Link |
Description |
Home |
The main index page. |
About |
About this webpage & project. |
AIM ScrapBook |
A collection of quotations from AIM's "Gaming Chat", circa 2000-2001(ish) |
Classic Roleplay Stuff |
All of my old (2001-2002) RP stuff. |
-Trunks |
The page about Trunks. |
-Kyle |
The page about Kyle, if I ever make it. |
-Zif |
The page about Zif. |
--The Old RP Archive |
Every single thing I put on the Internets about AIM RP in general. Mainly logs and information about using Dice. Also, a good long 1on1 RP session. |
Links |
Obvious page is obvious. |
Credits |
Links to the sites where I have found the images for the site that I personally did not create. |
Gaming Chat |
A wrapper page for the apparent focus of the site, as of 2016. |
-Gaming Chat History |
A history and reflection of AIM's chat room, "Gaming Chat" from the heydays of it. |
-A Graphical Homage to Gaming Chat |
What it says on the tin. This page is here to invoke feels. |
-Gaming Chat The Fall |
A history and reflection of AIM's chat room, "Gaming Chat" from the heydays of it. |
-Gaming Chat 2: Electric Boogaloo |
A page containing links to the replacement to the AIM "Gaming Chat". |
-Gaming Chat LiveJournal |
A log file of the AIM RP community found on LiveJournal. Presented in chatlog format. |
-Gaming Chat A Detailed Study |
It is in this page where I find out why the "Gaming Chat" had such a huge impact for me. |
This document last modified Tuesday, 01-Mar-2016 16:13:06 PST.
I typed this on a keyboard from 2001. This automatically makes the page more legit.
"The Last Website" and all pages within are © "Oapboap"; like you'd want to steal content, anyhow. All images that are not mine belong to their respective owners. Image links will be shared in the "Credits" page.