well.:: Yeah, you might just be right. He might have went to your place, just to wait for you to come back-if you came back. ::He looked skywards for a second, in thought; as most do while they think. He kept his gaze skywards as he spoke again.:: I wonder, where could you go..? ::He paused for another brief second.:: Where were you headed, maybe I can take you there.. Or maybe I could take you to- ::He cut off the rest of the sentence...what was he thinking...to his home; unheard of! But it would most likely be the best place to hide out; if worst came to worst.::

Dakuri Tsumari: ::She looked at him, still smiling her deep dark brown twin losing that looking of anxiety they had just moments before. He made her feel safe. A rare thing indeed, for Dakuri rarely trusted anyone. Some place else. She thought for a few moments there really was no place else for her to go. Her gaze fell momentarily to the ground as she whispered.:: I'm all alone, I was going on a bit of a getaway, but now I'm just not up to it. ::her gaze once again wandered up to his, her smile growing brighter as she got a glimpse of his beautiful blue orbs:: Its really silly I suppose to be this scared, odds are he's long gone.

Exalted Trunks: ::It perplexed him; that one like her could be alone. Maybe, just maybe he'd have to see about changing that after he gets her to...wherever.:: Hm, maybe it is a little silly be worried; but you know they say 'better safe then sorry'. ::He paused again, the pale moonlight almost perfectly in his eyes..it had truly been a long time since he had taken a nightly stroll; especially with someone with him. He enjoyed her presence; and hated that thought that this night would soon be over.:: But if you really want to go to your place, then, by all means, I'll take you there.. ::He then sighed; hoping that if they were to go, the he would not have to do any sort of bodyguarding..::

Dakuri Tsumari: :Her breath caught in her chest as she gazed at him. The moonlight looked magical upon his visage. She forced herself to speak once again, her dainty hand finding and nervously toying with a strand of her dark chocolate tresses.:: Alright but I live back in the city, just off the lake. If you want I could make us something to eat when we get there. I don't know about you but I'm starving it's been awhile. ::as if to accentuate her tummy growled on cue, and she blushed a deep crimson embarrassed that he had witnessed such a thing::

Exalted Trunks: ::He nodded once, the two rouge 'strands' of hair that almost always fell over his eyes bounced slightly, mimicking his movements almost perfectly.:: Back there, huh? Well, I guess I have a fair understanding of the locale. I bet I could find it within half an hour to an hour; maybe a bit longer, considering I've never had a 'passenger' with me on my flight. ::He scoffed at his own bad pun, then continued; after grinning a little at her own blush.:: Yeah, I'm a bit hungry, and my 'mother' [nice story behind this one, heh.] isn't the best cook in the world... So, I guess, if you're ready, so am I.

Dakuri Tsumari: ::Dakuri smiled brightly at him looking into those gorgeous twins, she could not help but feel happy in his presence odd as that was considering the days events. An hour before she had been sure of her death, maybe that was why she felt so happy. Perhaps it was relief, coupled with the fact that he just seemed to make her feel secure. She bit her lip for a second, blushing deeper now, her pale cheeks a bright scarlet:: How do I? I mean where... How do you propose we do this? ::she cursed herself yet again for sounding like such a ninny::

Exalted Trunks: ::This night was one that Trunks wished could last forever, but he knew he had to take this girl home, but he'd take his sweet time in doing it. He silently chuckled at her, she was 'cute' asking how the two would go about getting there. He could feel his face getting warmer-his blush getting brighter, the corners of his lips were turned upwards into a rather large smile, one of the biggest smiles he had ever smiled. After actually giggling, he finally spoke, his voice had this tone of happiness to it.:: How do we get you home? It's very simple. There's two things we're going to do. First, I'm going to fly you, and second, you're going to enjoy the flight. ::He nodded, then it finally hit him, he was actually joking around, with such a serious event. This girl had unknowingly accomplished something grand, she made the 'hardened' Trunks be almost care free.::

Dakuri Tsumari: ::she grinned nodding at his reassuring words, to her he seemed so confident, quite like she was before the attack. Taking a step closer to him, she looked up into his eyes as she wrapped her arms securely around his strong neck:: I meant..Like this? I've never flown before, and was curious how, one is "flown". ::she smiled her face mere inches from his, her breath warm sweet on his cheek. It was unlike Dakuri to be so trusting, but with Trunks she just seemed to manage without thinking::

Exalted Trunks: ::If it were even possible for Trunks' smile to get bigger, it would have done so by now. As is, he'd never stop grinning at this point. It came as no shock or surprise to him the she had wrapped her arms around his neck, in fact he was loving every moment of this. Probably the same way mother had gotten to his father.:: Yes, exactly like that; except for one little thing.. ::With those very words he ever-so-carefully wrapped his arms around the small of her back, after all-he had so much power behind him it could probably kill her with nothing more then a whim.:: This, is important, I wouldn't want to lose you now. ::He then, with very little thought 'kicked' up this white aura, a moment later, the two of them were hovering mere inches from the ground.::

Dakuri Tsumari: ::Dakuri's grip tightened just a bit, as she pressed against him, clinging as she felt them rising up off the desert floor, the feeling was amazing, like nothing she had ever experienced in her life. She could not help but to look up into his handsome face, the corner of her full pink lips curling in the warmest of smiles. Her voice quietly creeping up to his ear through the dark night air:: This is magnificent. ::Tilting her head back, her waist long chestnut tresses, falling over his arms, she stared up at the millions of bright stars, the night was so clear, and not an unnatural light source for miles, she had a perfect view. After taking it all in for a moment her gaze fell back to his, and she rested her head on his shoulder:: I will never forget this...

Exalted Trunks: ::He had to do this slowly; he knew that if he went full speed it might actually send the girl into shock; after all, while flying on his own, he'd usually go a good 100+ MPH. He whispered to himself, hoping that she would not hear; "You like this, almost as much as I." He kept ascending ever-so-slowly, more and more for the clear night's sky becoming visible; the footsteps nothing more then mere indentations for their height. Almost answering her, he spoke, his voice louder then his whisper now.:: I'll never forget this, ever. ::He then whispered to himself once more; "I'll never forget you, either...". He nodded once and took in the night sky. He then finally spoke, very softly.:: You ready?

Dakuri Tsumari: ::For a second she was so caught up in the mood, and the experience, she had forgotten they had yet to even go anywhere. His question, brought her back and she smiled nodding up at him:: I’m ready, but you're sure..I'm not too heavy? My condo is clear across the desert..::she was sincerely concerned, not knowing anything of flying beings, or how much exertion it took to fly. She giggled as the take off had caused a strand of his lavender mane to fall into his eyes, and braving it she released one arm, her tiny black gloved hand sweeping it back. lowering her hand once again, she wrapped it securely behind his neck:: Yes, I'm sure, I'm ready if you are...

Exalted Trunks: ::He nodded, she could never be too heavy for him; he was overly sure of this, every ounce of his Saiya-jin spirit told him this. He had never actually done this, but he knew he could.:: I'm positive I can carry you that far. ::He closed his eyes and chuckled as her soft glove passed over his eyes. This would be the best flight of his life, and he'd see to it.:: Yes, I'm ready. Just be sure to tell me if I fly too fast for you, alright? ::Without waiting for a response, he made that white aura even brighter, he didn't know if he'd need extra energy or not. Finally, he headed back the way he came, with his passenger, towards civilization, and her home.::

Dakuri Tsumari: ::She nodded again before resting her head back on his shoulder, her long dark hair flowing around them like a curtain. His aura grew brighter and she gasps ever so softly in awe of it. Never in her life had she seen such a thing, it was truly magical to her. Then they were moving through the air, at a speed she had somehow not expected, and although it frightened her mildly at first, after a moment she felt exhilarated as the night air blew her hair around them, and she gazed up through the wisps, to view the stars as they zoomed by, at this rate she would be home in no time at all, and yet she felt as if this moment might, somehow, last forever.::

Exalted Trunks: ::He knew he was already halfway across the desert; he had to make this last longer somehow. The two lavender lopears of his were flapping about very wildly, her hair tossing about more then his. He chuckled, as it did not bother him in the slightest; after all, his hair would do the same if it were not mostly tied back. He slowed the flight a little bit, to waste time. This crazy idea came into his mind, he was going to have some fun with the flight.:: You wanna try something?

Dakuri Tsumari: ::His face, the happy look upon it made her heart pound. Nodding in answer to his question she could not help but to wonder what in the world he was wanting to try. She had no doubt that whatever it was it would pose no danger to her, but he had certainly peaked her interest:: I'm game..what are we trying? ::her voice was carried off gently by the wind, but was loud enough she knew he had heard her::

Exalted Trunks: ::He was glad she had agreed to his little idea; but would be fully understanding if she decided to back out of it. After all, HE had not even done such a thing, but he KNEW it was possible. When he spoke, in flight, it was naturally a bit louder then the norm.:: Well, you said you lived a little away from a lake, no? And I'm sure you've heard of hydroplaning. Well, I propose that we do the same. ::He smiled a little bit, moreso to reassure her that he'd never actually risk hurting her.:: I can assure you, you will be at no risk at all. Well, unless you can't stand getting a little bit damp and maybe a little cold; then you won't like this little idea. You'll be the one skimming the water's top, while I continue to move beneath the water's surface.. So what do 'ya think? ::He smiled awaiting her answer; as the two still sailed across the night sky, a faint white trail followed behind.::

Dakuri Tsumari: ::Her dark eyes sparkled brightly in the moonlight, after this long horrible day she could do with some relaxation, that was after all, what she had been on her way to do, relax. Smiling warmly, she cringed a bit, the burns that had formed upon her from the hot desert sun giving her some pain. Surely the water would help to ease that as well. She was over joyed at the notion, and even looking forward to it. One thing had peaked her curiosity, he had said he would be under the water, and she wondered how he would manage that.::

Exalted Trunks: ::This was turning out to be a rather fun flight for him, even moreso that she did not refuse his little proposal. One thing was for sure, this was going to be something the two of them would never forget.:: And, don't worry about me, I'll be fine beneath the surface. Not much more different then flying really, really high. ::It was true, the Saiya-jin's body structure could withstand a LOT of stress and beatings; be it extremely high flight, or lurking at an ocean bead-they could brave it out.:: Oh, and until we hit the water, don't look down. ::His word of warning was just incase she had this fear of heights [after all, she's been looking towards the sky, right?]. He then did this semi-barrel roll, where the two of them had more or less swapped positions, and started descending towards the lake's surface.::

Dakuri Tsumari: ::Drawing in a deep breath she giggles at the sensation of them pummeling downward. Dakuri was an adventurous girl, loving rollercoasters, parasailing, Mountain climbing and the like. Although she clung tightly so Trunks neck, she was enjoying this more then her would ever know. Smiling up at him, she tilted her head back, so she was gazing at the stars, and let long chestnut hair flow into the wind. She saw the stars gleaming like diamonds, drifting further away, it was a wondrous sight. One she committed to memory, along with the look of amusement that she saw upon Trunks face::

Exalted Trunks: ::He chuckled once, indeed he was having fun with this, something he was rarely allowed anymore, what with his supposed friends all wanting to inanely spar, THIS was a welcome change. Bending his head back, he took the scene in; and drew in a large breath, more so Dakuri wouldn't worry then anything. Mere seconds later; the lake was easily visible-he had to be careful of how he hit the surface, or they could bounce. Finally, he thought up an idea-and put into action. He went into the water head first, at a diagonal, his eyes still open, after all, he had to know when to get out of the lake. But the odd thing was, this action caused nary a splash on the water's surface-he was just that good, a trait which he got from his mother.::

Dakuri Tsumari: ::Dakuri was amazed by the whole turn of events. He was so graceful, not a trait most men aspire to, but that was what he was his flight, his entrance into the water, all were quite magnificent. She marveled at his abilities at his mastery of them, he was unlike anyone she had ever met. As they hit the water she giggled, a fine spray kicking up her own contact with the water. tiny beads glistened on her face in the moonlight, and she sighed relieved as they cooled her burnt skin::

Exalted Trunks: ::The water's undersurface was nothing much too look at, so he tilted his head up. From there, he could see her smile; the happy look upon her face-this brought him an inner joy; causing him to smile once more. But, unfortunately he could not hear a thing under the water's surface-he was going way too fast. Tilting his head back once more he could see the fast approaching shore; this had come too fast, but if he delayed the results could be dastardly. Acceding, he finally surfaced, and spoke.:: You like?

Dakuri Tsumari: ::She nodded at him pushing a few wet strands from her face:: That was wonderful, I've never experience anything near that before. ::she hugged him tightly smiling. In a matter of a few short hours he had managed to transform her from a quivering wreck to her normal mirthful self. He had taken her mind of the attack completely, something she thought in her heart she'd never live another second without remembering, He had worked magic, better then any medicine a doctor could have prescribed. Her dark eyes looked around at the beautiful landscape that surrounded the lake, so serene, and she sighed softly, resting her head on his shoulder. :: It's so beautiful here, much like where I was headed to.

Exalted Trunks: ::He was drenched; as expected, water glistening everywhere over him; any other mortal would have been freezing at this moment, but not Trunks-cold never bother him much, as he did not have to put up with it, an easy trick allowed him to use minimal energy and stay at a constant temperature. His clothing grew snug, from the water, drying them would be an easy process- just some flying, and they'd be dry. A smile came across his face, as she hugged him; wishing he could do the same back, a drawback from such great power.:: I'm glad you liked that, it was something I've always wanted to do. ::She had this oh-so-special way of making him happy; he didn't have to hide a thing around her...he could be totally open with her, he wasn't even like this around his mother--she had done a great thing in making him open, if she knew it or not.:: Well, maybe one day we can come back to here. I know I'd like to. ::He sighed, it couldn't be much past midnight-they still had an entire night to share, but he did have to get her home.:: I'm sorry to spoil this, but we're going to have to head off now..

Dakuri Tsumari: ::Her smile dimmed just a bit at the mention of home. In truth she was inwardly terrified of going home, what if he was there waiting? Or worse, what if when Trunks left he showed up. Her body trembled, and she leaned against him. She would have to learn to cope she told herself. Learn to be strong. Letting out a soft sigh she spoke quietly:: Shall we then? And thank you, for this, it was what I needed.

Exalted Trunks: ::His smile shrank; he was now worried, she couldn't be cold, she wasn't the one soaking wet. He had to know, had to know why he had felt her tremble.:: You're welcome, I've enjoyed this night myself. But, there's just something; you're worried aren't you? Worried about what might happen to you..right? ::He took off slowly, this would give the two of them enough time to talk, if needed. He had been thinking about this for quite awhile, as well..and finally voiced it.:: How about, I stick around for the night; guard you. It'd be no bother.

Dakuri Tsumari: ::Dakuri had no wish to be a burden to him. He had helped her so much already, but by the same token, she had come to realize she could not stay at her home alone. His presence would be a welcome thing, in her condo. Normally it was so quiet, Dakuri being a loner, rarely had guests. People tended, when they did visit, to come by, and leave again quickly. She smiled up at him, still entranced by his gorgeous twins.:: Alright then I would be happy to have your company..

Exalted Trunks: ::He nodded once, if anything he could easily defend her-but he hoped that was not needed. The night had kept getting better; and he knew nothing could ever top it; he'd just have a bit of explaining to do the next morning to his mother, but she wouldn't mind, he was doing the right thing, he knew it. Trunks had naturally been rather to himself-he had to be, to hide his being, so he had no clue what to do til the 'morn.:: And I'll be happy to stay. ::The two of them kept sailing the stars; the city growing nearer and nearer, the flight would undoubtedly be over soon, much to Trunks' dismay.::

Dakuri Tsumari: ::Seeing the city beneath them, Kuri got her barings. Trunks would need directions and she had to do her best to guide him. She finally saw want she had been searching for, a large looming mirrored tower. She smiled:: See that building? The large mirrored one? For there you will need to go left, toward the coast. We aren't far now..:she hung on watching the tiny cars of the busy city below. Wondering where exactly he was from, and if he was familiar with such an enormous place.::

Exalted Trunks: ::He had flown over this city numerous times before, but had never needed anything from it so he needed no reason to land there, until now. It wouldn't be very hard to spot a mirrored building, even at night; cities never shut down, there was always something going on. He flew the two of them a good seventy or so feet up; high enough to not be spotted, but low enough to have some 'fun' with the residents. Approaching the mirrored building he banked left; awaiting further instructions. But he had to wonder where she lived, and if he had ever seen it before.::

Dakuri Tsumari: ::Soon the air changed became cooler, misty, the ocean air left its scent to tickle there noses. She loved it here, looking down she saw all the familiarities of her neighborhood. The store where she shopped, the paper she worked for, the camera shop where she bought her supplies and film, then in the distance she saw it, the white stucco buildings that made up Laguna Villa her condo community. With a pallid finger she pointed to the large gated community, and motioned to the gatehouse:: We'll need to stop there first..::her voice trailed off into the night..

Exalted Trunks: ::He had indeed seen all of this before; if had only been a blinks-worth. Slowing his flight he had to think of a way to do this without being seen. In the distance he spotted a small alleyway where the two could land and approach on foot..he knew that she'd understand why.:: I'm going to land us about a block away from there, where we'll approach on foot, alright? ::Weather or not she'd answer, he started his final decent into the alleyway, hoping there'd be no one there.::

Dakuri Tsumari: :She clung to him, a soft unconscious sigh escaping her gently parted crimson lips. It was all ending, something she suddenly regretted terribly. Her eyes had a brief sorrowful look to them, her hero, would undoubtedly be leaving as soon as he saw she was safe. As he set down she still clasped her arms about his neck, not quite ready to give up her hold, she once again studied his handsome face, all his strong features, her gaze coming to rest upon those baby blues. Then reluctantly she looked about the alley. Yes she was home, the neighborhood's stray cat ran beneath a parked car seeing the two descend: Well, its just up the alley here, around the corner. There should be someone at the gatehouse. :she pointed off to her left, smiling softly:

Exalted Trunks: ::In his mind, their flight together had come to a conclusion much too soon. There were endless possibilities for their flight, but he had just simple taken her, almost, straight home. But at that instant he remembered his promise to her-to make sure she was alright until the morning. All the night he had never taken the chance to actually get a good look at this girl whom he had rescued. He took in her face, nary a flaw to it-barring the injuries from the day's heat..but they would heal, given time. He faked a nice smile, this was ending too fast.:: Well, then shall we? ::He chuckled a few times, he knew she was alright enough to walk on her own; but he had to offer-it was just something about him, he just couldn't be 'mean'.:: Or do'ya want me to carry you, if you're not up to walking?

Dakuri Tsumari: :She blushes a pale crimson shaking her head, a strand of her deep chocolate mane falling into her face. Her voice was a gentle whisper as it broke the silence around them: No, I can walk really. It's not far at all; I live two condos away from the main gate. I just want to be sure no one used my passkey, they should have a log. :She eased down from his arms taking his hand in hers and tugged him eagerly toward the gate. As long as they were here, if all was safe, she'd make him something to eat, and enjoy his company:

Exalted Trunks: ::Momentarily he closed his eyes, a small smile upon his face. He nodded the first time she spoke, reopening his eyes. He spoke, his voice barely above a whisper:: Alright, if you're sure. ::He smiled as she tugged at his hand; she was eager to get home, as expected. He couldn't help but chuckle at her.:: I'm coming, I'm coming! ::His words were not harsh, in fact, quite the opposite, he was joking around again. Starting forward with her, he realized once again that she had worked wonders upon the 'elite' half Saiya-jin.::

Dakuri Tsumari: :she giggled hearing him speak. He seemed to be relaxing now, much moreso then when they had first met. He seemed so shy, so elusive, now he seemed...More normal. More like any other guy she might meet, only there was just something about him, that made her smile. It was impossible to frown in his presence. Looking up she approached the gate, she waved to Charlie, the middle aged blading overweight guard: Charlie has anyone used my passkey? : after a moment waiting he shook his head : and she punched in her code entering the gate: Alright almost there..:she lead him to her door, and dug around in the planter for the fake rock her key was hidden int, unlocking the door she pushed it open, looking wearily: Here we are.

Exalted Trunks: ::He was just all smile walking with her to the gatehouse, it could have down poured suddenly, and that smile would be on his face. His father would, of course have his head for this, but Trunks was as much a human as he was a Saiya-jin, so he could make his own decisions without reprimand. After the slight pause he was relieved a little-no one had used her pass key. But that doesn't mean she was entirely safe still. Walking past the gatehouse he, of course, nodded towards the guard. Following her they had finally made it to her home. Nothing--he sensed nothing..but then again, most humans power signals were extremely low, hard to notice when one usually deals with high power signals.:: Indeed, we're here; and I can't sense anyone there..

Dakuri Tsumari: :Dakuri smiled a bit relieved by his words. That he felt nothing comforted her to no end, perhaps then it was her imagination gone amuck and she could relax now. Leaning over she planted a gently kiss on his cheek, then slowly slipped the spare key from the planter beside the door into the lock, she pushed the door allowing it to drift open, peering into the darkness she saw nothing, heard nothing, looking back at Trunks hesitantly, she felt around the corner for the light switch, flipping in up illuminating the small apartment. Looking around her furnishings were modern in style, but sparse: Well I guess we can head in, it looks safe enough.

Exalted Trunks: ::Nothing...he sensed nothing still, well, filtering out the small signals from the city, and the other residents, there was nothing different. That dumb blush of his grew an even brighter shade of red, from her gentile kiss. As the door swung open, he quickly looked to his left, a habit..but the two were safe; he'd bet his life on it. As the room slowly lit up, he took it all in. He would probably live somewhere like this-if he needed to.:: Yeah, we can, can't we. ::With those words he took a step in, and turned to the door, almost 'ushering' Dakuri in.:: It's safe..

Dakuri Tsumari: :she sighs stepping inside, so glad to be home, alive, and relatively unscathed. At one point in time that day she had been certain she would die, and worse, as luck would have it her savior's in the form of the handsome young man, with the most captivating eyes shed ever seen, had come to her rescue. She owed him so much and yet she sensed he'd ask for nothing in return, it hardly seemed his nature, so quiet shy, gentle. She smiled to herself, turning to close the door behind them, locking it securing the safety chain, then turning back, heading past him into the little kitchen, he could see her over the breakfast bar: Can I offer you something to drink? :Opening the fridge she grabbed a cherry cola and stood smiling waiting for his answer:

Exalted Trunks: ::This night had about the strangest turn of events that he could possibly imagine. It all started with his flight so he could go train..an anti-productive night compared to what had happened. He had found this woman in the middle of nowhere, and saved her. She was cute, to boot; how could he not like the night. Like himself she had asked for nothing in return except his company, which he was glad to give-even if he wasn't that sociable. Her question caught him in his thoughts.:: Oh! Sure, whatever you're having. ::After responding he brought his hand to his lip, deep in thought.::

Dakuri Tsumari: :she smiled grabbing a second can of cherry soda, for a moment a frown knit her brow as she headed into the living room toward the couch, setting them down on the coffee table: I hope a cans ok, I'm really informal, not many guests. :she sat on the huge black cushiony sofa, patting the cushion next to her, grabbing a remote from the table. She turned a bit angling at a cabinet to her left, and the mellow strains of music filled the air: I have tons of CDs if you'd like to look them over, we can listen to anything you'd like.. :she returned her gaze to his, studying the exact shade of his gorgeous twins, thinking them the most lovely shade she had ever seen:

Exalted Trunks: ::He nodded once, moving his hand back down to his side; starting towards the black sofa.:: Not many guests, I know the feeling; believe me. ::His expression changed, neither happy or sad; he just reminded himself about how his friends perceived him. He sat right where she had 'instructed', right next to her, a smile tugging on his lips once more.:: Actually, anything's alright with me. So, ah, just pick your favorite, and I'll go with it. ::He was amazed, being that close to her, and he wasn't freezing up, or getting worried at all.::

Dakuri Tsumari: :she smiled listening to the slow Celtic ballads the lilted through the air: I love this, it's my favorite. :she smiled opening one can handing it to him, before opening the other, slowly raising it to her pink lips, sipping, she hadn't realized how thirsty she was all that time in the dessert in the scalding sun had left her dehydrated, and she downed nearly half the can before setting it down. The surroundings were meticulous everything clean and in its place. Various art book and gallery catalogs covered her table. She loved keeping up to date with the newest work and many of the galleries had her pieces hanging in them. She smiled looking at him.: Well, not much to look at..I know but its cozy..Are you warm enough? I have spare blankets, are you hungry? I can make you that meal I promised..

Exalted Trunks: ::He listened to the chords, the melodies, everything.. He started to like the piece. Slow stuff was more his 'style' it seemed.:: Wow, I really like this..it's..nice. ::He took the can, not without nodding-a way of saying 'thanks'. Sipping slowly, it finally hit him, the Saiya-jin had huge appetites; nearly three-quarters of the can was depleted, before setting it down. He didn't really need it though...but it was nice to have.:: It's a nice place, ya' have here. I'm fine for right now. Remember I can withstand a lot. Er, as for the meal..how about breakfast, it's a little late right now..

Dakuri Tsumari: :Great she had hoped to use making him something as an excuse to feed her voracious appetite. She had not eaten breakfast and her kidnapping had transpired not long after that. Her stomach betrayed her issuing forth a loud growl in protest, blushing she smiled sheepishly. There was no hope that the music had drowned it out either it had made itself quite known, leaning over to the end table, she picked up the cordless phone, dialing quickly and waiting a brief moment: Hey Nathony, yeah, yeah I know, but you wouldn't believe the day I've had: she paused obviously letting the person on the other end answer offering trunks a small smile, reaching for his hand: Yeah, I've been better, it's a long story.. Say, can I get a large, Pepperoni mushroom, and black olives with extra cheese? Yeah same place as always.. Thanks doll I owe ya..bye :replacing the phone back on the receiver she turned back to Trunks: Tony and I are old highschool buddies, one of the few I still see. He goes out of his way to deliver on his way home...

Exalted Trunks: ::He smirked a little bit, holding back a small chuckle. If he had known she was that hungry he would have accepted her offer now, instead of waiting. He listened as she spoke into her cordless..wondering whom was on the other end. He breathed a small sigh of relief, as it turned out she was ordering her dinner. He kept quiet as she spoke, but not without grasping her hand -very- gently.:: Ah, I see. Must be nice to stay in touch with ya' friends. Good to see you're also going to eat after the day you've had..

Dakuri Tsumari: :Looking down at his hand she nodded before sinking back into the plush couch next to him her side pressing against his: Yeah Tony and his wife Luci come over now and again, they were highschool sweethearts, met at 16, married at 19, been happy since. I never met that person, that I just couldn't do without.. :her jaw snapped shut cutting off the words before they escaped *before you* the words echoed in her mind making her smile: So what about you surely as loyal and kind as you are, you must have many friends. :She leaned back her head instinctively resting upon his shoulder, as she gave a soft yawn, covering her mouth with a slender pallid hand: Sorry, I guess its all starting to catch up to me.. :her thumb gently caressed the top of his hand as she let her eyes drift shut listening to the music:

Exalted Trunks: ::He smiled as she leaned against his side, summing up the story of one of her highschool friends.:: It must be really nice, I guess, to find that someone..and to be married at 19..wow. ::He thought about that, he was in his late twenties...he had tons of 'fangirls', they simply adored his looks..nothing else. But this one was different, she had gotten to know him, somewhat...she was the only one who could tear down his walls..she was something special. That thought made him smile..never before had he thought about it. Sighing contently at her soft touch he finally spoke.:: It's alright, just fall asleep when it hits you. Don't keep yourself up listening to my story; there'll be another time. ::He smiled, expecting no response from her.:: My friends..I have quite a few yes, but we're not exactly normal friends. Strange and bizarre circumstances bring us together the most. And whenever we solve the problem at hand, we usually part.. But, we've done many things together..kept our friendships strong..

Dakuri Tsumari: :Even behind heavy lids she could picture his face as he spoke, his mellow voice caressed her ears serving to further relax her, it was if he was a fixture in her home, he made her feel so secure. Gently her fingers twined with his, as she listened to him talk, doubting somehow, from what she had learned his friends would be any less gifted then he. Not that it mattered to her, not as long as they were as pleasant as he was. Nuzzling half asleep against his shoulder a smile spread over her face, this was so comfortable, never in her life had she know anything close to this. This unexplained trust on a day when she felt as if she couldn't trust anyone she wasn't close to. They had met only a few hours prior, still someone she felt as if she knew a great deal about him. He had been so candid with her. The doorbell sounded and she was jolted wide awake her heart pounding her eyes wide, her mind racing. She couldn't stop thinking it might be her attacker coming back to finish what he had started. She gave Trunks a desperate look a plea to keep her from harm, before moving slowly to get up:

Exalted Trunks: ::He knew there were some things that could be expressed without words, this was one of those things. He was joyed that he didn't have to explain his friends to her-better yet the situations..that wouldn't have made for pleasant conversation with her. Softly, very softly, he placed his free hand down upon their intertwined hands..he loved every second of this. He had never been this open with ANYONE, but no one, so far, from around here didn't want to get to know him too well. Himself and her, however, were perfect together. He had opened up, shared so much with her; and had gotten it back. This was perfect..until the doorbell rang. He indeed sensed someone, but couldn't tell its intentions. Nodding, he stood, along with her and escorted her to the door. He then positioned himself where he'd be hid when the door was open..a precautionary measure.::

Dakuri Tsumari: :Taking a deep breath she wrapped her fingers around the door knob turning it ever so slowly. She paused for a brief moment taking a sideways glance at Trunks, composing herself, before pulling the door slowly open: 'ey Dak! What took ya so long eh? In the dark room again? :Tony's smile was friendly and she couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief: No , Ton. Long story let's have lunch day after tomorrow I'll tell you about it alright? :She smiled taking the pizza, opening the drawer of the desk next to the door, pulling out a small box. Her "pizza fund" as she liked to call it. Handing Toni a twenty she smiled, giving him a slight wave: Thanks Ton youre a lifesaver I owe you. :she watched as he walked back towards his car running outside the gate, then pushed the door shut and locked it: Mmmm..this smells so good, I'm starving.. :she turned clasping his hand, leading him back to the coffee table, where she set the pizza down, Heading into the kitchen she grabbed some napkins, and two more sodas from the fridge heading back in to plop down on the carpet, flipping the box open.: Sorry I'm not used to bothering with plates for just me..Do you mind?

Exalted Trunks: ::As she opened the door, he was ready for anything..if she would have screamed, his hand would have been through her door so quick. But luckily he didn't have to-it was her friend, he could almost tell by the voice before what he said. He too was happy, for one, it wasn't her attacker; for another...he didn't want to have to explain a broken door, and a possible transformation. He sighed softly, as to not be heard. "Tell him about it," he thought, "I wonder..what she'd include, and leave out..". He purged the thought, now was not the time to think about it. He followed her, hand in hand, to the coffee table and waited for her return. He couldn't help but chuckle at her unusual method of serving herself.:: Ah, it's alright, go right ahead and eat. ::He sat down next to her, crossing his legs at his ankles.::

Dakuri Tsumari: :The smell invaded her senses as she lifted the first slice, her stomach growling not waiting to wait even a second more she took a rather large bite off the end pulling the piece back gooey cheese stringing over her chin, she giggled to herself at the mess she had made. Oh well she had been starving; manners would have to come later. Taking a second bite, she followed it with the last of the soda, opening the second can, she looked over at him.: What kind of pizza do you like? :she smiled imaging his answer, taking another bite as she waited for his response:

Exalted Trunks: ::He couldn't help but actually giggle at her, very audibly in fact. Something he had never done. But, he would do the same thing if the situations were reversed. Downing the few droplets of his soda he too opened the other can..and another three-quarters of it were gone. Maybe he WAS hungry..but that'd wait. He had to make sure she was alright first. Her question caught him, it had been so long since he had pizza.:: Ahhh, the last time I had it, I had a Supreme, so yeah, that's what kind I like..I'm not picky, though. ::He nodded, his eyes shut, a huge smile upon his face.::

Dakuri Tsumari: :Finishing off the first piece she nodded smiling. Looking down at the pizza a second piece sounded so good yet she was quickly getting tire, dreadfully tired in fact, taking a sip of her soda, she set it down on the table again, and leaned her slender frame against his yawning softly, her heavy lids slowly beginning to drift shut: Supreme..I'll remember that.. :she spoke reciting his answer even though she was already half asleep. Cuddling up against his shoulder, her eyes drifted the rest of the way shut, the sound of his heartbeat , the feel of him close was all it had taken to lull her to sleep:

Exalted Trunks: ::He watched her every movement, studying her. He placed the almost empty can upon the tabletop. From what he could see, she was getting more and more tired, as expected. He looked to her face, only to see her eyes drift shut. Even her speech had the hint that she was going to drift off to sleep soon. The night..would soon be over. But he would never forget it, and he knew the two would meet again. As she lay against his shoulder, he found his hand tracing across her back, his hand finding a place on her shoulder. He softly rested his head gently upon hers, he too was drifting off to sleep..::