You have just entered room "Garden."
Callous Squall has entered the room.
Draco Malfoy HP
: =P ::didn't know what to call squall's home::
Callous Squall
: Lemme guess... Trunks time?
Callous Squall
: Balamb Garden.
Draco Malfoy HP
: yea... :::shrugles:: screw it...its a garden
Iczer Three
: (( I just always call the place 'Random
Callous Squall
: Good 'nuff, sho 'nuff..
Callous Squall
: ::Stole that from Casey...::
Draco Malfoy HP
: XD
Draco Malfoy HP
: I wish casey was on..... ;_;
Callous Squall
: Yeah...
Draco Malfoy HP
: okie.....bring in trunks =/
Callous Squall
: Right...
Callous Squall has left the room.
Draco Malfoy HP
: no one else is on unless you want to fight a 4d92
Bishounen Trunks has entered the room.
Draco Malfoy HP
: o.o
Draco Malfoy HP
: w/b =P
Iczer Three
: ::A loud yawn was heard outside, followed by the floating form of Iczer3.
She was hovering in mid air, almost lying there, as she stretched her back,
and yawned again. With a few murmurs she turned on her side, and mumbled again,
before falling back to sleep::
Bishounen Trunks
: Thanks...
Draco Malfoy HP
: time to bring trunks in
Bishounen Trunks
: ::Works on an entrance...hopefully not long...::
Draco Malfoy HP
: you post first andrew.... ::closes his hentai shtuff::
Draco Malfoy HP
: (`��_�.��) Playing [Monolith - Battle Power
Iczer Three
: ::everynow and then, she'd bump into a wall or some such, as she drifted aimlessly
around the room. It didn't seem to faze her though; actually, she fell into
a deeper sleep, and began to snore slightly::
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] ::brings draco in to wake up Iczer:: []
Iczer Three
: (( Nuu!! .< ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: ::walking in, he is startled by the loud snoring of pretty Iczer, [] XD []
he brings a single choclate frog as he settles it on Iczer's tum tum::
Bishounen Trunks
: ::In stepped the Sayia-jin to the Balamb Garden Training centre. He was dressed
in his usual attire consisting of orange boots, loose-fitting grey slacks, a
loose black tucked in tank top, and Tapions Sword sheathed to his back. This
day being peculiarly nice, he forgoes his jacket. Taking a few more steps in,
he brushed one of those shoulder lenght rouge
Bishounen Trunks
: lavender strands...::
Iczer Three
: (( Chocolate Frog...? ô.ö ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((How is it...I go on ferever...))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] ::shrugs:: []
Draco Malfoy HP
: ::turning to see trunks, he waves::
Bishounen Trunks
: ::Not saying a word...he nodded to Draco. It seemed the Sayia-jin was a bit
too tired to speck. Hopefully this wouldn't effect his fighting skills...::
Bishounen Trunks
: *speak
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Or type for that matter...))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] okie...initial roll time []
Draco Malfoy HP
: Draco Malfoy HP rolled 1 6-sided die: 3
Iczer Three
: ::Somehow, after a time, she had drifted lower--and conveniently-- into the
area of the couch. Almost through navigation, it seemed, she landed gently there,
and pulled the blanket around her tightly, mumbling something about moonpies::
Bishounen Trunks
: Bishounen Trunks rolled 1 6-sided die: 1
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] come on....get something higher...DAMNIT!!!! []
Bishounen Trunks
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] ::moonpies:: []
Bishounen Trunks
: (( ::gets the honor he'll need it..:: ))
Iczer Three
: (( Wah? You have it in for moonpies?!? / ))
Iczer Three
: (( ::shuts up, and lets the fight.:: e.e;; ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: would you like to spar trunks? To bad, I'm coming... ::he runs to trunks as
he delivers a kick to his chest::
Draco Malfoy HP
: Draco Malfoy HP rolled 3 25-sided dice: 5 20 17
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Yeah...I owe ya...a SSJ fight...))
Draco Malfoy HP
: -3- []
Iczer Three
: (-3-)
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] Draco-3 Trunks-0 going up to 20 []
Iczer Three
: (( ack, lag. ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] trunks-3* Draco-0* []
Bishounen Trunks
: ::The youth stepped back a few steps, not in any sort of pain...but...this
wasn't a good start to the day...::
Bishounen Trunks
: ((So...should I have him go SSJ...? *Shrug* You seemed to want it last night...))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] nah.... ::will probly "run" again:: []
Iczer Three
: (( e.e;; ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((/ I wanted to test it out...but fine...))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] I MIGHT get dissconnected, my stepdaddy is hovering over the phone....
Bishounen Trunks
: ::Stepping forward aging, the youth clenched his right fist... He then rocketed
towards Draco...attempting to hit his gut...::
Bishounen Trunks
: Bishounen Trunks rolled 3 35-sided dice: 12 15 7
Draco Malfoy HP
: -1-
Bishounen Trunks
: ((/))
Draco Malfoy HP
: []] Draco-1 Trunks-3 []
Iczer Three
: (( No worries! You'll do great, andrew! ^^ ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((I'm just in a bad mood...lack of sleep...))
Draco Malfoy HP
: ::blinking from the attack, he grabs trunks by the hips as he power bombs
him to the ground as he makes his back slam on the ground:: []quiet gryphy....
::will get draco to humple Iczer: []
Draco Malfoy HP
: Draco Malfoy HP rolled 3 25-sided dice: 4 12 2
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] =/ []
Draco Malfoy HP
: -0-
Iczer Three
: (( ::curses Draco wiff even worserererer luck:: ))
Iczer Three
: (( =P Iczer'd never liek you, you molestededed her, big meanie. ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] XD!!!!! Its not molestation, its plain old love []
Bishounen Trunks
: ::The youth must have weighed too much, or something...for he just chucked
at Draco's attempt to lift him.:: and learn... ::The youth crouched
and then out of nowhere delivered an uppercut aimed for Draco's jaw...::
Bishounen Trunks
: Bishounen Trunks rolled 3 35-sided dice: 16 25 6
Draco Malfoy HP
: -4-
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] Draco-4 Trunks-3 []
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Watch and learn...heh...))
Iczer Three
: (( Veeery nice ^.^ ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: ::flying into the air from the uppercut, he extends his elbow as he attepts
to knock him with his elbow on his head::
Draco Malfoy HP
: Draco Malfoy HP rolled 3 25-sided dice: 17 1 24
Bishounen Trunks
: ((/))
Draco Malfoy HP
: -3-
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] Draco-4 Trunks-6 []
Bishounen Trunks
: ::The youth was caught by suprize, but before he hit the ground he caught
himself with his hands. This just send pain through his wrists.. ((Trunks is
hard headed...?)) Leaping into the air...he then preformed a simple drop kick
aimed for Draco's shoulders...::
Bishounen Trunks
: Bishounen Trunks rolled 3 35-sided dice: 35 32 20
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Wow...))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] ::doesn't know:: []
Bishounen Trunks
: (11)
Iczer Three
: (( daaayum. ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] Draco-15 Trunks-6 =/ []
Bishounen Trunks
: (( that Draco's in the floor...))
Iczer Three
: (( XD ))
Bishounen Trunks
: (( that Draco's in China...))
Iczer Three
: (( ::Draco pulls himself from the Draco shaped hole in the ground....:: ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: ::falling on his arse from the pain, his broad shoulders taking most of the
damage, as he leaves a imprint of 5 feet, he stands up and runs to trunks, extending
his foot to collide with trunks balls once again:: [] =P []
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Had to put up a message...someone signed on that likes to IM Trunks...))
Draco Malfoy HP
: Draco Malfoy HP rolled 3 25-sided dice: 16 24 6
Draco Malfoy HP
: -3-
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] Draco-15 Trunks-6 []
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] Trunks-9* []
Bishounen Trunks
: was true that the foot collided with the 'area' but luckilly the
Sayia-jin had bought a steel cup before hand... (heh). Stepping back from the
kick...the youth then prefeormed a quick kick to Draco's midsection...::
Bishounen Trunks
: Bishounen Trunks rolled 3 35-sided dice: 11 25 23
Iczer Three
: (( Big meanine! Ima have Iczer kick Draco in the crotch!! .< ))
Bishounen Trunks
: (5)
Draco Malfoy HP
: -5?-
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] Draco-20 damnit... Trunks-6 []
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] ::gives him the damned 5 exp and 10 gold and levels up:: ^_^ []
Bishounen Trunks
: ((*Evil Trunks*))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((lesse...11x5...55...again.. LEVELS THE HELL UP!!))
Iczer Three
: (( -.- None of my chars will ever level.... ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] ::checks his HP:: []
Draco Malfoy HP
: Draco Malfoy HP rolled 1 25-sided die: 4
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] -.- []
Bishounen Trunks
: (( ::Has to do Trunks HP form lvl 1 to 17...:: ))
Bishounen Trunks
: (( ::Tries out his new dice...:: ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] ::changes his profile:: []
Iczer Three
: (( Iczer wants a fight.... =/ ))
Bishounen Trunks
: Bishounen Trunks rolled 3 36-sided dice: 12 6 10
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] ::tries out his new dice as well:: []
Bishounen Trunks
: ((/))
Draco Malfoy HP
: Draco Malfoy HP rolled 3 16-sided dice: 4 16 11
Draco Malfoy HP
Draco Malfoy HP
: Draco Malfoy HP rolled 3 26-sided dice: 12 22 21
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Erm...just ignore these next 17 posts...))
Draco Malfoy HP
: ^_^
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Ok..?))
Iczer Three
: (( kies. ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] wait... []
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] roll a 1d100 to see wut your starting HP is []
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Waiting...))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] thats wut I did []
Iczer Three
: (( ::never did that for any charries. o.o;; ))
Iczer Three
: Iczer Three rolled 1 100-sided die: 13
Bishounen Trunks
: ((I think it's a bit too late..I went with the 132...that you reccomonded
in the first MS...))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] okie []
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Now...for the 17 HP bonuses...))
Iczer Three
: (( ::throws his dice into the Fifth Level of Hell. ))
Bishounen Trunks
: Bishounen Trunks rolled 3 20-sided dice: 11 6 4
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] and gryphy...uh....just give your charrie 78 HP ::noddles:: []
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Iggy that..))
Bishounen Trunks
: Bishounen Trunks rolled 1 20-sided die: 8
Bishounen Trunks
: ((140))
Bishounen Trunks
: Bishounen Trunks rolled 1 21-sided die: 18
Bishounen Trunks
: ((!58))
Bishounen Trunks
: Bishounen Trunks rolled 1 22-sided die: 8
Bishounen Trunks
: ((164?))
Iczer Three
: (( 166 i tinks. ))
Bishounen Trunks
: Bishounen Trunks rolled 1 23-sided die: 23
Bishounen Trunks
: ((WOOO!))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] ::goes to make some americinzed chimichangas:: []
Bishounen Trunks
: ((189?))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] :smells his clothes:: I need to change... []
Bishounen Trunks
: Bishounen Trunks rolled 1 24-sided die: 9
Iczer Three
: (( 187 ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((196))
Iczer Three
: (( 196 ))
Bishounen Trunks
: Bishounen Trunks rolled 1 25-sided die: 25
Iczer Three
: (( 221 ))
Bishounen Trunks
: Bishounen Trunks rolled 1 26-sided die: 2
Bishounen Trunks
: ((/))
Bishounen Trunks
: Bishounen Trunks rolled 1 27-sided die: 12
Iczer Three
: (( 235 ))
Bishounen Trunks
: Bishounen Trunks rolled 1 28-sided die: 11
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Almost done..))
Iczer Three
: (( 246 ))
Bishounen Trunks
: Bishounen Trunks rolled 1 29-sided die: 23
Iczer Three
: (( 269 ))
Bishounen Trunks
: Bishounen Trunks rolled 1 30-sided die: 15
Iczer Three
: (( 284 ))
Bishounen Trunks
: Bishounen Trunks rolled 1 31-sided die: 23
Iczer Three
: (( 301 ))
Bishounen Trunks
: Bishounen Trunks rolled 1 32-sided die: 4
Iczer Three
: (( 307* ))
Bishounen Trunks
: Bishounen Trunks rolled 1 33-sided die: 29
Iczer Three
: (( wait! ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Two more...))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((284+4+29))
Iczer Three
: (( 340 ))
Bishounen Trunks
: Bishounen Trunks rolled 1 34-sided die: 6
Iczer Three
: (( 346 ))
Bishounen Trunks
: Bishounen Trunks rolled 1 35-sided die: 18
Iczer Three
: (( 364 ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((...I think I have enough HP...))
Iczer Three
: (( yeeeah... ))
Iczer Three
: (( I might have to turn to assasanation to get Exp.. / ))
Iczer Three
: (( assassanation* too. ))
Iczer Three
: (( bah.. forget it.. assassination* < ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Heh...))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Well my info's updated...))
Iczer Three
: (( I think the lack of sleep is catching up.. ))
Iczer Three
: (( Never has to update.. -.-; ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] o.o ::got 5 hours of sleep:: []
Iczer Three
: (( add some of these up there.. :: :: ))
Bishounen Trunks
: (( ::Got three:: ))
Iczer Three
: (( wb, DracoMun. ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] thanks...CALL ME NOEL DAMNIT! []
Iczer Three
: (( < ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Heh...I have too much HP...ya see?))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] gryphy....lets spar []
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] you'll level up...finally []
Iczer Three
: (( Okies... And nu I wont.. ))
Iczer Three
: (( Init roll ))
Iczer Three
: Iczer Three rolled 1 6-sided die: 2
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Am I just watching...?))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] yes you have 5 exp...if/when you'll get another 5
and move to 3d21 []
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Or a MS...?))
Draco Malfoy HP
: Draco Malfoy HP rolled 1 6-sided die: 2
Iczer Three
: (( I cant take you on, Andrew... maybe soon. ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] I"m fighting Iczer, you can just ref []
Iczer Three
: Iczer Three rolled 1 6-sided die: 4
Bishounen Trunks
: (('Kay))
Draco Malfoy HP
: Draco Malfoy HP rolled 1 6-sided die: 4
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] / []
Iczer Three
: (( < ))
Iczer Three
: Iczer Three rolled 1 6-sided die: 6
Iczer Three
: (( there we go. ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: Draco Malfoy HP rolled 1 6-sided die: 3
Bishounen Trunks
: ::The youth found his way to one of the Training centres colums...he then
leaned watch the next spar. As always he brushed one of those shoulder-length
rouge lavender strands back...::
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] ::gets the honor strike:: []
Bishounen Trunks
: ((My posts suck...))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] good god....that had to be stupid....some girl asked me if there was a
snow day.. ::lives in south texas:: []
Iczer Three
: ::Sh'ed been play sleeping for the last few minutes, but as Draco wandered
past the couch, she jumped up, and wrapped the blanket around him, all the while,
laughing for no apparant reason.::
Draco Malfoy HP
: ::being wrapped, he can't....see:: lemme out of here _<
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Yeah...someone *cough* Draco *Cough* Wants to catch up to Trunks...))
Iczer Three
: ::She batted him around playfully for a few moments, before jumping into the
air, and planting her hands on his head; she pushed him down sharply, and leapt
clear of him, still laughing merrily::
Iczer Three
: Iczer Three rolled 3 20-sided dice: 14 10 18
Draco Malfoy HP
: -1-
Bishounen Trunks
: (1)
Iczer Three
: (( to what? ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: :[] 20 []
Bishounen Trunks
: (I-0 D-1)
Draco Malfoy HP
: ::falling with a loud omph, he threw the sheets off of him, still energitic
from the last fight he runs to Iczer:: You want to play, we'll play.. ::he then
tackles her down to the ground:
Draco Malfoy HP
: Draco Malfoy HP rolled 3 26-sided dice: 5 17 16
Bishounen Trunks
: (2)
Bishounen Trunks
: (I-2 D-1)
Bishounen Trunks
: (( ::being lazy...:: ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((I Have to check something...carry on without me until I'm back))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] okie []
Iczer Three
: ::She fell back fro mthe momentum, and grabbed the little dwerp tight; they
both landed on the ground with a hearty thud, and after a moment, she hovered
them both into the air, quickly heading for one of the rafters; with him taking
the brunt of the impact on top::
Iczer Three
: Iczer Three rolled 3 20-sided dice: 20 16 6
Draco Malfoy HP
: -3-
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] I-2 D-4 []
Draco Malfoy HP
: ::as he his head was smashed on the cieling, he grabs Iczer and throws her
to the ground as he jumps off and lands on her gut::
Draco Malfoy HP
: Draco Malfoy HP rolled 3 26-sided dice: 3 14 2
Draco Malfoy HP
: -0-
Bishounen Trunks
: ((HOLY HELL! I'm a 3d37!!))
Iczer Three
: ::before she impacted with the ground, her eyes closed, and she dissappeared
fron Draco's view::
Bishounen Trunks
: ((*Happy*))
Iczer Three
: (( Cripes... you're a monster... even worse than before... O_O ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((I'm sorry))
Bishounen Trunks
: (( ::Was a 3d35 for the spar, though...:: ))
Bishounen Trunks
: (( ::Got two levels at once...:: ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] ::puts his dog Soc in his lap for good luck:: []
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Pardon this one other roll))
Bishounen Trunks
: Bishounen Trunks rolled 1 36-sided die: 33
Iczer Three
: ::She reappeared, standing gracefully over the rafter she had just sent Draco
into. Lifting both arms, she materialized those light blue shards of energy.
With another slightly annoying giggle, she leapt at Draco, slashing at him repeatedly
as she drove into a frenzy+1::
Iczer Three
: Iczer Three rolled 3 20-sided dice: 17 7 4
Draco Malfoy HP
: -1-
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] Draco-5 Iczer-2 []
Draco Malfoy HP
: ::as his robes were slashed, he brings his hand close to Iczer and gently
touching her cheek, he then squeezes her boobs once again with force:: [] XD!!!
Draco Malfoy HP
: Draco Malfoy HP rolled 3 26-sided dice: 24 19 13
Bishounen Trunks
: (( ::Needs 90 More EXP to hit lvl 20... 40 more fer lvl 19:: ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: -4-
Iczer Three
: (( JERK! / ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Ok, I'll procter ofter this tally...:: ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] Draco-5 Iczer-6 []
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Nix the :: ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Should the 'kinght' jump in...? e.e; ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Nah...))
Iczer Three
: ::Not with enough force to really do anything, she smacked him around about,
and then dissapeared when he was infront of the open doorway to the tavern.::
Bishounen Trunks
: ::The Sayia-jin...forced himself to stay spite of the current 'ongoings'...::
Draco Malfoy HP
: ::he yawns bringing his wand out::
Iczer Three
: ::Seconds later, a sonic boom was heard over the distant mountains, and a
blue flash rocketed into the room; She'd lead the attack with her fists, and
prayed that she didnt miss this one.+1 (( e.e;; ))
Iczer Three
: Iczer Three rolled 3 20-sided dice: 2 12 3
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Or not...))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] don't pray anymore... XD []
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Tria, teh Dice Goddess dun like yew...or something...))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((the))
Bishounen Trunks
: (( ::Finds a tally...:: ))
Iczer Three
: (( ::murders all living things...:: -.- ))
Bishounen Trunks
: (D-5 I-6)
Bishounen Trunks
: (That look right?)
Iczer Three
: (( yuppers. ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: ::watching as the sonic boom swishes pass him, he waves his wand around and
points it at a table, he then sends the table smacking into Iczer's chest::
[] ::sees if her boobies swell up:: []
Draco Malfoy HP
: Draco Malfoy HP rolled 3 26-sided dice: 18 22 11
Bishounen Trunks
: ((...))
Iczer Three
: (( Damnit! < ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: -3-
Bishounen Trunks
: (3)
Bishounen Trunks
: (d-5 I-9)
Bishounen Trunks
: (Right?)
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] yep []
Bishounen Trunks
: (( ::Doesn't wanna give anyoen an unfair advantage...:: ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((anyone))
Iczer Three
: ::The table caught her completely by surprise, and she fell with it to the
ground. After a moment of grumbling, she hopped straight onto her hands, still
holding the table in front of her, and gave it a sharp kick, sending it straight
at Draco::
Iczer Three
: Iczer Three rolled 3 20-sided dice: 2 17 19
Bishounen Trunks
: (2)
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] e.e nice comback []
Bishounen Trunks
: (D-7 I-9)
Bishounen Trunks
: (Who's gonna save this...?)
Iczer Three
: ::Her legs spun around in circles as she showboated, and then gracefull came
back to her feet::
Iczer Three
: (( I'll save it, promise this time.. ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ('kay)
Bishounen Trunks
: (Then either mail me a copy...or send me one...)
Bishounen Trunks
: ('Member my addy?)
Iczer Three
: (( roger Wilco, and such. ))
Iczer Three
: ((
? ))
Bishounen Trunks
: (Correct)
Iczer Three
: (( yay! ^_^ v ::remembered something:: ))
Bishounen Trunks
: (Oh...when yer done...check out what I wrote in teh updates on Trunks' site
fer last nights dice stuff...)
Draco Malfoy HP
: ::tripping over the table, he falls on his face as he crawls back up to his
feet, he waves his wand around once again as he sends 1 red spark into the air,
the red spark then comes down as it turns into a fireball to scortch Iczer +1::
Draco Malfoy HP
: Draco Malfoy HP rolled 3 26-sided dice: 6 12 13
Bishounen Trunks
: (0)
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] damn...modifer didn't help... []
Bishounen Trunks
: (D-7 I-9)
Bishounen Trunks
: (( ::He prances about happily.:: Only 90 more EXXXXXPPPPPPPPPP!!!))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] LOL... []
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] ::thought of a great spell to use on iczer...:: []
Bishounen Trunks
: ((I'll hit lvl 20...get my AWESOME Attack...and be happy))
Iczer Three
: ::She rolled to once side, laughing a bit, and formed a minute ball of energy
with her small, upturned palm. It grew in size after a moment, and it crackled
angrily; blue and white lines seething over it--she tossed it up into the air,
laughing like it was nothing::
Iczer Three
: ::Before the sphere came back down, she materialized an energy shard, and
batted the ball straight towards Draco:: Catch, Jerk!!!
Iczer Three
: Iczer Three rolled 3 20-sided dice: 14 17 3
Bishounen Trunks
: (1)
Draco Malfoy HP
: -1-
Bishounen Trunks
: (D-8 I-9)
Bishounen Trunks
: (Ya know...I've always wanted to do that, Gryphy...)
Bishounen Trunks
: (Catch a magic attack...and fling it back...)
Iczer Three
: (( heh.. one of my favourite types of attacks.. ))
Bishounen Trunks
: (( ::Wouldda copied Trunks:: 'Scuse me, is this yours!? ::Toss:: ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: ::popping his neck back into place, he resorted to his old spells...:: Engorgio..
::a silverish bolt comes from his wand as he sends the bolt toward her chest,
enlarging anything to gigantic purportions +1:: [] XD []
Iczer Three
: (( heh... ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: Draco Malfoy HP rolled 3 26-sided dice: 21 17 1
Draco Malfoy HP
: -3-
Iczer Three
: (( -_-;;;; ))
Bishounen Trunks
: (D-8 I-12)
Iczer Three
: (( ::shrugs:: What the hell?:: ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] ::watches to see if her boobies grow with his make big things grow spell::
Bishounen Trunks
: ((He had to take the hit...from the toss?))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Has...))
Bishounen Trunks
: (( ::Didn't see one...:: ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: ::slapping the ball away as his hand is burned, blahblahblah....::
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Heh))
Iczer Three
: ::She ran at Draco, and jumped high into the air, landing in mid air (?!)
behind his back. She lunged forward, and smacked the hentai in the back of the
head with the oddly-growth spurted chest of hers::
Iczer Three
: Iczer Three rolled 3 20-sided dice: 15 7 13
Iczer Three
: (( O_o;; ))
Bishounen Trunks
: (1)
Bishounen Trunks
: (D-9 I-12)
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] XD, spurted chest... ::made them 34 EE's:: []
Iczer Three
: (( that was just.... wrong. ))
Iczer Three
: (( I'm sorry Iczer-sama.. ;.; Ill be a good fanboys from now on.. ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((We all know what Draco has on his mind...))
Iczer Three
: (( I know, right? / ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: ::stumbling forward, he runs to Iczer as he jumps in the air and kicks her
Bishounen Trunks
: (( A.) Hit Trunks in the nuts. B.) Make Iczer's boob igger...))
Draco Malfoy HP
: Draco Malfoy HP rolled 3 26-sided dice: 17 21 5
Bishounen Trunks
: (3)
Draco Malfoy HP
: -3- []XD []
Bishounen Trunks
: (D-9 I-15)
Iczer Three
: ::her face, and some of her body turned sharply in reaction to the kick; also
in relfex, her arms shot up, and grasped the offending leg in their vice like
grip:: I hope you like leg splints!! ::She announced cheerfully, as she spun
on her heels, and brought the leg sharply down, over her shoulder::
Iczer Three
: Iczer Three rolled 3 20-sided dice: 5 7 18
Bishounen Trunks
: (1)
Bishounen Trunks
: (D-10 I-15)
Draco Malfoy HP has left the room.
Iczer Three
: (( Iwiniwiniwin..:: dances around the sacred coals:: ))
Iczer Three
: (( I know I dun really.. but its nice to dream.. =/ ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((De-fault...the three best words in the English language))
Iczer Three
: (( naw... I cant do that... ))
Bishounen Trunks
: (( ::test out his new dice...:: ))
Bishounen Trunks
: Bishounen Trunks rolled 3 37-sided dice: 32 9 36
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Daymn))
Iczer Three
: (( Ima have Iczer seduce Draco.... and then I'll kill him in his sleep!! ))
Iczer Three
: (( D ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((heheh))
Draco Malfoy HP has entered the room.
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Wb))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] ::cues draco's ending theme to power up or something, Godsmack-Awake::
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Repost))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] ty []
Iczer Three
: ::her face, and some of her body turned sharply in reaction to the kick; also
in relfex, her arms shot up, and grasped the offending leg in their vice like
grip:: I hope you like leg splints!! ::She announced cheerfully, as she spun
on her heels, and brought the leg sharply down, over her shoulder::
Bishounen Trunks
: (1)
Iczer Three
: Iczer Three
: Iczer Three rolled 3 20-sided dice: 5 7 18
Bishounen Trunks
: (d-10 I-15)
Bishounen Trunks
: ((I like this roll better...))
Bishounen Trunks
: Bishounen Trunks:Bishounen Trunks rolled 3 37-sided dice: 32 9 36
Iczer Three
: (( ;_____; nu fair.. ::meekly, as if he would get hit for being insolent::
Draco Malfoy HP
: ::falling to the ground, he clutches his leg, as he rebounds back up to his
feet, then stumbling to Iczer while punching her on the chest::
Draco Malfoy HP
: Draco Malfoy HP rolled 3 26-sided dice: 9 14 10
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] o.o []
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Aw, s'ok I just got lucky...))
Bishounen Trunks
: (0)
Bishounen Trunks
: (D-10 I-15)
Iczer Three
: ::She leapt backwards a bit, at each of his clumsy attempts to punch, and
then righted herself, and stuck out her tongue again:: Thhhppth! =P
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] XD []
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Heh))
Bishounen Trunks
: (( ::Wants Trunkies to take over...near the end of a spaaarrrr:: That'd be
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] []
Bishounen Trunks
: ((I'd be all cocky'd be funny))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] cock... :;snorts a laugh:: []
Bishounen Trunks
: ((tch))
Iczer Three
: ::Taking a short leap at him, she rolled into a semi-handstand, and twisted
her legs into a corkscrew, Sending repeated kicks at the hapless Draco's chin::
Iczer Three
: Iczer Three rolled 3 20-sided dice: 20 4 19
Bishounen Trunks
: (3)
Bishounen Trunks
: (D-13 I-15)
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Rickum rackum rackum rake...stick that sword into that snake!))
Iczer Three
: (( gah.. Im losing, and *he( has the Honour strike..? this sint good... ))
Bishounen Trunks
: (( ::Never used the honor strike...since he always had it and won..:: ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: ::falling backwards as the gash on his chin is opened again, blood comes pouring
out, he brings some to his hands as he rubs the blood together, and blowing
into his hands, he tosses the blood to the ground as the blood goes to the ground,
the earth shakes violently under Iczer as it slams her feet +1::
Draco Malfoy HP
: Draco Malfoy HP rolled 3 26-sided dice: 17 19 23
Bishounen Trunks
: (4)
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] sweet attack....I shouuld do it more often... []
Bishounen Trunks
: (D-13 I-19)
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Ya know..I just realized...I didn't burining attack last spar))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] good []
Iczer Three
: ::unable to hold her footing, she fell violently to the ground, getting bashed
up by the termoring ground badly. She'd had enough of that, though, and fazed
out of existence::
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Jafar, Jafar, he's our man...if he can't do it...GREAT!!))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] LOL!!!! []
Bishounen Trunks
: (( ::has to Burning Attack once a spar...:: ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((/))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] 2 4 6 8, sex can wait, MASTURBATE! =X []
Bishounen Trunks
: ((<~Cheering Squad...))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] I broke a ryme, and I can't ell the time. XD []
Bishounen Trunks
: ((e.e;; ))
Iczer Three
: ::::A few moments of eerie silence passed, and a rumbling was heard underneath
Draco's feet. A split second later, the boards of the floor erupted, sending
shards of wood flying around. Her flight continued on, and she grabbed Draco
along the way, flying back into the air with him. She didnt have the energy
to perform much else, so she merely slugged him in the guut a few times, as
they took the fight--
Iczer Three
: into the sky::
Iczer Three
: Iczer Three rolled 3 20-sided dice: 17 13 17
Bishounen Trunks
: (2)
Iczer Three
: (( hell yeah! ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((DOUBLES!!))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] [] doubles...damnit []
Bishounen Trunks
: (D-15 I-19)
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] sweet.. ::has a spell to make draco fly:: []
Bishounen Trunks
: (( ::Made Draco fly with Trunks' uppercut...then made him taste the floor
with the ELEVEN POINT ATTACK!!:: ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] -.- []
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Take yer hit...))
Iczer Three
: ::She delighted in the sounds she made when the punches connected, and drew
a bit of strength from it. She let her grip on him loosen, until she was holding
him by one hand. So satisified, she began twirling them both around at on obscene
Bishounen Trunks
: ((*Shrug*))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] okie []
Iczer Three
: ::She noticed his eyes taking on a glazed look, and ended it; tossing him
sharply into the air, she grabed him by the shoulders, and threw him back to
the tavern::
Iczer Three
: Iczer Three rolled 3 20-sided dice: 1 20 20
Iczer Three
: (( O_O ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((DOUBLE 20s!!!))
Bishounen Trunks
Draco Malfoy HP
: ::he is brought up into the air as his gut was punched, not losing any air,
he yells his magical words out:: Wingardium Leviosa. ::and falls to the ground::
Iczer Three
: (( Dances around the sacred coals for twenty + twenty hours::
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] ::DIES:: []
Bishounen Trunks
: (( ::Cheers and such...:: do we figure this...?))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] holy me... []
Iczer Three
: (( What was last score.? ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((One second))
Bishounen Trunks
: (D-15 I-19)
Iczer Three
: Yatta!! ::She gave a cheesy V for victory salute to no one in particular::
Bishounen Trunks
: (Then you got DOUBLE 20's!! ::Never EVER seen that happen...:: ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] ;_; []
Iczer Three
: (( I got beat by double twenties last night.. =/ ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Oh...))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Sorry))
Iczer Three
: (( I dunno how to figure it.. Im the idiot of the group when it comes to the
actual rules.. lol. ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Looks like the both of you could use a Senzu...))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] hm....
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Don't look at me to tally...))
Draco Malfoy HP
: :falling to the ground, a loud SLAM is heard as his back is bruised::
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] lemee check.... []
Iczer Three
: ::Slowly, she returned to the rather beaten up arena below, and sat down,
quietly looking around::
Iczer Three
: (( hell yeah! I'd say thats a pretty good first victory ^^;; ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] well...Draco-21 Iczer-19 []
Bishounen Trunks
: ::The sound perked the Sayia-jin. Standing, he investaged the last couple
of sounds. Seeing the now downed Draco...he just...stared at the victorious
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] PHUCKLE!!!!!! []
Bishounen Trunks
: ((10...lousy EXP fer...double 20's...?))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] ::HAS NEVER LOST TO gryphy....[]
Iczer Three
: ::HEr face perked up a bit, and her head lilted to one side, as an innocent
smile spread across her face. He shoulders gavea brief shrug, as if to say she
didnt know what had happened::
Iczer Three
: (( I only get 10 points? ;.; ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] yea....XD []
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] I only get 5 ex and 20 gold... ::is used to it:: []
Iczer Three
: (( ;.; Rassen Frassen.. well.. I've been in two other fights with Iczie, so
wouldnt I be a 3d21 now? ))
Iczer Three
: (( ::hopeseseseseses:: ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ::The youth..hopened his mouth...and tried to speak... ((You read my Mind))...but
nothing came out...:: ..AMAZING! ::He was finally able to shouth...he then grabbed
that bag of Senzu...steping by the woman...he topped:: I hope you don't mind...Draco
there looks more...injured...
Bishounen Trunks
: ((As fer EXP...I dunno))
Iczer Three
: ::she shook her head a few times, still grinning with a combination of innocence
and mischeviousness:: Not at all.
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] ::dies:: x_x []
Iczer Three
: (( Well, you automatically get 5 exp, even if you dun win.. so yeah, I think
She'd be at 2d21 now. ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ::He walked to whereever the hell Draco was... Kneeling down by him...he shook
out a Senzu...:: Here, pal... ::Tilting Draco's head up a bit...he placed the
senzu in his moth...:: It's a Senzu...
Iczer Three
: (( ::pokes Noel in the forehead:: You okie? ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((His pride is hurt...))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] so your 15/20 now gryphy in exp []
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] you need to fight....again and level up...if you want []
Iczer Three
: (( I thought =/ n/m okies. ))
Iczer Three
: (( Andrew, care to dance? XD ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ::Standing...the youth shook out another one of those magical...fruits(?).
He tossed it to the woman...:: Here...another Senzu...
Iczer Three
: (( e,e;; ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] ::will break out his unforgiveable curses in the next fight:: []
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Heh...Trunks can't dance...))
Bishounen Trunks
: (( ::had better watch that Senzu supply...:: ))
Iczer Three
: ::she plucked it out of midair as she had before, and swallowed it whole::
Domou! ::she waved her hand a bit, hoping he'd see the gesture, if not hear
Draco Malfoy HP
: ::his sences knock back into place as the senzu bean goes down his throat,
his energy filled...again, he jumps up to his feet, perker then ever::
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] look at the bright side gryphy....your charrie has big boobies now XD []
Iczer Three
: (( / I will murder you... ::tosses a twinkie at his head:: ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ::He heled up two fingers and brought them to his lavender a
manor of a salute, as a way of saying 'You're Welcome..."::
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] fight again? []
Iczer Three
: (( ::what he had forgot to mention, was it had C4 in it:: ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Trunks is too nice...))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] gotta break out the unforgivable'll see them.... []
Iczer Three
: (( ::it exploded, sending Draco to dissapear picturesquely over the horizon::
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] XD... []
Iczer Three
: (( Noel* rather.. ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((I wanna hit lvl 20...I got this AWESOME Sword attack I wanna break the seal
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] ::survives, staying put:: []
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] okie...fight agin gryphy? []
Bishounen Trunks
: (Brbish)
Iczer Three
: (( Kies. ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] iniital roll... []
Iczer Three
: Iczer Three rolled 1 6-sided die: 4
Draco Malfoy HP
: Draco Malfoy HP rolled 1 6-sided die: 6
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] e.e []
Iczer Three
: (( Damned.. ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((I wish I didn't work tonight...I wanna RP all day...))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((/))
Iczer Three
: (( heh.. So you're pretty much back into it, eh? ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((I guess so...I've found my 'nitch'...))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Private chat's are hella fun...))
Iczer Three
: (( Yeah.. me too... as the weakest of the Big Three.... -_-;; ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: ::he jumps into the air, obvoiusly pissed at his surprising loss, his shout
echo's trhought the tavern as his magic grows more powerful, upon impact, he
raises his wand...:: CRUCIO!! ::a black bolt emits from his wand as it shoots
toward Iczer, upon impact, the magic would put her in tremoundous and alot of
pain +1::
Draco Malfoy HP
: Draco Malfoy HP rolled 3 26-sided dice: 8 12 18
Draco Malfoy HP
: -1-
Bishounen Trunks
: ((And once we get our...classes going... we'll all be leveling up...BIG TIME!!))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] damn...for a unforgivng curse..that sucked []
Bishounen Trunks
: (( ::Isn't proctering...unless needbe:: ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] Draco-0 Iczer-1 []
Iczer Three
: ::She'd been sitting, and hadnt heard any signs of attack; the magik caught
her completely offguard, as was shown as she briefly blacked out::
Bishounen Trunks
: (( ::Hops in the mentality of Zell for a second.:: ::He lept into teh air.::
OHHHHH YEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH! (We're all gonna get levels...) ::He then returned
to Andrew/ Trunks:: ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] LMAO []
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Kuso!! Trunks is still in the middle of all this...!! ::remedies that situation...::
Iczer Three
: ::HEr eyes flickered open, after she regained most of her consciousness, and
rocketed along the ground, reaching straight for Draco's feet; hoping to take
him off balance, and possibly get another attack in, before the surprise wore
Iczer Three
: Iczer Three rolled 3 20-sided dice: 17 8 18
Iczer Three
: ( (and she* HEr eyes didnt rocket... thatd look odd and disturbing.. ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: ::losing his balance, he postioned himself as to extend his elbow and land
on Iczer::
Draco Malfoy HP
: Draco Malfoy HP rolled 2 26-sided dice: 20 18
Draco Malfoy HP
: -2-
Bishounen Trunks
: ::The youth...pasued for a second observing the spar. But he HAD to be an
observer...not a participant. A strange white auro surrouned him, and he lept
back to the nearest colum in Balamb Garden's Training Centre...::
Iczer Three
: (( ¬.¬ ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((I suck))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] reroll.for me []
Draco Malfoy HP
: Draco Malfoy HP rolled 3 26-sided dice: 18 9 14
Bishounen Trunks
: ((aura))
Draco Malfoy HP
: -1- [] for me []
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] Draco-2 Iczer-2 []
Bishounen Trunks
: ((All those that think I suck...raise their hands...))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((..))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] your post are better then FF []
Bishounen Trunks
: ((*Shrug* They could be better))
Iczer Three
: :: A bit of the attack to her one the side, but the majority of the force
merely glanced off of her side; she rolled away from the entanglment, and jumped
into the ai, herself sending an elbow straight at Draco's back::
Iczer Three
: Iczer Three rolled 3 20-sided dice: 4 4 12
Bishounen Trunks
: ((I'm too hard on myself))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] doubles..go again []
Draco Malfoy HP
: -0-
Draco Malfoy HP
: ::he rolled out of the way, still on his back as he catches his breath:
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Well one things for sure...neiter of you...get too hurt...))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] ;_; Draco is Gryphy's bro in IC land.... []
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] Draco's mom=Idy
Bishounen Trunks
: (( ::Has to get more Senzu from his 'mother':: ))
Bishounen Trunks
: (( ::Has no IC mother...:: ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((*Happy*)
Iczer Three
: ::She'd miss aimed that one terrible, and continued on towards the ground.
Rebounding griefly, she hopped back at Draco, and put a hand on his shoulder;
She materialized an energy blade then, hoping for it to puncture his shoulder::
Iczer Three
: Iczer Three rolled 3 20-sided dice: 20 14 6
Draco Malfoy HP
: -2-
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] Draco-4 Iczer-2 []
Draco Malfoy HP
: ::he winces as the blade leaves a prick of blood, standing up, he launches
Iczer into the air with a kick to her midsection::
Draco Malfoy HP
: Draco Malfoy HP rolled 3 26-sided dice: 10 19 25
Draco Malfoy HP
: -5-?
Bishounen Trunks
: (( ::Has never actully drawn blood with any of his weapons...only leaves scars...::
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Call me a wuss or something...I dunno...))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] Draco-4 Iczer-6 its a -4- []
Iczer Three
: ::Her face contorted a bitl into an expression that didnt look too well for
her. As she launched into the air, she managed to get ahold of his shoulders,
and dragged him along with her:: Going up? ::She said, laughing--taking on her
cheery demeanor once more.::
Iczer Three
: ::Drawing her arms fully back, she shot them forwards right afterwards, sending
him flying into the air::
Iczer Three
: Iczer Three rolled 3 20-sided dice: 19 3 20
Iczer Three
: (( I guess... just get damage for falling. ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] E_E!! []
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Aren't you a 3d21...?))
Draco Malfoy HP
: -3- [] if there was another double 20.... []
Iczer Three
: (( nopers.. Shell be 3d21 afterwards.. ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Oh, ok))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((But got 10 from teh spar...that leveled you...didn't it.../))
Bishounen Trunks
: *?
Bishounen Trunks
: *the
Iczer Three
: (( I dunno.. Im not good with the rules.. I just listened to Noel. o.o;; ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Lemme take a quick look...continue...))
Bishounen Trunks
: (( ::Scroll...scroll:: ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: ::he was launched into the air as he falls and lands on his back, it didn't
hurt as much, getting up, he clasps his hands together as his wands is in between
his hands, perhaps his new spell was going to work..:: Hassdo...Go....HADDO!!
::in the instance, a purple beam shoots out of his wand with enormous power
as it heads for Iczer +1::
Draco Malfoy HP
: Draco Malfoy HP rolled 3 26-sided dice: 11 13 15
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Yeah...a 3d21...yere lvl 2...))
Draco Malfoy HP
: -1-
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Little too late, though))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] Draco-7 Iczer-7 []
Iczer Three
: (( should I use it for the remainder of the battle, or just wait until next
time? ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((I dunno))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Whadda think, Noel...?))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] yea, he can go 3d21, just do a post of her powering up []
Bishounen Trunks
: ((A...delayed effect of the Senzu.../))
Bishounen Trunks
: *?
Bishounen Trunks
: ((/=? now...))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] lol....your beans must be stale then []
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Yeah...five months old...))
Iczer Three
: ::The force hadn't been all that much, and she winced as it cut through the
left side of her midsection. Slowly, she looked up, focusing on Draco with her
crimson eyes.--::
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Heh))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] XD []
Bishounen Trunks
: (( *Sigh* Bulma'll replicate some...or something...))
Iczer Three
: ::Slowly, various debris around her begans circling, and everything became
eerily quite. Her strange hair began flowing around, and the wind picked up
more, seeming to relvolve around Iczer's body.::
Iczer Three
: (( Im just winging this one.. e.e;; ))
Bishounen Trunks
: (( ::Just got a CRAZY idea...:: Maybe I'll use one of Trunks' capsules in
a spar...))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] this fight is second to the zero one I good []
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] Lol....yea, and we can fight in Hogwarts []
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] draco's school=Hogwarts []
Bishounen Trunks
: ((I mean...all we know is one has a Time machine...another has a set of clothes...I'm
guessing. That leaves two un-accounted for...))
Iczer Three
: ::After a few moments of the concentration, however, she became a bit tired;
Instead of melee comabt, she opted for long range, and produced a blue spike
of energy, which she tossed carelessly at Draco::
Iczer Three
: Iczer Three rolled 3 20-sided dice: 9 10 3
Iczer Three
: (( eep.. forgot.. Ill use proper dice next. ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((We gotta do a spar at Capsule Corp...once...))
Iczer Three
: (( that'd be interesting.. I'll read up more on the place, so I know what
kind ofs scenery to take advantage of in the fight.. ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: ::he blinks as the energy wizzes past him, with great agility, he high jumps
up to Iczer and grabs on to her:: Hello there.. ::he lightly kisses her cheek
as he throws her down to the ground::
Draco Malfoy HP
: Draco Malfoy HP rolled 3 26-sided dice: 4 10 19
Draco Malfoy HP
: -1-
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] Draco-7 Iczer-8 []
Bishounen Trunks
: ((to 20..I'm guessing...))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] yep []
Iczer Three
: ::Lifting quickly into a handstand, she performed the now tagline trick, and
began spinning furiously on her hands, sending a flurry of kicks at the prone
Iczer Three
: Iczer Three rolled 3 21-sided dice: 19 6 14
Draco Malfoy HP
: -1-
Bishounen Trunks
: (( ::Just realized...he COULD get 15 in one hit...:: HOLY HELL!!))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] this is good... []
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] All-9 []
Bishounen Trunks
: (( ::Quotes Vegeta...once again:: I'm the most powerful being in the universe!!))
Iczer Three
: (( Cripes Andrew... Trunks is like... going to go mad with the power.. o.o;
Draco Malfoy HP
: ::he wincies as he jumps back, he grabs a rock as he chunks at Iczer's forehead,
making a loud DOINK::
Draco Malfoy HP
: Draco Malfoy HP rolled 3 26-sided dice: 3 7 13
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] ::will never make draco throw rocks again:: []
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Doink. XD Stop stealing...))
Bishounen Trunks
: (( ::Brought Doink to spars..:: ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] the clown? []
Iczer Three
: ::the sound was produced as she raised a gauntlet; it pinged harmlessly from
the exterior, and she lowered her hand, shaking a finger at him:: Naught naughty..
Bishounen Trunks
: ((The sound...))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] LOL []
Bishounen Trunks
: ((I stole it from FF 8...the Tonberri summon. It said DOINK when it stabbed
Iczer Three
: ::Smriking a little bit, she burst into a dash, heading right for Draco's
front, but she apprubtly dissappeared::
Iczer Three
: ::Moments later, a shrill voice was overheard, and a sonic boom sent the various
leaves and rubbish spinning again; She appeared a moment later--a blue streak,
rocketing towards Draco::
Iczer Three
: Iczer Three rolled 3 21-sided dice: 12 2 5
Bishounen Trunks
: ((I want my mother to get hame soon.. I want my cell phone..))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((home))
Iczer Three
: (( that attack never flippin works.. =/ __
Draco Malfoy HP
: ::he slaps the sonic boom away as his hands burns slightly, running to her,
he sent his body weight into Iczer tackling her down::
Bishounen Trunks
: ((And when yer done with the fight...yer a 3d22...also...))
Iczer Three
: (( Oy.. Im getting tired too.. more typos than 'normal' ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: Draco Malfoy HP rolled 3 26-sided dice: 15 10 8
Draco Malfoy HP
: -1-
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] Draco-9 Iczer-10 []
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Aren't you...soo estatic (sp?)))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] damnit...and you got honor strike =/ []
Iczer Three
: ::She curled her legs around his, and pushed against his chest, laughing a
bit as she heard a bit of a dracking sound:: (( If it doesnt connect its just..
uh, like cracking your own neck, tension reliever e.e.;; ))
Iczer Three
: Iczer Three rolled 3 21-sided dice: 18 4 10
Draco Malfoy HP
: -1-
Draco Malfoy HP
: ::he was relaxed as she cracked his knees, it started to wear on as his knees
started to hurt, he kicked out of hte hold, and jumping up, landing on Iczer
in a body spalsh::
Draco Malfoy HP
: Draco Malfoy HP rolled 3 26-sided dice: 12 23 1
Draco Malfoy HP
: -3-
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] Draco-10 Iczer-13 []
Iczer Three
: ::A bit peeved at all the damage she was taking, she merely retorted with
a few small shoves to free herself. Again, she utilized her odd skills--not
caring if it offended those that didnt have it-- and fazed away, letting him
fall to the ground--::
Iczer Three
: ::She waited until he stood, and then jumped from the spot she had reappeared,
landing on his shoulders, gently, she squealed a bit--" Ya miss me?!" :: Before
jumping into the air with the both of them. She let go half circle, and watched
him fall towards the ground::
Iczer Three
: Iczer Three rolled 3 21-sided dice: 19 19 19
Iczer Three
: (( O_O ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] E_E []
Draco Malfoy HP
: -3- [] go again []
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] Draco-13 Iczer-13 []
Draco Malfoy HP
: ::he fell onto his back, in undoubted pain, he cluthced his back in agony::
Iczer Three
: ::She shrugged a bit, discounting what would be called honour for a moment,
and sailed straight at Draco, jabbing at his side from various angles::
Iczer Three
: Iczer Three rolled 3 21-sided dice: 10 1 11
Draco Malfoy HP
: -0-
Draco Malfoy HP
: ::in spite of his quick healing, he turned around, and lept up, sending a
donkey kick to Iczer's face::
Draco Malfoy HP
: Draco Malfoy HP rolled 3 26-sided dice: 21 18 3
Draco Malfoy HP
: -3-
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] Draco-13 Iczer-16 []
Iczer Three
: ::she flew back, griping in mid air about the toll this'd take on her face,
and rolled gracefully to her feet. Still mumbling obsceneties under her breath,
she launched a few quickly creates bolts of light at him::
Iczer Three
: Iczer Three rolled 3 21-sided dice: 17 10 10
Draco Malfoy HP
: -1- [] now go agin... []
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] Draco-14 Iczer-16 []
Iczer Three
: ::She flashed out of existance, deciding to take advantage of the time once
more, and appeared behind him, laughing::
Draco Malfoy HP
: ::he blinks as the lights blind him, covering his eyes::
Iczer Three
: ::she grabbed his midsection, and jumped into the air once more with him,
as they both began spinning::
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Backish...I was forced to eat a sammich...))
Iczer Three
: ::After a moment, she began free fall, and threw him to the ground in a semi-suplex...
well, kind of. +1 ::
Iczer Three
: Iczer Three rolled 3 21-sided dice: 16 1 21
Draco Malfoy HP
: -3-
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] AHH!! no... []
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] Draco-17 Iczer-16 []
Iczer Three
: ((.. heh.. this is a goood fight.. ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((WB Andrew.... Ty ty. ¬.¬ ))
Iczer Three
: (( Wb! ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] LOL!!!! []
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] w/b []
Iczer Three
: (( ack! o.o;; Im sorry.. ;.; ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Ty times 2...))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((S'ok))
Bishounen Trunks
: (( ::Unimportant at the moment...:: ))
Iczer Three
: (( I sorry... I just getting into this... I might win... again!! ::tosses
his cowboy hat into the air,... he has one, because hes texan:: ))
Bishounen Trunks
: (( ::Has oen too...but hes a Nebraska-jin:: ))
Bishounen Trunks
: (( ::But he never wears it..:: ))
Iczer Three
: (( Bah.. I dun wear any hat but my own.. a nasty, old nappy Nike hat.. ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: ::he fell to the ground as he laned awkwardy, getting up to his feet in tremoundous
pain, he decided to use his 2nd Unforgiveable Curse...he wvaed his wand in the
air..:: AVERDA KADVERVA ::a green haze floats over to Iczer as the fear of death
covers, draco was far to powerful though, as he could not contain it, as the
haze just merely caused iczer lots of pain::
Draco Malfoy HP
: Draco Malfoy HP rolled 3 26-sided dice: 4 26 2
Draco Malfoy HP
: -4-
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] 4 right? []
Bishounen Trunks
: ((..I haven't worn a hat...except fer Band and 6 years))
Bishounen Trunks
: (3)
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] k []
Bishounen Trunks
: (( ::Consulting the chart...:: ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] Draco-17 Iczer-19? []
Bishounen Trunks
: ((yup...))
Iczer Three
: (( damnit.. ;.; I dun wanna lose again... ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] damnit, that was a modifer....wouldn't have been a good thing ayways...
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] ::crosses his fingers:: []
Iczer Three
: ::she dropped out of the air, unable to retain her control over it anymore,
and landed in a nice heap on the ground::
Bishounen Trunks
: (( ::Waits...just waits..and makes a post for Trunks:: ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] break out the beans agian.... []
Iczer Three
: ::twitching a few times, she got to her feet, and launched At Draco, not caring
to emphasize any kind of sneak attack; merely opting for a tackle::
Iczer Three
: Iczer Three rolled 3 21-sided dice: 15 20 3
Draco Malfoy HP
: -3- -.-
Bishounen Trunks
: ::The Sayia-jin stood...anticipating the apex of combat. Reaching into his
pocket he pulled out the brown bag...and got 2 Senzu::
Iczer Three
: (( yup.. shes lost.. ))
Iczer Three
: (( wah? 3? ))
Bishounen Trunks
: (19-20)
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] yes.... -.- []
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] damn....and I don't have honro strike... []
Iczer Three
: (( how..? 20 ish only two right? ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Honor Strike...?))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] or do I? []
Bishounen Trunks
: (Yeah...and you got a 15...))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((2 and 1))
Iczer Three
: (( nupe.. you went first. ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((First grade math))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] ::blinks:: []
Iczer Three
: (( ack.. -_- Im bad with math. ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] so who had/has honor stike? []
Iczer Three
: (( I had Honour.. ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] ::DIES::
Bishounen Trunks
: (( ::Graduated...taking Calculus. Got a 90 in the class...:: ))
Iczer Three
: (( Weeeeeeee!!! ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Both of you get 5...))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Sad to say))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] this isn't possible.... -.- XD, ho well... []
Iczer Three
: (( gah! Only five? Chikusho... < ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((But...hey...a win's a
Iczer Three
: (( yeah ^^ ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] :is 3-6 in spars damnit:: []
Iczer Three
: (( well, I have a little more confidence in my abilities, now.. ))
Bishounen Trunks
: (( ::Has the only MS Victory...:: Heh))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] or is it...yea it is.... []
Draco Malfoy HP
: 15 more exp to level up to 7.... -.- []
Iczer Three
: ( ::Scampers off to update.. :: ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((40...til 19...))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] . []
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] <.< []
Iczer Three
: (( so She has... 25 exp now? ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] draco's mommy is on... []
Bishounen Trunks
: ((What was it before...?))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((I dunno...but I think...ya should get more then five fer a win...but that's
Iczer Three
: Ack.. well, I had ten before the set of fights today.. I fought twice.. yeah..
its 25 O_o ))
Iczer Three
: (( ::throws another set of (( up there :: ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: ::he lies in a heap on the ground, twitching::
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Oh yeah...))
Iczer Three
: ::She'd layed down on the ground, and closed her wide, red eyes, to drift
off into a loud, noisey sleep::
Iczer Three
: (( I dun really care about her gold... =/ ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ::The youth walked to wherever the hell Draco...was...again. Kneeling down
the youth though "Man, I tire of this job...'. He then placed a Senzu in Draco's
mouth.:: You know the drill...
Iczer Three
: (( Im too stupid to remember stuff liek that, anyhow. ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((You know the drill...))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] XD!!! []
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Poor Trunks))
Iczer Three
: (( dun Give one to Icz.. I'll have her heal normal-like.. ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Ok...))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((I'll toss her one...outta ya know...she can keep it if she wants...))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Sound good?))
Draco Malfoy HP
: ::he swallows the bean....again as his energy is filled, he lays there still
Iczer Three
: (( =P always have to be the nice guy..? Lol.. Okies, shell save it ^^ ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Yeah...Trunks is too damned nice...))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] ::thinks draco is horny as he watches him hump the ground instead of twitch::
Iczer Three
: (( O.o;; ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] =P []
Bishounen Trunks
: Here, catch! ::The youth exclaimed as he tossed one of the few remaining Senzu
towards the woman. The look upon his face...told of the...way he disliked this
job, but it was one that was needed to be done...::
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Woo! I'm teh GOD of worthless filler...))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((the))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] Lol... []
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] ::kills everyone with his devil dice:: []
Iczer Three
: (( heh... comic relief, perhaps.. ))
Draco Malfoy HP
: Draco Malfoy HP rolled 5 99-sided dice: 69 24 81 41 64
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] ::BAM:: []
Bishounen Trunks
: (( WHOA...:: ))
Bishounen Trunks
: Bishounen Trunks rolled 3 999-sided dice: 143 706 705
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] XD []
Iczer Three
: ::She grasped the bean as it glided towards her, and pokceted it, somehow--how,
in that outfit, was a good question, but I digress.-- And she smiled warmly,
before falling back asleep::
Bishounen Trunks
: (( can tell...Trunks wanted to spar. It's what he was made to do...he
gets bored just watching...))
Draco Malfoy HP
: ::he stops twitching as he takes a light nap::
Iczer Three
: (( lemme get back into a good mindset, and I'll bring Largo on.. you two can
go at it.. =/ ))
Iczer Three
: (( you guys wanna go back and terrorize GC for now? ))
Bishounen Trunks
: (( ::Just wants to roll his dice...:: Yeah...sure...))
Bishounen Trunks
: Bishounen Trunks rolled 3 37-sided dice: 22 35 22
Bishounen Trunks
: ((Dyamn...))
Draco Malfoy HP
: [] ::saves that log as it hurts his hard drive space:: []
Iczer Three
: (( heh.. ))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((9 and another roll))
Bishounen Trunks
: ((*Wicked mad evil*))