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You have just entered room "Mass Spar."
Shoshuro Akuma has entered the room.
Shoshuro Akuma : This isn't really a mass spar yet...
Shoshuro Akuma : .
Shoshuro Akuma : <.<
Hosaka CFH : Lol
Hosaka CFH : I am getting people.
AndRappa Da Rapa has entered the room.
Shoshuro Akuma : I'm going to get slaughtered
Nevyn Galrion has entered the room.
AndRappa Da Rapa : ..A'rite. I guess I'll switch...
AndRappa Da Rapa : I might need an invite back...
AndRappa Da Rapa has left the room.
Bishounen Trunks has entered the room.
Shoshuro Akuma : ((This all of us?))
Hosaka CFH : [ I am getting two more people. ]
Hosaka CFH : [ Casey, if I bring that Nikyob guy in, will you behvae and just RP? ]
Hosaka CFH : behave*
Bishounen Trunks : ((Dunno...but I need an entrance...))
Bishounen Trunks : (('kay))
Bishounen Trunks : ((I'm...lagging...))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Holy Christ..we need to do teams..I'm much to weak to handle a free for all...no..I don't want that fucker anywhere near me..))
Hosaka CFH : [ Caaaaseeeey ]
Hosaka CFH : [ We'll get more exp ]
Bishounen Trunks : ((And a lag check...))
Bishounen Trunks : ((Gone...))
Hosaka CFH : [ Come on Casey ;.; ]
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Fine bring him in...we need to do teams though..my ass is weak))
Bishounen Trunks : ((How would we figure the teams...?))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((My weak ass and somebody strong...))
Bishounen Trunks : ((Heh...))
Hosaka CFH : XD
Nevyn Galrion : ((i'm 3d22...stick me on a team with Nikyob and beat on us...he's 3d20 :-D))
Bishounen Trunks : ((I'ma gonna have the SSj Trunks in...heheh))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((I'm watching Tokyo Raiders again..so I can use this for inspiration))
Bishounen Trunks : ((I just need luck...))
Shoshuro Akuma : Shoshuro Akuma rolled 3 20-sided dice: 17 12 4
Kid 07 Android has entered the room.
Shoshuro Akuma : ((I need more than that..))
Bishounen Trunks : ((::Tries something:: ))
Bishounen Trunks : Bishounen Trunks rolled 3 41-sided dice: 38 4 16
Kid 07 Android : --walks in -- thanx
Bishounen Trunks : ((/))
Shoshuro Akuma : Shoshuro Akuma rolled 3 20-sided dice: 7 9 2
Hosaka CFH : Hosaka CFH rolled 3 44-sided dice: 32 42 28
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Soooo dead))
Hosaka CFH : <^!!!!
Hosaka CFH : =D!!!!
Nevyn Galrion : Nevyn Galrion rolled 3 22-sided dice: 20 7 3
Hosaka CFH : wait
Bishounen Trunks : ((I'm more dead...))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((I'll take Hosaka .))
Kid 07 Android : [[ r we rolling ]]
Hosaka CFH : I'm 3d45 now
Hosaka CFH : Hosaka CFH rolled 3 45-sided dice: 40 5 27
Hosaka CFH : Hosaka CFH rolled 3 45-sided dice: 25 12 10
Hosaka CFH : Hosaka CFH rolled 3 45-sided dice: 34 28 42
Bishounen Trunks : ((/))
Kid 07 Android : [[ and for what ]]
Bishounen Trunks : ((::Still a f'n 3d41:: ))
Nevyn Galrion : Nevyn Galrion rolled 3 22-sided dice: 16 16 9
Hosaka CFH : Well
Nevyn Galrion : .
Nevyn Galrion : <.<
Hosaka CFH : We got five people
Shoshuro Akuma : ((3d20!!! I dun wanna hear shit .<))
Kid 07 Android : Kid 07 Android rolled 4 22-sided dice: 13 1 22 17
Hosaka CFH : so I guess we need to keep it off of teams
Hosaka CFH : Unless we can get another person in here
Shoshuro Akuma : ((What about Bobmynob or something?))
Hosaka CFH : LOL
Hosaka CFH : XD
Bishounen Trunks : ((Heh))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((XD))
Bishounen Trunks : ((::Still gonna go F'n SSj, to have a chance...:: ))
Nevyn Galrion : ((Nikyob))
Nevyn Galrion : ((stick me, Kid, and Nikyob on a team and beat our asses *LOL*))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Bobmynob, Nikyob..same blowjob different title))
Kid 07 Android : [[ yeah ]]
Bishounen Trunks : ((GOOD IDEA! Well, get tons of EXP, Jeff. *nod*))
Hosaka CFH : [ Hell yes ]
Shoshuro Akuma : ((I must agree...))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((That sounds fair to me .))
Hosaka CFH : [ XD ]
Bishounen Trunks : ((And neon.. *Almost forgot neon*))
Nevyn Galrion : ((heh))
Kid 07 Android : [[ what are they agreeing on ]]
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Teams have been decided..let's roll initiative))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((.))
Kid 07 Android : k
Bishounen Trunks : ((1d100))
Nevyn Galrion : ((waitaminnit))
Shoshuro Akuma : Shoshuro Akuma rolled 1 100-sided die: 38
Kid 07 Android : Kid 07 Android rolled 1 100-sided die: 21
Nevyn Galrion : ((Nikyob ins't here))
Bishounen Trunks : ((*Shrug* Refresher))
Kid 07 Android : [[ .< ]]
Bishounen Trunks : Bishounen Trunks rolled 1 100-sided die: 52
Hosaka CFH : [ he's gonna sign off and back on ]
Hosaka CFH : Hosaka CFH rolled 1 100-sided die: 54
Nikyob de Goblin has left the room.
Bishounen Trunks : ((HE BEAT ME!! /))
Nikyob de Goblin has entered the room.
Shoshuro Akuma : ((::Giggles like a schoolgirl:: I'm gonna level up))
Hosaka CFH : [ / ]
Nevyn Galrion : Nevyn Galrion rolled 1 100-sided die: 91
Shoshuro Akuma : ((XD))
Bishounen Trunks : ((Oh well, we're on the same team...))
Kid 07 Android : hey nikyob...
Nevyn Galrion : O.O
Kid 07 Android : half time no see
Nikyob de Goblin : ((hey..)
Bishounen Trunks : ((::Giggles too:: Trunks might be a SSj 2 after this!!))
Nevyn Galrion : ((91....wowzers.))
Nikyob de Goblin : ((indeed, heard you got your ass kicked by Jeff....))
Nevyn Galrion : ((-.-))
Kid 07 Android : [[ yes actually twice ]]
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Intros first? Or when our attack comes up?))
Bishounen Trunks : ((Shall we come IC?))
Bishounen Trunks : ::in:: ((Fukkit))
Hosaka CFH : ::Hosaka casually entered the room, standing beside Trunks, staring down his opponents..::
Hosaka CFH : [ Nevyn, don't type a fucking book okay? Just enter. ]
Nevyn Galrion : ((can i go magical?))
Bishounen Trunks : ((I'll be more descriptive later. *nod*))
Nevyn Galrion : ((¨.¨))
Kid 07 Android : -- fades into the room hoping to do some good --
Shoshuro Akuma : ::Kneels up someplace high..looking down at his teammates::
Bishounen Trunks : ((Maybe Trunks should go SSj now. Where's those pastes--posts..?))
Kid 07 Android : -- looks for Nevyn --
Nikyob de Goblin : ((what are the teams?))
Nikyob de Goblin : ((alhough I think I already know...))
Nevyn Galrion : *just walks her goddamn self in looking pissed off <*
Kid 07 Android : [[ should we go 3 on 3 ]]
Hosaka CFH : [ Akuma, Hosaka, and Trunks vs You three. ]
Hosaka CFH : [ XD ]
Nikyob de Goblin : ((damn.))
Kid 07 Android : k
Bishounen Trunks : ((heh))
Nikyob de Goblin : ((I knew it.))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((::Nodnod:: ))
Hosaka CFH : [ ::Heh:: ]
Nikyob de Goblin : ((ambush.))
Bishounen Trunks : ((Oh should I keep him offa SSj?))
Nevyn Galrion : ((we're gonna get our asses kicked together Nik))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((=D))
Bishounen Trunks : ((Or...))
Nevyn Galrion : ((:-D))
Hosaka CFH : [ We're going to go to 100? or what? ]
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Make him go SSJ if you need it))
Bishounen Trunks : ((Might take a bit...50?))
Hosaka CFH : [ Sounds good. ]
Nevyn Galrion : ((brb..peepee))
Kid 07 Android : [[ 50 ]]
Nikyob de Goblin : ((it happens. at least it is under this name, and not another....))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((50 sounds good...50 for the whole team? or 50 A piece?))
Bishounen Trunks : ((He doesn't need to go SSj, but my rules state he HAS to before the spar...))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((ooooo..ok then..No need for it I don't think))
Hosaka CFH : [ Go ahead and do it. I love an SSJ :-* ]
Hosaka CFH : [ XD]
Bishounen Trunks : ((Yeah. I'll wait for one-on-one...))
Bishounen Trunks : ((Mabbe a Ssj later, Jeeaf...))
Nevyn Galrion : ((back))
Hosaka CFH : [ :-* ]
Nikyob de Goblin : ((oh fuck....it's a slaughter....what is everyone's dice strength?))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Is it team points...or individual points?))
Kid 07 Android : [[ 4d22 ]]
Bishounen Trunks : ((yeah...state your dice...))
Bishounen Trunks : ((3d41))
Nevyn Galrion : ((3d22))
Hosaka CFH : [ 3d45 ]
Shoshuro Akuma : ((3D20 ;.;-))
Nikyob de Goblin : ((bah, 3d20...))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((::Slaughters winky face!:: FUCKER))
Bishounen Trunks : ((heh))
Kid 07 Android : [[ hhehehe ]]
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Now..is it team points..or individual points .<))
Bishounen Trunks : ((Ind., I think))
Nevyn Galrion : ((i don't even know what points are @_@))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Crizap))
Kid 07 Android : [[ indiv... ]]
Hosaka CFH : [ Nev goes first. ]
Hosaka CFH : [ then me. ]
Hosaka CFH : [ Then drew, right? ]
Bishounen Trunks : ((think so...))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((All right then...let's get this going...I'm after Trunks...))
Hosaka CFH : [ ah fuck, do the initroll again -_- I don't remember anyone's shit but those three. ]
Nevyn Galrion : ((do i attack whoever i want to on the other team?))
Hosaka CFH : [ Unless you all disagree. ]
Bishounen Trunks : ((Ok...))
Bishounen Trunks : ((Re-roll))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((We can re-roll))
Hosaka CFH : Hosaka CFH rolled 1 100-sided die: 36
Kid 07 Android : Kid 07 Android rolled 1 100-sided die: 85
Hosaka CFH : [ -_- ]
Shoshuro Akuma : Shoshuro Akuma rolled 1 100-sided die: 68
Bishounen Trunks : Bishounen Trunks rolled 1 100-sided die: 7
Hosaka CFH : [ LOL ]
Bishounen Trunks : ((7))
Nevyn Galrion : ((damn...but i got 91 last time))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((LOL Trunks))
Bishounen Trunks : ((/))
Nevyn Galrion : Nevyn Galrion rolled 1 100-sided die: 43
Nikyob de Goblin : Nikyob de Goblin rolled 1 100-sided die: 12
Bishounen Trunks : ((7...))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((2nd))
Kid 07 Android : [[1st]]
Bishounen Trunks : ((F'n last...))
Bishounen Trunks : ((/))
Hosaka CFH : Order is like this..
Hosaka CFH : Kid
Hosaka CFH : akuma
Bishounen Trunks : ((Brb))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((You can be cleanup Trizunks))
Hosaka CFH : Nevyn
Hosaka CFH : Me
Hosaka CFH : Nik
Hosaka CFH : and Andrew
Kid 07 Android : -- gets into ready stance --
Nevyn Galrion : ((i'm #3 i'm #3! ))
Nevyn Galrion : ((heh))
Kid 07 Android : [[ready? everyone]
Bishounen Trunks : ((Ok, let's...*Shrug* get REAAAAADDDDYYYYY!!!))
Kid 07 Android : [[ descriptive or not ]]
Nikyob de Goblin : ::waddles the fuck in::
Shoshuro Akuma : ::Sits in a high branch..looking over the battlefield::
Hosaka CFH : [ Doesn't matter. ]
Hosaka CFH : [ Both really. ]
Kid 07 Android : [[ are you in this akuma ]]
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Yes..))
Kid 07 Android : [[k]]
Kid 07 Android : -- is ready --
Hosaka CFH : [ then go. ]
Kid 07 Android : -- dashes at Hosaka at full pace bringing his knee up into his stomach --
Kid 07 Android : Kid 07 Android rolled 4 22-sided dice: 2 2 8 3
Hosaka CFH : -0-
Kid 07 Android : [[ ouch!!!]]
Bishounen Trunks : ::He just stood near the door way. Taking a few idle seconds, he unclasped Tapions Sword. Placing the blade on the ground, he romoved the Capsule Corp. jacket. Picking the weapon up agian, he re-clasped it...::
Hosaka CFH : [ but you go again ]
Hosaka CFH : [ you got doubles. ]
Bishounen Trunks : ((Indescriptive Andrew!!))
Kid 07 Android : -- recovering from the missed attack he back kicks him in the spinal cord --
Kid 07 Android : Kid 07 Android rolled 4 22-sided dice: 20 1 14 2
Hosaka CFH : -2-
Shoshuro Akuma : ::He flipped from the rafter that was his perch and kicked Kid in the spine, hoping to send him into Hosaka's waiting fist::
Shoshuro Akuma : Shoshuro Akuma rolled 3 20-sided dice: 8 11 8
Hosaka CFH : [ XD ]
Kid 07 Android : [[ doubles ]]
Hosaka CFH : [ You got doubles though .]
Bishounen Trunks : ((Doubles...))
Bishounen Trunks : ((Lag.../))
Shoshuro Akuma : ::He landed in a quick little roll, and hopped to his feet..punching Kid in the back of the neck::
Shoshuro Akuma : Shoshuro Akuma rolled 3 20-sided dice: 19 5 4
Hosaka CFH : -1-
Hosaka CFH : One person keep score for each team.
Hosaka CFH : Hosaka 2 Akuma 0 Trunks 0
Nevyn Galrion : ((you keep score Kid))
Bishounen Trunks : ((Sounds good...))
Kid 07 Android : k
Hosaka CFH : Nevyn, you keep score XD you're a little better atthat kind of thing ]
Kid 07 Android : brb
Hosaka CFH : [ XD ]
Bishounen Trunks : ((I'm still last, though...))
Kid 07 Android : ]][[*
Hosaka CFH : [ It's your turn nev. ]
Bishounen Trunks : ((/))
Nevyn Galrion : ((i am not, i suck at math))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Jeff..I jumped the gun..you didn't post after you got hit..my bad..))
Kid 07 Android : i got it [ is it team points or indiv ]]
Bishounen Trunks : ((We agreeed upon ind.))
Bishounen Trunks : ((I think))
Kid 07 Android : [[ k ]]
Bishounen Trunks : ((More lag.../))
Kid 07 Android : [[ thats cool ]]
Hosaka CFH : [ It's okay ]
Nevyn Galrion : *she drew forth Daria, who was singing he Sinfonia in F Major for some odd reason, strode forward, and slashed at Hosaka's arm, still pissed at him for messing up her girly parts*
Kid 07 Android : [[ lets go Nev ]]
Kid 07 Android : [[ void ]]
Hosaka CFH : [ I'll post thje taking of the hit in my post. ]
Nevyn Galrion : ((eh?))
Hosaka CFH : [ roll nev. ]
Hosaka CFH : [ Goddamn it. ]
Nevyn Galrion : Nevyn Galrion rolled 3 22-sided dice: 6 17 21
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Why is it taking her so long to roll o.o;;; ))
Hosaka CFH : -3-
Nevyn Galrion : ((he said void...i thought he wanted me to void my post))
Hosaka CFH : Hosaka 5 Akuma 0 Trunks 0
Bishounen Trunks : ((I only have like...two hours... /))
Hosaka CFH : [ XD ]
Hosaka CFH : [ So we had best hurry. ]
Shoshuro Akuma : ((LOL))
Hosaka CFH : [ It's my turn right? ]
Nikyob de Goblin : ((I have even less...))
Bishounen Trunks : ((These things take time...))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Sho nuff))
Kid 07 Android : Kid 1 Nev 0 Nikyob 0
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Less talk more fight))
Kid 07 Android : [[k]]
Bishounen Trunks : ((::gonna make his posts short...except for specials..:: ))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Deal..we all keep the post fairly short...Nevy...))
Kid 07 Android : [[ k ]]
Hosaka CFH : ::Hosaka winced a tad bit at the feel of Kid's foot connect, and then even moreso when he got slashed on his arm. Being as he was a dickhead at this kind of shit, he lunged towards Kid, and slammed his foot directly into his balls..::
Bishounen Trunks : ((Specials...gotta be descriptive, at least for me...))
Hosaka CFH : Hosaka CFH rolled 3 45-sided dice: 31 13 16
Hosaka CFH : -5-
Nevyn Galrion : ((shut up Casey -.-))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((:-* Nevy I love you))
Nevyn Galrion : ((so i'm creative and long winded...shoot me.))
Bishounen Trunks : ((Heh, luckilly my one GOOD special is on the Scrapbook))
Hosaka CFH : [ Hurry the fuck up Nikyob / ]
Kid 07 Android : [[ come on come on ]]
Kid 07 Android : [[ less talk more play ]]
Hosaka CFH : [ Nevyn 0 Nik 0 Kid 6 ]
Hosaka CFH : [ Hosaka 5 Akuma 0 Trunks 0 ]
Nikyob de Goblin : ::he watched, and shuddered as he saw Hosaka's foot get planted in Kid's balls, then shook himself and ran at Hosaka, and went airborne, intending to plant his foot square on his chin.::
Nikyob de Goblin : Nikyob de Goblin rolled 3 20-sided dice: 18 3 14
Hosaka CFH : -1-
Bishounen Trunks : ((My Turn, ne?))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Sho nuff))
Kid 07 Android : [[yup]]
Bishounen Trunks : ::Itching for combat the past few days, the young Sayia-jin, left at Kid, and delivered a kick aimed for his right arm...::
Bishounen Trunks : Bishounen Trunks rolled 3 41-sided dice: 40 21 13
Bishounen Trunks : ((With lag/))
Hosaka CFH : -8-
Bishounen Trunks : ((If I get lagged off, which might happen...re-invire me...))
Kid 07 Android : -- recovers from getting kicked in the balls, stands and waits for a second, then out of nowwhere he jumps behind Akuma, smashing his arm with a Hammer blow to the back of his neck --
Kid 07 Android : Kid 07 Android rolled 4 22-sided dice: 2 10 21 9
Hosaka CFH : -2-
Hosaka CFH : Hosaka 6 Akuma 2 Trunks 0
Hosaka CFH : Kid 14 Nev 0 Nik 0
Shoshuro Akuma : ::He smiled a bit behind his half mask as he stumbled fowrad, taking advantage he gave Nevyn a solid ridgehand to the temple::
Shoshuro Akuma : Shoshuro Akuma rolled 3 20-sided dice: 1 20 16
Bishounen Trunks : (3)
Hosaka CFH : -3-
Hosaka CFH : Kid 14 Nev 3 Nik 0
Kid 07 Android : kid 14 nev 3 Nikyob 0
Kid 07 Android : akuma 2 Hosaka 6 Trunks 0
Hosaka CFH : [ Nevyn goddamn it / ]
Nevyn Galrion : *her head jerked to the side at that, but she recovered swiftly and swiveled to be directly in front of Akuma, shooting her left hand out with index and middle finger rigid and spaced apart, to poke him in the eyes of course*
Shoshuro Akuma : ((/))
Kid 07 Android : [[ keep it short nev ]
Bishounen Trunks : ((I thought I had lag...))
Nevyn Galrion : Nevyn Galrion rolled 3 22-sided dice: 17 9 17
Bishounen Trunks : (2)
Kid 07 Android : [[ doubles ]]
Shoshuro Akuma : ((We are fighting the 3 stooges /))
You have just entered room "Mass Spar."
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Pay more attention))
Bishounen Trunks : ((Wb...))
Kid 07 Android : [[wb]]
Hosaka CFH : [ Ty .]
Shoshuro Akuma : ((wb)))
Nevyn Galrion : *she then tweaked his nose for good measure*
Hosaka CFH : [ x 3 ]
Kid 07 Android : [[ keep it short Nevyn ]]
Nevyn Galrion : Nevyn Galrion rolled 3 22-sided dice: 20 12 3
Hosaka CFH : -2-
Bishounen Trunks : ((If I do two huge posts, just read the Target in the second post...))
Hosaka CFH : Akuma 6 Hosaka 6 Trunks 0
Hosaka CFH : [ right? ]
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Now you're up Hosaka))
Kid 07 Android : [[ right ]]
Kid 07 Android : [[ Kid 14 Nevyn 4 Nikyob 0 ]]
Nevyn Galrion : ((we will be titled: the stupidest kamikaze dice team on the planet! X.x))
Kid 07 Android : [[ oy ]]
Nevyn Galrion : ((that includes you, Kid. :-D))
Hosaka CFH : ::he winced a tad bit as he felt nikyob's booted glaze against his chin, and ducked down low quickly, swinging his right leg against his ankle as fast, and as hard as possible..::
Hosaka CFH : Hosaka CFH rolled 3 45-sided dice: 10 15 23
Hosaka CFH : -3-
Hosaka CFH : Kid 14 Nevyn 3 Nik 3
Hosaka CFH : Akuma 6 Hosaka 6 and Trunks 0
Nikyob de Goblin : ::all he remembered was he was looking up Hosaka, then a second later he was looking at the sky. as soon as he pieced together what happened, he leapt to his feet, and with a cry of Bwaha! he pulled back his foot far enough so it touched his right buttock, then let it fly towards Hosaka's shin with great force and high velocity.::
Nikyob de Goblin : Nikyob de Goblin rolled 3 20-sided dice: 12 4 2
Kid 07 Android : [[ Shitskis ]]
Hosaka CFH : -0-
Shoshuro Akuma : ((XD))
Nikyob de Goblin : ((-.-;;damn, so much for the shin kick of Nikyob...))
Nevyn Galrion : ((*LMAO*))
Kid 07 Android : [[ rotf ]]
Kid 07 Android : [[ come on ]]
Nikyob de Goblin : ((::shakes a green fist at both Casey and his damn teammates::-))
Nikyob de Goblin : ((damn it...))
Bishounen Trunks : ::He then letp over to Nikyob, the one 'picking on his partner. With the amazing Sayia-jin speed he swept at his feet...::
Bishounen Trunks : Bishounen Trunks rolled 3 41-sided dice: 40 24 14
Nevyn Galrion : ((we're the three stooges kamakaze dice team, remember?))
Bishounen Trunks : (9?)
Hosaka CFH : -9-
Kid 07 Android : --shakes off the pain and slides under Hosaka, thrusting his foot into his knee cap hoping to snap it --
Kid 07 Android : Kid 07 Android rolled 4 22-sided dice: 4 18 16 21
Hosaka CFH : -4-
Shoshuro Akuma : ::He looked down at Kid just laying there..and lifted his right leg high, stomping across his nosebone::
Shoshuro Akuma : Shoshuro Akuma rolled 3 20-sided dice: 6 13 10
Shoshuro Akuma : ((/ That woulda been cool too))
Bishounen Trunks : ((yeah...))
Kid 07 Android : kid 14 Nev 3 Nikyob 12 [[ your tellinig me]]
Nikyob de Goblin : ((see, i'm not the only who knows the pain of 3d20..))
Kid 07 Android : Akuma 6 Hosaka 10 trunks 0
Bishounen Trunks : ((I knew it, but I won a MS with it...of course we were ALL 3d20's...))
Nevyn Galrion : ((hey, i sparred Jeff 3d20 and did damn good /))
Nikyob de Goblin : ((candy coated, chocolate covered, strawberry covered jeebus christ on a stick....))
Bishounen Trunks : ((next...?))
Kid 07 Android : [[ watch it Nikyob ]]
Nikyob de Goblin : ((what was the score of that fight Nevyn?))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Nevyn...you are up...make it snappy before I get slap happy))
Kid 07 Android : [[ please keep it short Nevyn ]]
Bishounen Trunks : ((It's 1:56 AM CST...I gotta be OFF by 3:30 AM CST... Get the picture...?))
Nevyn Galrion : *she continued to beat up on Akuma, this time directing a roundhouse kick to his left thigh(
Nevyn Galrion : **
Nevyn Galrion : Nevyn Galrion rolled 3 22-sided dice: 11 21 4
Bishounen Trunks : (2)
Kid 07 Android : akuma 8 hosaka 10 trunks 0
Hosaka CFH : ::Hosaka keenly slid around behind the goblin, dodging his shin kick completely as he suddenly winced a great deal from the sudden foot cracking into his kneecap. He then lifted one leg, and slammed his foot directly into the bridge of kid's nose..::
Hosaka CFH : Hosaka CFH rolled 3 45-sided dice: 45 34 29
Hosaka CFH : -14-
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Now that's how you do it!))
Kid 07 Android : [[ DAMN!! ]
Bishounen Trunks : ((::Claps for Jeff...:: ))
Hosaka CFH : [ heh that's what you get, bich =P ]
Hosaka CFH : bitch*
Hosaka CFH : [ ::clapped for:: =D ]
Kid 07 Android : [[ LHAO ]]
Bishounen Trunks : ((::Then raps likc the white boy he is...:: ))
Bishounen Trunks : ((like))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((That put Kid at 28...dizam))
Nikyob de Goblin : ::he praised the imp o' mischief for letting Hosaka ignore him for a moment, then decided not to press his luck with him, and meandered over to Bishounen, and his boot in the cleft of his buttocks with amazing speed::
Nikyob de Goblin : Nikyob de Goblin rolled 3 20-sided dice: 2 5 19
Nevyn Galrion : ((*ROTFL*))
Nikyob de Goblin : ((so basically i kicked you in the crack of your ass.))
Hosaka CFH : [ XD]
Nevyn Galrion : ((Trunks has a boot up his ass))
Bishounen Trunks : ::The youth lurched forward a bit, a kick to the rear was unexpected. Turning around he then quickly returned the favor to Nikyob::
Bishounen Trunks : Bishounen Trunks rolled 3 41-sided dice: 22 1 22
Bishounen Trunks : ((Heh))
Hosaka CFH : -4-
Bishounen Trunks : ((ooooo))
Nikyob de Goblin : ((...damn.))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Doubles...heh))
Bishounen Trunks : ((Doubles...))
Bishounen Trunks : ::Using the momentum from the kick, he then aimed another kick, this time for Nikyob's midsection...::
Bishounen Trunks : Bishounen Trunks rolled 3 41-sided dice: 25 25 27
Bishounen Trunks : ((I AM A GOD!!!))
Hosaka CFH : -9-
Nikyob de Goblin : ((gah...)
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Holy CRAP!!))
Kid 07 Android : [[ holy shits and giggles ]]
Bishounen Trunks : ::Completeling a full circle of kicks, this time the youth punched at Nikyob's right shoulder...::
Bishounen Trunks : Bishounen Trunks rolled 3 41-sided dice: 37 5 19
Hosaka CFH : -6-
Hosaka CFH : [ omg he just kicked Nikyob's ass XD ]
Bishounen Trunks : ((yes...))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((That's fo weal))
Kid 07 Android : KID 28 NEV 3 NIKYOB 31!!
Bishounen Trunks : ((::Did some Key style hurricank kick...:: ))
Bishounen Trunks : ((ken...))
Nikyob de Goblin : ((...I hate you, andrew, and you shall get a foot in the cleft of your balls next time.))
Shoshuro Akuma : hurricane*
Bishounen Trunks : ((hurrikane...))
Bishounen Trunks : ((BAH!))
Bishounen Trunks : ((I give up...))
Kid 07 Android : AKUMA 8 HOSAKA 10 TRUNKS 10
Bishounen Trunks : ((That's nice, Draco... Heh))
Kid 07 Android : -- flips up kicking Hosaka in the balls at full force -
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Nikyob is not Draco is he...o.o))
Bishounen Trunks : ((Nope))
Bishounen Trunks : ((Just went for a funny))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Oh..why isn't he rolling dice for that?))
Nevyn Galrion : ((TatsuyaSuo:Although some would say that fighting all together is a barbaric act I think there is nothing more exhilirating than punching another man's face in..and then you have the people who like to kick other people's cracks and yank their beaks))
Kid 07 Android : Kid 07 Android rolled 4 22-sided dice: 18 17 18 15
Hosaka CFH : -4-
Kid 07 Android : [[ wth ]]
Nevyn Galrion : ((XD))
Bishounen Trunks : ((Heh))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Um..Kid...you cheating?))
Kid 07 Android : [[ no... ]]
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Then why does your dice roll match your font?))
Hosaka CFH : [ Let it go Casey Lol even though he is ]
Hosaka CFH : [ just let it go ]
Kid 07 Android : [[ [[ nm ]]
Bishounen Trunks : ((next...))
Hosaka CFH : [ go casey. ]
Nevyn Galrion : ((have him re-roll))
Kid 07 Android : Kid 07 Android rolled 4 22-sided dice: 17 9 16 17
Hosaka CFH : -3-
Kid 07 Android : [[ sorry i tried ]]
Hosaka CFH : [ go again kid. ]
Kid 07 Android : -- regroups, jumping into the air and Hammer kicking Hosaka into the ground --
Hosaka CFH : ::Hosaka winced at the feel of a foot inbetween his legs::
Nevyn Galrion : ((if you wanna cheat, here's how you do it: Nevyn Galrion rolled 3 22-sided dice: 22 22 22))
Bishounen Trunks : ((Yeah...))
Kid 07 Android : Kid 07 Android rolled 4 22-sided dice: 20 20 13 3
Hosaka CFH : [ Why do I feel like that was a cheat too...]
Kid 07 Android : [[ this time no ]]
Bishounen Trunks : ((I dunno, just do))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((God FUCKING DAMN IT I know better...stop fucking cheating..that took to long to roll..you know you are cheating..so cut the bullshit and play fair))
Kid 07 Android : [[ i am not cheating ]]
Kid 07 Android : [[ that time it was all fair ]]
Nikyob de Goblin : ((double twenties?))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((You fucking lying mother fucker...roll it again..your dice should come up right after your attack))
Kid 07 Android : [[ i did not cheat ]]
Nikyob de Goblin : ((what significance does that hold in mass spar?))
Nevyn Galrion : ((not if he typed his roll manually))
Kid 07 Android : [[ i did not have it copy and pasted ]]
Nevyn Galrion : ((exactly))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Not 8 fucking lines after...type it in..copy it..and paste it everytime...I ain't having this cheating bullshit))
Kid 07 Android : [[ besides in a mass spar its just another double ]]
Hosaka CFH : [ Either way, does that hold the effect of knocking my ass out of the game? or is it just another double Andrew? ]
Bishounen Trunks : ((Well go with that...but then...))
Kid 07 Android : [[ its just another double in MS ]]
Bishounen Trunks : ((VOET!! Should it be just another double in MS..?))
Bishounen Trunks : ((VOTE...))
Nevyn Galrion : ((just another double.))
Bishounen Trunks : ((I'm battin' a 1000))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((It can't be an auto-win in a MS))
Kid 07 Android : [[ double, no KO ]]
Bishounen Trunks : ((I'm with that...))
Nikyob de Goblin : ((a double i be saying.))
Hosaka CFH : [ Aight.
Hosaka CFH : -4-
Bishounen Trunks : ((Take it as a double, Kid go again...))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Kid, your dice better show up no later than two lines after your post..or I'm spreading the word that you cheat))
Kid 07 Android : -- slides back again elbowing him in the jaw --
Kid 07 Android : Kid 07 Android rolled 4 22-sided dice: 18 15 14 20
Hosaka CFH : -5-
Bishounen Trunks : ((next...))
Shoshuro Akuma : ::After he saw the beating Kid landed on his partner..he forgot all about Nevyn..he hopped up and gave Kid a solid knee to the base of his neck::
Shoshuro Akuma : Shoshuro Akuma rolled 3 20-sided dice: 18 4 2
Hosaka CFH : -1-
Bishounen Trunks : ((Tally...?))
Hosaka CFH : Kid 29 Nevyn 3 Nik 31
Kid 07 Android : akuma 8 hosaka 22 trunks 0
Hosaka CFH : Akuma 10 Trunks 1 Hosaka 22
Kid 07 Android : [[ awww. i missed one thanx ]]
Bishounen Trunks : ((next..))
Nevyn Galrion : *runs over to Trunks and grabs his head, slamming it into the wall extra hard*
Nevyn Galrion : Nevyn Galrion rolled 3 22-sided dice: 13 13 5
Hosaka CFH : -0-
Hosaka CFH : [ go again. ]
Bishounen Trunks : ((<~Think Skulled, as Trunks *nod*))
Nevyn Galrion : *still holding his head, she slams it down into a convenient table instead*
Nevyn Galrion : Nevyn Galrion rolled 3 22-sided dice: 12 8 4
Hosaka CFH : -0-
Hosaka CFH : [Nevyn = can't hit shit. XD ]
Nevyn Galrion : ((¨.¨))
Bishounen Trunks : ((His bishi hair... /))
Kid 07 Android : [[ oy ]]
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Nik, your up))
Hosaka CFH : I am /
Kid 07 Android : [[ hosaka ]]
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Oh yeah...::Whistles innocently:: ))
WithnxTemptation has entered the room.
Nevyn Galrion : ((the dice like Andrew better than me.))
WithnxTemptation : [..Time to play the Game..::Grins::
WithnxTemptation : ]*
Hosaka CFH : ::Hosaka sprung up from where he was, wincing in air from the attack Kid laid on him. He rushed directly at Nevyn, not even hesitating one bit, he slammed his elbow into the side of her neck, followed up with a knee into the lowest part of her ribs..::
Bishounen Trunks : ((That they do. Now watch me get crappy rolls now))
Hosaka CFH : Hosaka CFH rolled 3 45-sided dice: 12 16 13
Hosaka CFH : -1-
Hosaka CFH : [ sorry, I had something else C & Ped on there. ]
Bishounen Trunks : ((Omit a now...form my post))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Damn Jeff...))
WithnxTemptation has left the room.
Nevyn Galrion : ((=P))
Nevyn Galrion : ((Jeff=can barely hit shit))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Nik, now you're up))
Nikyob de Goblin : ::he doubled over, then winced as the fist impacted upon his shoulder, and began limping to Akuma, and hoped the reprisal wouldn't be as brutal, although somehow he doubted it, and half heartedly attempted to kick him in the nuts, all the while hoping he wasn't in for a world of pain, but at the same time, he knew he was..:::
Nikyob de Goblin : Nikyob de Goblin rolled 3 20-sided dice: 13 5 14
Hosaka CFH : [ At least I can hit it Nevyn, and damn you had two tries. ]
Hosaka CFH : -0-
Nevyn Galrion : ((it's not like i control the dice Jeff, and it's pretty obious on those i didn't cheat.))
Kid 07 Android : [[ cmon ]]
Nevyn Galrion : ((obvious*))
Hosaka CFH : [ Stephanie, step one, remove the ass from the shoulders, and realize when Jeff is playing. ]
Bishounen Trunks : ::Barely missing the wall and table, the youth had to somehow repay the favor, he just simply kicked at Nevyn's midsection...::
Bishounen Trunks : Bishounen Trunks rolled 3 41-sided dice: 16 22 12
Bishounen Trunks : ((Lag /))
Hosaka CFH : -3-
Bishounen Trunks : ((Only 15 second lag...))
Nikyob de Goblin : ((I'm only a poor likkle goblin, Casey...you wouldn't...hurt me right?))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((No of course not...))
Bishounen Trunks : ((::Hurt the Goblin, like big time...:: ))
Nevyn Galrion : ((*waits for Casey to kick his ass*))
Kid 07 Android : - jumps above Hosaka after recovering from his assaults, kicking him directly in the eyes --
Kid 07 Android : Kid 07 Android rolled 4 22-sided dice: 17 16 20 6
Nevyn Galrion : ((XD))
Nikyob de Goblin : ((hates andrew like big time .<))
Hosaka CFH : -4-
Bishounen Trunks : ((It's not my fault!!))
Kid 07 Android : [[ LETS BRAWL PEOPLE! ]]
Shoshuro Akuma : ::He hopped around with the quickness, landing a quick roundhouse to the jaw of Nikyob..he only spun and landed in his basic fighting stance, his cold blue stare waiting for the odd one's counterattack::
Shoshuro Akuma : Shoshuro Akuma rolled 3 20-sided dice: 16 5 7
Nikyob de Goblin : ((gonna kick Nevyn in the shin when this is over like big time))
Hosaka CFH : -1-
Bishounen Trunks : (1)
Bishounen Trunks : ((next))
Nevyn Galrion : *she run over to Hosaka and used ehr monetum to leap into the air, her leg extended, to kick him straight in the face*
Nevyn Galrion : Nevyn Galrion rolled 3 22-sided dice: 3 3 5
Nevyn Galrion : ((ran*))
Bishounen Trunks : (Doubles...)
Hosaka CFH : ::Hosaka, being the skillful mother fucker that he is, dodged intime, remaining ducked and such..::
Bishounen Trunks : (( ::XD:: ))
Nevyn Galrion : *missing him somehow, she landed and spun around dropping low and sweeping his feet out from under him*
Nevyn Galrion : Nevyn Galrion rolled 3 22-sided dice: 10 10 2
Bishounen Trunks : (Doubles...)
Hosaka CFH : [ <^ Hahaha ]
Kid 07 Android : [[whoa]]
Bishounen Trunks : ((She's a god, like Trunks...))
Kid 07 Android : [[ 2 doubles 2 misses ]]
Shoshuro Akuma : ((She gets doubles 3 out of 5 rolls))
Nevyn Galrion : *failing that somehow, and now pissed, she jumped u and flipped over in midair, hoping to land straight on top of his head*
Nevyn Galrion : Nevyn Galrion rolled 3 22-sided dice: 21 18 16
Bishounen Trunks : ((Execpt, I did hella damage...))
Nevyn Galrion : ((woohoo))
Bishounen Trunks : (4)
Hosaka CFH : -4-
Hosaka CFH : [ wtf is this? Let's gang bang Hosaka ?! ]
Kid 07 Android : [[ score ]]
Shoshuro Akuma : ((::Shrug:: I dunno..))
Nevyn Galrion : ((there isn't any question about me cheating is there? -.-))
Kid 07 Android : KID 29 NEV 7 NIKYOB 32
Bishounen Trunks : ((...Yes, Jeff. It is, we love you and wanna 'gang' bang you. :-*))
Bishounen Trunks : ((::Never posted that:: ¨.¨))
Kid 07 Android : AKUMA 10 HOSAKA 30 TRUNKS 1 ]]
Kid 07 Android : [[ CMON ]]
Shoshuro Akuma : ((I think we should let all rolls be handled by a designated person from now on..a gamemaster))
Bishounen Trunks : ((The proctoring...?))
Bishounen Trunks : ((Who's Trun, too?))
Nevyn Galrion : ((no.))
Hosaka CFH : ::Hosaka easily sidestepped the sweepkick, but he wasn't so fortunate in dodging the girl coming from above. It pushed his skull into the ground, but never the less, he flipped up to his feet, and landed on her back side, quickly throwing a badass elbow into the base of her spine, followed up with a kick to the back of her knee..::
Hosaka CFH : Hosaka CFH rolled 3 45-sided dice: 2 45 12
Nevyn Galrion : ((if you think i cheat, say so and i
Hosaka CFH : -7-
Nevyn Galrion : 'll re rolls 50 times if need be))
Bishounen Trunks : ((Hoska, the bad-ass...*nod*))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((No..I think it should be handled by a designated person..so there is no question of cheating...no need to argue about it now...we will talk about it later))
Bishounen Trunks : ((I missed an a...))
Bishounen Trunks : ((Kill me now))
Kid 07 Android : [[nikyob up ]]
Hosaka CFH : [::does:: ]
Hosaka CFH : [ XD ]
Bishounen Trunks : ((::Dies...but Trunks' back:: ))
Bishounen Trunks : ((=P))
Bishounen Trunks : ((::does the Squall version of that face...:: P ))
Nikyob de Goblin : ::he felt his head snap around, and noticed that upon collision with the man's instep, he gained the ability to see stars. Then after he shook his head a bit, the pretty stars disappeared and something not so pretty was standing was there before him. he shook his head hoping the scary man was an illusion, but alas, he was not, and upon deciding it was real,
Nikyob de Goblin : and probably the thing that kicked him so fast, and so with all he could muster, kicked him in the universal male weak point, even if you are fast and frightening
Nikyob de Goblin : Nikyob de Goblin rolled 3 20-sided dice: 7 6 14
Hosaka CFH : -0-
Nikyob de Goblin : ((-.-;; damn it.))
Bishounen Trunks : ::The Sayia-jin once again rocketed to Kid, this time in hopes of tackeling him down...::
Bishounen Trunks : Bishounen Trunks rolled 3 41-sided dice: 41 33 27
Kid 07 Android : [[ ouch ]]
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Boo-yizaka))
Hosaka CFH : -13-
Bishounen Trunks : ((Woo...))
Hosaka CFH : Kid 41 Nevyn 11 Nik 31
Nikyob de Goblin : (( the dice are loaded, loaded I say!))
Hosaka CFH : [ brb people, don't post without me. ]
You have just entered room "Mass Spar."
Hosaka CFH : [ back. ]
Kid 07 Android : [[ update for hosaka ]]
Bishounen Trunks : ((WB, Jeeaf...you were kneed in the nizzos for 2 and 'diamond cuttered for 2...))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((You took 4...a knee to the nuggets for 2 and a diamond cutter for 2))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((late))
Bishounen Trunks : ((S'ok))
Hosaka CFH : ::He winced a little at the knee to the nizzos, and just kinda laid there for a few while he got diamond cuttered..::
Kid 07 Android : -- gets up --
Bishounen Trunks : ((Good 'nuff, sho 'nuff. ::Stole that from Neon:: ))
Shoshuro Akuma : ::He simply grabbed Nikyob my the back of the head and kneed him in the chin, leaping to drive the force of his knee into the little green creatures face::
Shoshuro Akuma : Shoshuro Akuma rolled 3 20-sided dice: 1 11 16
Hosaka CFH : -1-
Bishounen Trunks : (1)
Nevyn Galrion : *she walked calmly over to Trunks and twined her fingers through his hair, lifting him up by his head and swinging him around*
Nevyn Galrion : Nevyn Galrion rolled 3 22-sided dice: 4 19 8
Kid 07 Android : kid 42 nev 14 nikyob 33
Bishounen Trunks : (1)
Kid 07 Android : akuma 10 hosaka 34 trunks 2
Hosaka CFH : ::Hosaka sprung up from his laying position, and flipped on over to Kid, standing directly in front of him..: a knee to the nizzos eh..? ::He quickly ducked down, lifted up Kid's leg, and slammed his fist as hard as he possibly could into his nuggets, grinding his fist there for a few..::
Hosaka CFH : Hosaka CFH rolled 3 45-sided dice: 34 13 20
Hosaka CFH : -6-
Shoshuro Akuma : ((XD "Grinding his fist there for a few"))
Kid 07 Android : -- flies off against a tree --
Nevyn Galrion : ((o.o))
Bishounen Trunks : ((You wanna save this after we're done, Neon...?))
Nevyn Galrion : ((what tree?))
Kid 07 Android : -- cringes with pain relizing he'll never have kids --
Shoshuro Akuma : ((All right then))
Bishounen Trunks : ((I'll be puttin' on Trunks' site...))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Smooth))
Nevyn Galrion : ((*LOL* damn Jeff...you took out both mine and Kid's reproductive organs))
Kid 07 Android : [[ hehehe ]]
Nikyob de Goblin has left the room.
Kid 07 Android : [[ and i am only 5 ]]
Bishounen Trunks : ((Lagged off...?))
Nevyn Galrion : ((so that puts me and Kid out of the gangbang. ;.;-))
Kid 07 Android : [[ shit hes next to ]]
Bishounen Trunks : ((Wait...?))
Kid 07 Android : [[ he was next to, nikyob ]]
Bishounen Trunks : ((We'll chill for five minutes...if he's not back, we'll go on...))
Kid 07 Android : Score very grusome for me
Bishounen Trunks : ((48?))
Kid 07 Android : KID 48 NEVYN 14 NIKYOB 33
Shoshuro Akuma : ((That sucks for you guys..y'all fittin to die))
Hosaka CFH : [ XD ]
Kid 07 Android : AKUMA 10 HOSAKA 34 TRUNKS 2 <==
Kid 07 Android : [[ I AM NOT GOING TO DIE ]]
Kid 07 Android : [[ i will fade ooc before then ]]
Bishounen Trunks : ((Lesse...I'm gonna start figuring EXP... We won't kill here. No SL...))
Kid 07 Android : [[k]]
Shoshuro Akuma : ((You will still lose..and I will leech EXP like it's going out of style))
Bishounen Trunks : ((Killing should only be done in a DM, and IF it's serious...))
Hosaka CFH : [ XD ]
Kid 07 Android : [[ just remember the last persons of the winning team battle to ]]
Bishounen Trunks : ((Ah, I was wondering about that...))
Kid 07 Android : [[ for the 100 x-tre xp ]]
Nevyn Galrion : ((whose turn is it?))
Kid 07 Android : Nikyob's
Kid 07 Android : ::*;;*
Bishounen Trunks : ((be we're all gonna get the huge-assed EXP, though.))
Nevyn Galrion : ((he had to leave))
Bishounen Trunks : ((He has...two minutes to return...))
Bishounen Trunks : ((Oh...))
Nevyn Galrion : ((damn....2 vs. 3 now <))
Bishounen Trunks : ((My Trun then...))
Kid 07 Android : [[ me to trunks, major xp ]]
Shoshuro Akuma : ((I won't get the extra hundred...but I will be damn happy anyways))
Kid 07 Android : [[ me to ]]
Kid 07 Android : [[ looks like trunks will get it ]]
Nikyob de Goblin has entered the room.
Shoshuro Akuma : ((I thought losing only got you like...5 EXP))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Nikyob is up...))
Bishounen Trunks : ((...Yeah))
Nevyn Galrion : ((he returned! surprise surprise))
Kid 07 Android : [[ i doesnt know ]]
Bishounen Trunks : ((I'll check after we're done...))
Nevyn Galrion : ((your turn Nik...make it snappy))
Bishounen Trunks : ((45 minutes fer the bishi...))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Plenty of time...))
Bishounen Trunks : ((Maybe...))
Nikyob de Goblin : ::he blinked a few times, and realized the prettiful stars returned, and were in orbit around the man's knee, or was it his broken nose? he couldn't tell. all he knew was that the man was bringing his beautiful goblin face to ruination, and he couldn't let that happen, so he reached around the man's knee and aimed for his nuts.::
Nikyob de Goblin : Nikyob de Goblin rolled 3 20-sided dice: 17 9 10
Bishounen Trunks : (1)
Kid 07 Android : [["5 exps go to the loser of any spar."]
Nikyob de Goblin : ((my rolls suck old man ass...))
Kid 07 Android : [[ who were you hitting niky ]]
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Me))
Nikyob de Goblin : ((the guy who hit me last, akuma...))
Kid 07 Android : [[ k ]]
Kid 07 Android : [ trunks your up]]
Bishounen Trunks : ::After being twirled about by his hair a few times ((/)) the Sayia-jin crashed into a wall, but it didn't phase him much. He then rocketed over to Nevyn, sweeping at her feet...as a way to repay her, yet again...::
Bishounen Trunks : Bishounen Trunks rolled 3 41-sided dice: 20 17 37
Bishounen Trunks : (9?)
Kid 07 Android : [[yup]]
Kid 07 Android : -9-
Bishounen Trunks : ((next...))
Nikyob de Goblin : ((are modifiers applicable in mass spars?))
Bishounen Trunks : ((Yeah...))
Nikyob de Goblin : ((::grins:: goody.))
Bishounen Trunks : ((No one's done a special and/or modifer yet...))
Kid 07 Android : -- recovers from the assualts and duck low only then to uppercut Hosaka in the jaw
Kid 07 Android : Kid 07 Android rolled 4 22-sided dice: 5 11 6 13
Nikyob de Goblin : ((what's a speshul?))
Bishounen Trunks : (0)
Kid 07 Android : [[ shit]]
Bishounen Trunks : ((A flashy attack. More then the average punch and kick...or nut shot...))
Kid 07 Android : [[ what id a special ]]
Bishounen Trunks : ((Like Trunks' ki attacks, for example...))
Shoshuro Akuma : ::He smirked as he sprang over the goblin and snap kicked Kid in the spine, smirking beneath his half mask::
Shoshuro Akuma : Shoshuro Akuma rolled 3 20-sided dice: 1 14 20
Bishounen Trunks : (2)
Shoshuro Akuma : ((WOO-HOOO I DROPPED ONE))
Hosaka CFH : [ =D ]
Nikyob de Goblin : ((I could do one fer Nikyob, but it would be more humourous than flashy...))
Kid 07 Android : -- falls down and is OUT FOR ABOUT 3 SECS .. --
Nevyn Galrion : *she grabbed the little brat by his head again, and threw him as hard as she could*
Nevyn Galrion : Nevyn Galrion rolled 3 22-sided dice: 5 2 4
Kid 07 Android : -- gets up --
Bishounen Trunks : ((::Clap, clap:: Where's--OH there you are...jeff...))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((::Does a little dance::...Boo-yah))
Bishounen Trunks : ((Little brat...? Me...?))
Bishounen Trunks : ((Probably me...))
Kid 07 Android : [[thanx... for the Xp & Gp ]]
Hosaka CFH : ::Hosaka casually backflipped over beside Nevyn, and then honked his cock at her, before discretely placing the tip of his snakeskin boot into the side of her head, following up with a fist to the love handle..::
Hosaka CFH : Hosaka CFH rolled 3 45-sided dice: 32 39 31
Bishounen Trunks : ((XD!!! Jeaff!!))
Hosaka CFH : -13-
Shoshuro Akuma : ((DAAAAAAMMMMMMMNNNNN NNNNNNNNN You got knocked the fuck out!))
Hosaka CFH : [ LOL ]
Shoshuro Akuma : ((::Loves him some Friday quotes:: XD))
Hosaka CFH : [ XD Me too ]
Bishounen Trunks : ((Tally?))
Hosaka CFH : [ Casey you are so country XD ]
Kid 07 Android : kid gone
Hosaka CFH : [ Casey = more country than cornbread ]
Hosaka CFH : [ XD ]
Kid 07 Android : nev 36
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Country? Boy lyin!))
Kid 07 Android : nikyob 33
Kid 07 Android : akuma 11
Kid 07 Android : [[11? rain check ]]
Kid 07 Android : hosaka 34
Kid 07 Android : Trunks 2
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Holy shit..Nev is at 36 already? Dizam..that bitch fittin to be on her knees like a paid hooker))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((O.O;;; ))
Bishounen Trunks : ((Heh. Who's next...?))
Hosaka CFH : Nik ]
Nevyn Galrion : ((.<))
Bishounen Trunks : ((Aite))
Kid 07 Android : [[ hosaka, what is akuma at ]]
Hosaka CFH : [ He is at your momma's pussy ]
Hosaka CFH : [ XD ]
Shoshuro Akuma : ((11 I believe..I was at 10..till I kicked in the nizzos))
Kid 07 Android : [[ fuck off ]]
Hosaka CFH : [ XD ]
Shoshuro Akuma : ((XD))
Hosaka CFH : [ I am kidding Kid. ]
Bishounen Trunks : ((11's good...))
Kid 07 Android : [[ np ]]
Kid 07 Android : [[ 2 is better ]]
Bishounen Trunks : ((heheheheh))
Kid 07 Android : Fight!
Bishounen Trunks : ((*Evil Sayia-jin))
Bishounen Trunks : ((**))
Nikyob de Goblin : ::he watched, and almost felt insulted as the bastich deemed him not worthy of any time, then shrugged, pulled out some steel-toed boots and ran over to Hosaka to kick the cockhonker in the shin, and make that S.O.B scream like a bish, although that was more of a daydream, and reality often tended to be very different, as he sadly knew..+1.::
Nikyob de Goblin : Nikyob de Goblin rolled 3 20-sided dice: 13 14 5
Bishounen Trunks : (1)
Bishounen Trunks : ::Ignoring Nevyn for now, the youth rocketed over to Nikyob. Curiling his right fist he tossed a punch aimed for the Goblin's spine...::
Bishounen Trunks : Bishounen Trunks rolled 3 41-sided dice: 34 35 4
Bishounen Trunks : (9?)
Nikyob de Goblin : ((.<))
Hosaka CFH : -9-
Kid 07 Android : niky @ 42
Shoshuro Akuma : ((I'm up?))
Hosaka CFH : [ yes ]
Nikyob de Goblin : ((I really am gonna hit you in the damn nuts...))
Bishounen Trunks : ((Won't be the first time...))
Shoshuro Akuma : ::He hopped towards Nevyn..his palm beginning to glow as a glyph flashed on his forehead for a split second..he gave her a solid palm strike right between the breasts::
Shoshuro Akuma : Shoshuro Akuma rolled 3 20-sided dice: 19 16 9
Bishounen Trunks : ((Noe's Draco charrie has done it...three, four times...))
Hosaka CFH : -2-
Bishounen Trunks : (2)
Bishounen Trunks : ((Noel's, even))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Drat..I almost made that a +1))
Kid 07 Android : Nev @ 38
Nikyob de Goblin : ((hee, true, but seeing as I can't type too loudly, I can't be doing much in the way of descriptions...))
Nevyn Galrion : *she stumbled back a step, and then crouched and sprung forward, jumping high into the air and aiming a double front snap kick for his face*
Nevyn Galrion : Nevyn Galrion rolled 3 22-sided dice: 4 4 22
Hosaka CFH : -2-
Bishounen Trunks : ((S'ok...we all indescriptive...))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Mine or Hosaka's?))
Bishounen Trunks : ((Or mine..?))
Nevyn Galrion : ((you))
Nevyn Galrion : ((you're the one in front of me))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Who? I think we all attacked you))
Nevyn Galrion : ((Casey's, he was in front of me because of the handstrike thing))
Bishounen Trunks : ((You attacked her...last Neon...the hand to...yeah))
Kid 07 Android : AKUMA @ 13
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Ok then))
Bishounen Trunks : ((Next...))
Bishounen Trunks : ((I feel like a damned casting director. "NEXT!"))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Trunks..how much EXP am I going to end up with?..Do you have any idea?))
Bishounen Trunks : ((I'll figure it out...AFC for about 3 minutes...))
Nevyn Galrion : ((the losing team doens't have exp taken away from them do they? o.o))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((All right then))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Nope Nevy..you never lose EXP))
Nevyn Galrion : ((we don't gain any, though, when we mop the floor. ¨.¨))
Bishounen Trunks : ((450, Neon...))
Kid 07 Android : [[ YOU WILL GAIN 5 EXP. AND 20 GP ]]
Kid 07 Android : [[ FOR LOSING ]]
Nevyn Galrion : ((GP?o.o))
Nikyob de Goblin : ((damn, 450!? how?)
Nikyob de Goblin : (Gold pieces, for which there is no current use, but...))
Kid 07 Android : [[ gold points ]]
Bishounen Trunks : ((6*5*45/3))
Nevyn Galrion : ((whose goddamn turn is it?))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Sweet...450..what level will I be then?))
Kid 07 Android : [[ hosaka ]]
Nikyob de Goblin : ((jeffs.))
Bishounen Trunks : ((Good question))
Hosaka CFH : [ She got doubles you ding a lings / ]
Bishounen Trunks : ((3d36, but don't quote me))
Bishounen Trunks : ((28 minutes...))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Sweet @.@ GOD DAMNIT NEVYN...We should stop her from getting doubles if she don't pay attention))
Kid 07 Android : [[ 3d36 is correct ]]
Shoshuro Akuma : ((/))
Nikyob de Goblin : ((hee. coulda said sooner, you big a ding a ling. ::honks his green dingaling at him::-))
Nikyob de Goblin : ((damn it..))
Bishounen Trunks : ((::Murders the smiley...:: ))
Nevyn Galrion : *after landing she followed those kicks up with a hook kick to Akuma's left leg*
Nikyob de Goblin : ((i hate the smileys...))
Nevyn Galrion : Nevyn Galrion rolled 3 22-sided dice: 12 8 20
Bishounen Trunks : (2)
Bishounen Trunks : ((Next..))
Hosaka CFH : ::Of course, Hosaka winced at his shin being kicked, and then right after he saw trunks slam his fist into nik's spine, he whipped out Excaliwang, and jabbed furiously at Nik's eyes +1::
Kid 07 Android : Akuma @ 15
Hosaka CFH : Hosaka CFH rolled 3 45-sided dice: 12 13 5
Hosaka CFH : [ Damn ]
Hosaka CFH : [ ;.; ]
Shoshuro Akuma : ((XD))
Bishounen Trunks : ((Poor Jeeaf...))
Kid 07 Android : Nikyob @ 43
Hosaka CFH : [ My wang was too big, and he was too close. ]
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Those chicks from Dream are on again @.@))
Hosaka CFH : [ That's what it was. ]
Nikyob de Goblin : ::he groaned in annoyance and bared his incisors, and wirh a Bwaha! he clamped down on the young bish (short for his name, or me insulting him? i leave it to your imagination ^.^) and grinned as his teeth sunk into the flesh of his arm::
Nikyob de Goblin : Nikyob de Goblin rolled 3 20-sided dice: 10 11 13
Bishounen Trunks : (0)
Nikyob de Goblin : (damnish! .<)
Bishounen Trunks : ((His name is trunks, but ya wouldn't know ::post...:: ))
Nikyob de Goblin : (I would know, but I was going by the first part, or else the insult wouldn't work....))
Bishounen Trunks : ::Taking this chance, he just simply karate chopped downward at the Goblin's head...::
Bishounen Trunks : Bishounen Trunks rolled 3 41-sided dice: 23 33 39
Bishounen Trunks : ((Lots...))
Hosaka CFH : -11-
Kid 07 Android : Nikyob is OUT
Hosaka CFH : [ I wanna take Nevyn out Goddamn it ]
Shoshuro Akuma : ::He laughed out loud at the low hook kick the girl threw..everybody knows you have to throw hook kicks high and flashy..wich he did..he spun and threw his leg in a high hook kick to her temple::
Shoshuro Akuma : Shoshuro Akuma rolled 3 20-sided dice: 9 19 19
Hosaka CFH : [ I got the big dice here, and I haven't killed anyone. ;.; ]
Bishounen Trunks : (2)
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Yes!))
Bishounen Trunks : ((Doubles...))
Bishounen Trunks : ((Tally...?))
Shoshuro Akuma : ::He followed that up by grabbing her by the hair and slamming her face first into the ground::
Shoshuro Akuma : Shoshuro Akuma rolled 3 20-sided dice: 4 19 9
Kid 07 Android : akuma 15
Bishounen Trunks : (1)
Hosaka CFH : -1-
Kid 07 Android : nev 40
Kid 07 Android : 41*
Kid 07 Android : hosaka 35
Bishounen Trunks : ((Trunks...2))
Kid 07 Android : trunks 2
Hosaka CFH : [ Andrew, so help me God, if you take her out / ]
Hosaka CFH : [ XD ]
Bishounen Trunks : ((Well, who's next...?))
Kid 07 Android : kid and niky gone
Hosaka CFH : [ It's her turn. ]
Hosaka CFH : [ then it's mine. ]
Bishounen Trunks : ((Them mine..))
Kid 07 Android : [[ seeya Nev ]]
Kid 07 Android : [[ your toast ]]
Shoshuro Akuma : ((This Nelley Fertado or whatever her name is video is trippy..the trees all bouncing around her and crap))
Nevyn Galrion : *seeing as Jeff got to pull a...sword...she drew Daria hissing from her scabbard, the blade glistening and lunged forward at Akuma, ramming the sword into his midrift and twisting viciously and as far as the blade would go, shoving forward the whole time +1*
Nevyn Galrion : Nevyn Galrion rolled 3 22-sided dice: 22 20 11
Bishounen Trunks : ((Then we kick each other's asses for the 100 EXP bonus..))
Bishounen Trunks : (4)
Kid 07 Android : [[ then the winners fight ]]
Nevyn Galrion : ((5.))
Bishounen Trunks : ((4...))
Kid 07 Android : [[ to see who gets 100 x-tra xp]
Hosaka CFH : ::Hosaka quickly pounced behind Nevyn, seeing as he had Excaliwang drawn, he beath er about the head with it, just like rodney King and a nightstick..::
Hosaka CFH : Hosaka CFH rolled 3 45-sided dice: 20 30 15
Kid 07 Android : [[5]]
Nevyn Galrion : ((+1 o.o))
Bishounen Trunks : ((To what...))
Nevyn Galrion : ((wasn't it 5?))
Hosaka CFH : -7-
Nikyob de Goblin : ((you all had to pick on the loveable likkle goblin didn't you!? you bastards!!! ::shakes his fist from OOC land:::-))
Shoshuro Akuma : ::He managed to sidestep the killing blow, the sword ripping into his side and tearing away part of his clothes::
Bishounen Trunks : ((22=2 20=2...))
Nevyn Galrion : ((to what what?))
Kid 07 Android : NEV IS GONE
Nikyob de Goblin : (DAMN SMILEYS!!)
Kid 07 Android : WINNERS FIGHT
Hosaka CFH : [ I defeated her with Excaliwang XD ]
Nevyn Galrion : ((my attack was special))
Kid 07 Android : AKUMAS @ 15
Bishounen Trunks : ((You add the +1 to the highest dice...))
Bishounen Trunks : ((Or so I thought...))
Hosaka CFH : [ You're right 'drew. ]
Kid 07 Android : HOSAKAS @ 35
Shoshuro Akuma : ((It got +1..that makes it 23..it still only coutns for 2))
Nevyn Galrion : ((oh ok))
Nikyob de Goblin : ((yesh, well you got beat down by excaliwang, so it dun matter...))
Kid 07 Android : TRUNKS' @ 2
Bishounen Trunks : ((Anyhow....I getta rough you guys up now...))
Hosaka CFH : [ Aight, hold on okay? I'll brb. ]
You have just entered room "Mass Spar."
Shoshuro Akuma : ((The 6x5))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((err..wait a minute))
Bishounen Trunks : ((Highest dicer's side...))
Bishounen Trunks : ((I'm sitting here staring at the page...if you doubt me...))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((::Was all wrong:: I dun forget my times tables))
Kid 07 Android : <== ::UPDATES HIS PROFILE::
Nikyob de Goblin : ((gimme a link then.))
Nikyob de Goblin : ((I need to see.))
Kid 07 Android : cmon
Kid 07 Android : AKUMA 15 HOSAKA 35 TRUNKS 2
Nikyob de Goblin : ((So I can learn.))
Nikyob de Goblin : ((well, Andrew, gonna gimme a link, to that site??))
Kid 07 Android : http://members.aol.com/fieraazote/page5 .html
Kid 07 Android : there
Kid 07 Android : looks around
Kid 07 Android : make it a favorite
Bishounen Trunks : ((I WANNNA POST!! http://bishibishibishi.vitualave.net/RP /Dice/spartype.htm ))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((So post..foo))
Bishounen Trunks : ::He then faced Akuma, his own teammate... But that didn't matter at this time. He lept at the man in hopes of tackeling him down...::
Bishounen Trunks : Bishounen Trunks rolled 3 41-sided dice: 4 33 22
Hosaka CFH : -6-
Nikyob de Goblin : ((ohh....man you bishes are fixing to get some good exp...)
Kid 07 Android : AKUMA 121 HOSAKA 35 TRUNKS 2
Kid 07 Android : AKUMA 21* HOSAKA 35 TRUNKS 2
Bishounen Trunks : ((15 minutes...indescriptive as hell. *nod*))
Shoshuro Akuma : ::he snarled his protest as he let Trunks have a headbutt to the nose::
Shoshuro Akuma : Shoshuro Akuma rolled 3 20-sided dice: 19 18 18
Bishounen Trunks : (3)
Hosaka CFH : -3-
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Woo-hoo))
Kid 07 Android : AKUMA 15 HOSAKA 35 TRUNKS 5
Bishounen Trunks : ((Do another post...))
Shoshuro Akuma : ::He felt the blood on his forehead and gave Trunks another solid headbutt to the eye this time::
Shoshuro Akuma : Shoshuro Akuma rolled 3 20-sided dice: 19 5 5
Bishounen Trunks : (1)
Bishounen Trunks : ((Nother post...))
Kid 07 Android : AKUMA 21 HOSAKA 35 TRUNKS 6
Shoshuro Akuma : ::he rolled over on top of Trunks this time and Jabbed him right in the other eye like a kid on the playground::
Shoshuro Akuma : Shoshuro Akuma rolled 3 20-sided dice: 2 17 9
Bishounen Trunks : (1)
Kid 07 Android : AKUMA 21 HOSAKA 35 TRUNKS 7
Nikyob de Goblin : ((you mass spar a lot Jeff, 'cause I didn't think you started dicing all that long ago, and then all of a sudden you have 3d45....))
Bishounen Trunks : ::After the assult hr brought his hand to his face to hide a hurt nose, and a hurt right eye...::
Bishounen Trunks : ((he))
Hosaka CFH : ::Hosaka noticed his partners battling, and well hell, he decided to join in on the fun too, quickly leaping beside Trunks, he let him have a nice, quick fist into the side of his head..::
Hosaka CFH : Hosaka CFH rolled 3 45-sided dice: 42 15 38
Hosaka CFH : -11-
Hosaka CFH : -12-*
Kid 07 Android : AKUMA 21 HOSAKA 35 TRUNKS 19*
Bishounen Trunks : ::The hit from Hoaska musta been a good one, for the room just grew dark. But he took the chance, grabbing at Hoaska's leg in an attempt to trip him up...::
Bishounen Trunks : Bishounen Trunks rolled 3 41-sided dice: 19 26 29
Hosaka CFH : -6-
Hosaka CFH : -7-*
Kid 07 Android : AKUMA 21 HOSAKA 41* TRUNKS 19
Bishounen Trunks : (7...like it matters...)
Shoshuro Akuma : ::he didn't rise from his "mount" on Trunks..and he jabbed him right in the face once more::
Shoshuro Akuma : Shoshuro Akuma rolled 3 20-sided dice: 16 4 2
Kid 07 Android : AKUMA 21 HOSAKA 42* TRUNKS 19*
Bishounen Trunks : (1)
Kid 07 Android : AKUMA 21 HOSAKA 42 TRUNKS 20*
Hosaka CFH : ::Hosaka winced a bit as he was attacked, and then brought a pretty wild fist into the forehead of Trunks..::
Hosaka CFH : Hosaka CFH rolled 2 45-sided dice: 26 22
Hosaka CFH : [ Shit ]
Hosaka CFH : Hosaka CFH rolled 3 45-sided dice: 4 39 5
Shoshuro Akuma : ((I'll deal my 1 damage every time..I don't mind))
Hosaka CFH : -5-
Kid 07 Android : AKUMA 21 HOSAKA 42 TRUNKS 25
Bishounen Trunks : ::He closed his eyes...form the jab to the face...and then another fist to the face. This time he blindly jabbed at Akuma's chest...::
Bishounen Trunks : Bishounen Trunks rolled 3 41-sided dice: 8 36 26
Bishounen Trunks : (8?)
Hosaka CFH : -8-
Nikyob de Goblin : ((Hosaka's gonna dieeee....))
Kid 07 Android : AKUMA 29 HOSAKA 42 TRUNKS 25
Hosaka CFH : [ ::Honks his cock at Nik:: / ]
Shoshuro Akuma : ::He stumbled up wounded...he then kicked Trunks right in the jaw...Mafia style::
Shoshuro Akuma : Shoshuro Akuma rolled 3 20-sided dice: 18 5 19
Bishounen Trunks : (2)
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Damn right!))
Kid 07 Android : AKUMA 29 HOSAKA 42 TRUNKS 27
Bishounen Trunks : ::kicked mafia style or something...::
Nikyob de Goblin : ((::begins to chant hosaka's gonna die, and honked his own cock back:: Bwaha!))
Hosaka CFH : ::He swiftly manuevered himself behind Trunks, and ducked down low, bringing a nasty low blow up into Trunks' balls, as hard as he possibly could..::
Hosaka CFH : Hosaka CFH rolled 3 45-sided dice: 33 14 41
Hosaka CFH : -10-
Kid 07 Android : AKUMA 29 HOSAKA 42 TRUNKS 37
Bishounen Trunks : OK, DRACO! ::he managed to spit out in pain, his face a lovbely shade of red. He then kneed up at Hosaka's nizzos...::
Bishounen Trunks : Bishounen Trunks rolled 3 41-sided dice: 38 11 38
Bishounen Trunks : ((DAMN RIGHT!!))
Hosaka CFH : -10-
Hosaka CFH : [ ::dies:: ]
Hosaka CFH : [ XD ]
Bishounen Trunks : ((::Goes again....:: ))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((XD))
Kid 07 Android : AKUMA 29 HOSAKA <==gone TRUNKS 37
Bishounen Trunks : ::Kipping up, the Sayia-jin then delivered a fast kick aimed for Akuma's head...::
Bishounen Trunks : Bishounen Trunks rolled 3 41-sided dice: 38 10 41
Kid 07 Android : AKUMA 29 TRUNKS 37
Nikyob de Goblin : ((see? bwaha!))
Bishounen Trunks : (11)
Shoshuro Akuma : ::He stumped down with the kick..from a kneeling positio he followed suit and gave Trunks a solid jab to the nizzos::
Shoshuro Akuma : Shoshuro Akuma rolled 3 20-sided dice: 3 15 11
Bishounen Trunks : (1)
Kid 07 Android : AKUMA 40 TRUNKS 38
Bishounen Trunks : ::The youth stepped back, his face a brighter red. He then preformed the same knee to the nizzos that was preformed upon him...::
Bishounen Trunks : Bishounen Trunks rolled 3 41-sided dice: 41 41 3
Bishounen Trunks : ((12))
Hosaka CFH : -12-
Hosaka CFH : p Goddamn ]
Kid 07 Android : AKUMA GONE TRUNKS 38
Shoshuro Akuma : XD
Kid 07 Android : WINNER = TRUNKS
Hosaka CFH : [ Andrew is putting the fucking smackdown. ]
Shoshuro Akuma : That was awesome
Bishounen Trunks : ((::Gets 550 EXp, Neon and Jeff get 450...:: ))
Kid 07 Android : that was cool
Kid 07 Android : [[ gets 5 but is happy ]]
Shoshuro Akuma : ((3d35?))
Kid 07 Android : [[ 3d36]]
Nikyob de Goblin : ((::gets five exp, and goes up a dice side::-))
Hosaka CFH : [ 'drew, what's that put me up to? ]
Bishounen Trunks : ((Ok, Level check. 3d36 for neon.))
Bishounen Trunks : ((What did you have before...?))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Sweet assed))
Nevyn Galrion : ((what'll 5 exp get me? a lollipop?))
Nikyob de Goblin : ((::corny level up music plays in the background::-))
Nikyob de Goblin : (damn it!)
Nikyob de Goblin : (keeps happening!)
Shoshuro Akuma : ((I got a lollipop for you Nevyn...))
Nevyn Galrion : ((hrm?))
Kid 07 Android : [[ a level jump later Nevyn ]]
Nevyn Galrion : ((a level jump when?))
Nevyn Galrion : ((you do?))
Bishounen Trunks : ((1795+450=2245 EXP, jeff...))
Kid 07 Android : [[ 1 more loss you will go up 5 xp... and go up one die ]]
Nevyn Galrion : ((where?)
Bishounen Trunks : ((Gimme a minute...))
Nevyn Galrion : ((.))
Hosaka CFH : [ l ]
Nevyn Galrion : ((<.<))
Hosaka CFH : [ k ]*
Nevyn Galrion : ((where's the lollipop? o.o))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((You gotta put a quarter in my ear to get a ride...))
Nevyn Galrion : ((o.o i don't want a ride. i want a lollipop))
Nevyn Galrion : ((waitaminute...)
Bishounen Trunks : ((3d46 with 55EXP to hit 3d47...))
Nevyn Galrion : ((am i missing something here?)))
Bishounen Trunks : ((now for me...))
Hosaka CFH : Hosaka CFH rolled 1 45-sided die: 3
Hosaka CFH : -_-
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Sweet..How do I add my HP?))
Bishounen Trunks : ((815+550=1365))
Nikyob de Goblin : (how exactly do you determine levels, instead of just exp to the next dice side?)
Bishounen Trunks : 3d43 with like 200 EXp to go...))
Bishounen Trunks : *((
Bishounen Trunks : ((F'n AIM...I'll do my info later...))
Shoshuro Akuma : ((Kick ass Ninja Gaiden will be on PS2 apparently...BAM))
Hosaka CFH : [holy shit ]
Hosaka CFH : [ I loved Ninja Gaiden ]
Bishounen Trunks : ((Nifty...))
Hosaka CFH : [ Casey, you know what I really like though?]
Bishounen Trunks : ((Ya save this yet, Neon?))
Hosaka CFH : [ Tenchu: Steal Assassins ]
Nevyn Galrion : Nevyn Galrion rolled 1 20-sided die: 17
Hosaka CFH : [ That game is wicked fun. ]
Shoshuro Akuma : ((That game is mad phat...ok yeah..I'll save it right now Trunks))
Nikyob de Goblin : ((oh, I am god at that game...I beat it to death.))
Nevyn Galrion : Nevyn Galrion rolled 1 21-sided die: 11
Bishounen Trunks : ((::tries out his new dice...:: ))