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Image Credits

Long Haired Trunks used in the table. http://www.imagenswiki.com/imagens/trunks-jpg
Trunks sitting on a rock. http://dbzgt77.weebly.com/future-trunks.html
Long-haired Trunks, holding his sword. Phrasing. http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/trunks/images/24615122/title/future-trunks-photo
Possible Kyle picture. https://zinian.wordpress.com/2013/03/14/el-mundo-del-fan-art-cxi/
The Mac OS 8/9 scrapbook image on the AIM Scrapbook page. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scrapbook_(Mac_OS)

This document last modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2016 13:46:46 PST.

I typed this on a keyboard from 2001. This automatically makes the page more legit.

"The Last Website" and all pages within are © "Oapboap"; like you'd want to steal content, anyhow. All images that are not mine belong to their respective owners. Image links will be shared in the "Credits" page.