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You have just entered room "FUCKING COME IN."
Bishounen Vegeta:there'll be more
Bishounen Vegeta:Noel still has to accept
Draco Malfoy HP has left the room.
Bishounen Trunks:Alright, but I don't have much time...only about two hours. So
we'll ahve to be indescriptive and the such.
Bishounen Trunks:*have, even
Bishounen Vegeta:Yeah, I hate being VERY descriptive
Bishounen Vegeta:Someone invite noel..?
Nevyn Galrion has entered the room.
Bishounen Trunks:Yeah, being descriptive is nice, but it's also a time waster...
Bishounen Vegeta:Aye, it is.
Bishounen Vegeta:o.o;;
Bishounen Vegeta:wow
l o n e gryphon:(( Excuse me, Noel? ))
Bishounen Vegeta:not in here he's not.
l o n e gryphon has left the room.
Bishounen Trunks:I sent the invite to him...
Bishounen Vegeta:oh.. why'd Gryph leave?
Bishounen Trunks:I dunno..
Bishounen Vegeta:hm..
Hosaka CFH has left the room.
Nevyn Galrion:...
Nevyn Galrion has left the room.
Bishounen Vegeta:he's comin back..
Bishounen Vegeta:ugh.. hold on
Bishounen Trunks:...Jeff and his wonderful connection.
Bishounen Vegeta:lol, Noel's got a great one, a k-mart brand one
Draco Malfoy HP has entered the room.
Bishounen Trunks:Heheh, yup..
Bishounen Vegeta:3 people so far..
Nevyn Galrion has entered the room.
l o n e gryphon has entered the room.
Bishounen Vegeta:5
Draco Malfoy HP:told ya she'd come
l o n e gryphon:(( I swear to Goddess... Draco, if you invite me one more time... ))
l o n e gryphon has left the room.
Nikyob de Goblin has entered the room.
Bishounen Vegeta:Lol Noel
Nevyn Galrion has left the room.
Draco Malfoy HP:Nevyn is my new bish, next to Jerome, and Squall
Bishounen Vegeta:stop invitin Gryphy
Bishounen Trunks:So is it gonna be a MS or a Team MS...?<
Bishounen Vegeta:Team I guess
Bishounen Vegeta:no you're not.
Bishounen Vegeta:>/
Draco Malfoy HP:yes I am
Nikyob de Goblin:who the hell is daddy?
Bishounen Vegeta:Andrew will choose the teams, seeing as how he's more experienced..
Draco Malfoy HP:-.-
Bishounen Trunks:I have no idea...
Bishounen Vegeta:lol
Bishounen Vegeta:what are everyone's dice?
Bishounen Trunks:3d44
Bishounen Vegeta:call it out, 3d53
Draco Malfoy HP:3D43
Bishounen Vegeta:Goblin?
Draco Malfoy HP:::looks over to goblin::
Nevyn Galrion has entered the room.
Bishounen Vegeta:Arite.. Teams are as follows;
Bishounen Trunks:...Now we have an odd number... Throws it all to hell.
Draco Malfoy HP:BAH, we should do this......
Bishounen Vegeta:i was about to announce the teams..
Nikyob de Goblin:goblin be 3d30...
Draco Malfoy HP:I should roll a 1d1, and andrew should roll a 1d1
Bishounen Vegeta:something like this Andrew and Noel vs Me, the gobster, and Nev..
Draco Malfoy HP:whoever gets the same number, wins XD
Nikyob de Goblin:sorry, tryin to spar Nev, and do other shit as well.
Bishounen Vegeta:okay..
Bishounen Vegeta:Listen, Nevy and Goblin..
Draco Malfoy HP:I like thsose ods
Bishounen Vegeta:do you want to participate?
Draco Malfoy HP:draco and trunks fighting together.....thats a....first
Hosaka CFH has left the room.
Bishounen Trunks:If they dont...then we could just a MS between the three of us..
Bishounen Vegeta:Either that, or wait for jeff
Bishounen Vegeta:but his connections no better than Noel's bluelight pos is[
Bishounen Vegeta:p*
Nevyn Galrion:eh?
Nikyob de Goblin:Ima spar.
Hosaka CFH has entered the room.
Nikyob de Goblin:I am all for it.
Bishounen Vegeta:That, or we could do 6..?
Nevyn Galrion:that yellow looks like this
Draco Malfoy HP:this got interesting automatically
Draco Malfoy HP:and jeff....
Nevyn Galrion:stop it or i'll close the window because it hurts my eyes
Draco Malfoy HP:angel wants to suck your dick ^_^
Bishounen Vegeta:Everyone state their dice again.
Hosaka CFH:Lol
Bishounen Trunks:Well, we could throw Jeff on our team..
Hosaka CFH:Does she? XD
Draco Malfoy HP:yea...., I'm jealous -.-
Hosaka CFH:=D ::on someone's team::
Bishounen Vegeta:3d53, state your fuckin dice
Draco Malfoy HP:me, trunks and Hosaka, vs. the other guys
Hosaka CFH:3d51
Bishounen Trunks:Everyboday wants Jeffs wang. ¬.¬
Nikyob de Goblin:3dfucking30
Bishounen Trunks:3d44
Draco Malfoy HP:3d43
Liam Masterson has entered the room.
Nikyob de Goblin:another Dicer.
Liam Masterson:Dear God.
Draco Malfoy HP:who the fuck....?
Nikyob de Goblin:buddy o' mine.
Nevyn Galrion:3dfucking24
Bishounen Vegeta:7 now?
Nikyob de Goblin:get another.
Draco Malfoy HP:we need that Kid Android 7's ass
Nikyob de Goblin:all the more fun.
Bishounen Vegeta:another?
Liam Masterson:<~Disturbed One36
Bishounen Vegeta:sheesh
Draco Malfoy HP:or Casey
Nevyn Galrion:i have an idea
Bishounen Trunks:Yeah, is Neon on...?
Nevyn Galrion:i'll leave
Nevyn Galrion:that makes it even
Nevyn Galrion has left the room.
Bishounen Vegeta:..
Bishounen Vegeta:er..
Nikyob de Goblin:okay..
Bishounen Trunks:Or not.
Bishounen Trunks:>/
Bishounen Vegeta:okay..
Draco Malfoy HP:who cares
Nikyob de Goblin:that settles it.
Draco Malfoy HP:lets go
Bishounen Vegeta:6 even
Liam Masterson:Damn... this is new to me.
Bishounen Trunks:Ok, int. roll. 1d100
Bishounen Vegeta:Teams? I better not get stuck with level 3's
Draco Malfoy HP:you wanted them
Bishounen Vegeta:Bishounen Vegeta rolled 1 100-sided die: 74
Draco Malfoy HP:Draco Malfoy HP rolled 1 100-sided die: 85
Bishounen Trunks:Bishounen Trunks rolled 1 100-sided die: 74
Liam Masterson:Liam Masterson rolled 1 100-sided die: 56
Bishounen Trunks:>/
Liam Masterson:DAMN
Hosaka CFH:Hosaka CFH rolled 1 100-sided die: 41
Bishounen Vegeta:All because Nev wouldn't do it unless of course her team wasn't ga
Hosaka CFH:-_-
Bishounen Vegeta:y*
Bishounen Vegeta:gotta roll again
Draco Malfoy HP:looks like its you and me trunks....
Nikyob de Goblin:Nikyob de Goblin rolled 1 100-sided die: 13
Bishounen Trunks:Yup.
Bishounen Vegeta:Bishounen Vegeta rolled 1 100-sided die: 17
Bishounen Vegeta:WTF
Bishounen Vegeta:>/
Bishounen Trunks:Bishounen Trunks rolled 1 100-sided die: 64
Draco Malfoy HP:::he looked over to trunks::
Hosaka CFH:Whose team am I on?
Bishounen Trunks:>/
Bishounen Vegeta:'least i'm not last
Bishounen Vegeta:>D
Nikyob de Goblin:ditto. who's team am I on?
Draco Malfoy HP:I'm first
Bishounen Vegeta:Teams?
Liam Masterson:Yeah, what team am I on, too..? Are there teams?
Nikyob de Goblin:I'm on the loser's team, I know that much.
Liam Masterson:::Really has no clue what's happening::
Hosaka CFH:Are we on teams or no?
Draco Malfoy HP:yes
Bishounen Trunks:Well, we had teams...but if we don't want teams..
Bishounen Vegeta:People, no big ass descriptions!!
Hosaka CFH:I want teams damn it
Hosaka CFH:>/
Liam Masterson:No problem.
Bishounen Vegeta:lol
Nikyob de Goblin:lets just do teams.
Bishounen Vegeta:Noel..
Bishounen Vegeta:stfu
Nikyob de Goblin:man...
Bishounen Vegeta:it should be like..
Hosaka CFH:Lol
Draco Malfoy HP:<^> to you
Bishounen Vegeta:me, trunks and goblin
Nikyob de Goblin:ditto on Noel's point.
Bishounen Vegeta:vs
Hosaka CFH:Lol
Bishounen Vegeta:noel, liam and jeff
Draco Malfoy HP:why you?
Bishounen Vegeta:that's fucking fair
Bishounen Vegeta:-.-;
Bishounen Vegeta:because I said so
Draco Malfoy HP:yea....each has the low level person
Draco Malfoy HP:okay
Bishounen Trunks:Fine...
Bishounen Vegeta:see? ::makes him his bitch::
Nikyob de Goblin:heh.
Bishounen Vegeta:trunks, me, and jeff vs the rest.
Bishounen Trunks:Now, lets drag our asses IC...
Bishounen Vegeta:e.e;
Draco Malfoy HP:yea I guess ::was already bitcherized by Jeff ^_^
Draco Malfoy HP:20 more minutes till bluelight boots me......
Bishounen Vegeta:fuckin k-mart pos
Liam Masterson:Who is Noel and Jeff?
Hosaka CFH:::Hosaka casually walked his ass into the room, trying not to be too descriptive and such...well actually...not descriptive at all...::
Hosaka CFH:<-Jeff
Draco Malfoy HP:<-Noel
Bishounen Vegeta:noel = ghetto boy over there.. :;points to him::
Hosaka CFH:<-Ghetto Jesus
Liam Masterson:::Walks in, being also totally non-descriptive, just like he was asked.::
Liam Masterson:Okay then.
Draco Malfoy HP:::he simply walked in and waited for everyone ecept that stupid bitch otherwise known as Vegeta::
Draco Malfoy HP:[] e.e []
Bishounen Trunks:::Trunks stepped his bishounen ass on in, with that kick-ass lavender hair and such...being indescriptive::
Nikyob de Goblin:::just hops the fuck in::
Bishounen Vegeta:::He soared through the air quickly, a small vapor like glowing energy trail followed just a few feet behind him, and a small glowing aura surrounded his body as he sped faster.. untill he landed quickly with a soft thud onto the earth..:: Hmph..Bishounen
Liam Masterson:((I have no real idea how mass spars work.))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ <~ C&Ped that ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[.. where the fuck did bishounen come in that post?! ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] liar dan, I go first btw []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ I didn't type that.. >/ ]
Bishounen Trunks:((I dunno...let's just start...))
Liam Masterson:((What's the turn order?))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ What pos. am i? 2nd to last? ]
Bishounen Trunks:((I'm middle...somewhere...))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] I'm 1st, I think trunks is 2nd..... []
Bishounen Trunks:((Fukkit, re-roll again))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ lol okay ]
Hosaka CFH:Hosaka CFH rolled 1 100-sided die: 24
Hosaka CFH:-_- ::Last::
Bishounen Trunks:Bishounen Trunks rolled 15 6-sided dice: 5 2 5 6 4 2 5 3 2 4 1 4 3 5 1
Liam Masterson:Liam Masterson rolled 1 100-sided die: 87
Bishounen Trunks:((WTF))
Bishounen Trunks:Bishounen Trunks rolled 1 100-sided die: 19
Draco Malfoy HP:Draco Malfoy HP rolled 1 100-sided die: 52
Liam Masterson:(( ::Somewhere towards beginning:: ))
Bishounen Vegeta:Bishounen Vegeta rolled 1 100-sided die: 87
Bishounen Trunks:((Last...))
Nikyob de Goblin:Nikyob de Goblin rolled 1 100-sided die: 19
Draco Malfoy HP:[] :::claims 3rd:: []
Nikyob de Goblin:damn it.
Liam Masterson:((Vegeta, you and me re-roll..-.-; ))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ ::claims his usual position, 1st:: ]
Nikyob de Goblin:my dice always fucking hate me.
Bishounen Vegeta:[ you roll ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] ....eww, jeff, kick his ass please []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ then i'll roll ]
Liam Masterson:Liam Masterson rolled 1 100-sided die: 74
Nikyob de Goblin:who, me? Jeff already kicked my fucking ass before...
Bishounen Vegeta:Bishounen Vegeta rolled 1 100-sided die: 96
Hosaka CFH:It's me, Trunks and Vegeta on teams, right?
Bishounen Trunks:((::Still last:: ))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] Noel* []
Nikyob de Goblin:hell no.
Bishounen Vegeta:[ hmph. ::claims again:: ]
Hosaka CFH:I am ahead of Nik and Trunks
Liam Masterson:((I'm second, then..))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] I'm 3rd []
Bishounen Trunks:((I think so...Jeff...))
Hosaka CFH:<-4th.
Bishounen Vegeta:[ <~first ]
Bishounen Trunks:((<~Last on his team...))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ Ready? ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ aw.. ::pats drew:: ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] me jeff Nikyob, vs. Dan, Andrew, Liam []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ no noel ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ we have our teams ]
>Draco Malfoy HP:[] ?.? []
Draco Malfoy HP:[] who are they? []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ -.- ]
Liam Masterson:((And they are...?))
Bishounen Trunks:((Hrm...shall we have the SSj in on this...?))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ No no drew, i've yet to accomplish a good successful ssj post ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] well dan, who are they damnit? []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ Trunks, ME, jeff, vs the rest ]
Bishounen Trunks:((Oh, I have mine C and Ped...if you'd like to read them...))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ awesome ]
Nikyob de Goblin:((oh hell no...the rest will fucking lose..))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] :::blinks;: you said me jeff and Liam, then you trunks and
Goblin to make it even []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ My dice aren't doing so well tonight anyways noel, no need to fear ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ um when? ]
Bishounen Trunks:((As are mine...I think I'll actually NEED SSj...))
Nikyob de Goblin:((what the fuck's up with that, bish!?))
Hosaka CFH:XD
Hosaka CFH:Shut up people and begin to RP.
Bishounen Vegeta:[ ::posts:: ]
Bishounen Trunks:((Right...screw it, I'll forgo SSj, once again...))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] you went SSj, a while back....it sucked []
Bishounen Trunks:((Lets only go to 40, ok...))
Bishounen Trunks:9(I know...in training...))
Bishounen Trunks:*(
Bishounen Vegeta:::Vegeta leapt over to the left side of Draco, then sent a quick barrage of numbing punches into the side of his head, then sent a quick hard guttural knee into his kidney area::
Draco Malfoy HP:[] and the spar []
Bishounen Vegeta:Bishounen Vegeta rolled 3 53-sided dice: 23 1 39
Hosaka CFH has left the room.
Bishounen Trunks:((I was never SSj in a spar...))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ Toldja my dice are gay now ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] if you get instants (double 1 or 20's...wut happens? []
Bishounen Trunks:((nothing in a MS))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] same as always? []
Nikyob de Goblin:((not gay enough by half, Veggie.))
Bishounen Trunks:((Treat them as doubles and go again...))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ ::shrugs:: ]
Bishounen Trunks:((We voted upon it...))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ Looks like Jeff dropped? ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] okie []
Bishounen Trunks:((I dunno...))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] 9 more minutes.... []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ let's go, whoever is second post ]
Liam Masterson:((I'll step out and watch to make i t even))
Liam Masterson:((<~~Was second))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ fawk ]
Bishounen Trunks:((*Shrug* A'rite... But then again...Jeff might be back...))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ let's just wait then ]
Liam Masterson:((Well then... While we wait...))
Draco Malfoy HP:::he flinched from Vegeta's FUCKED up attack as he just stood there:: v.v This is starting to suck.... ::he reached for his wand as he began to power up his mana...::
Bishounen Trunks:((I think he was lagged or booted. *Has Jeaf on his BL*))
Liam Masterson:((Could someone tell me how to work this mass spar stuff?))
Bishounen Trunks:((And just ignore my 754654324874 typos...))
Draco Malfoy HP:-7- by the way
Bishounen Vegeta:[ arite
Bishounen Vegeta:]*
Bishounen Trunks:((Basically...it's a way to get hella EXP...))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ hm? yeah ]
Liam Masterson:((Yeah...But um... I dunno...))
Liam Masterson:((Do I keep track of my own damage?))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ I did an MS earlier, and got 795 exp from it ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[I'll be laughing if I somehow kick all your arses....but at this rate, with fucked up team players....I'm doomed to ever win a mass apar []
Liam Masterson:((FAWK!))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] JEE, I WONDER WHY STUPID []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ .. ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] kinda like right now....seems like your fixing yourself up....AGAIN []
Liam Masterson:((I've never been in one... Again I ask, do you keep track of your own damage?))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ Noel will you please stop bitching? ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] no, 'cuz ealier you said it was 2 high levels and 1 low level for each []
Bishounen Trunks:((If your unsure, then don't...someone eles probably will))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] now its basically a high level matchup []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ huh? ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] lets put it this way.... []
Hosaka CFH has entered the room.
Bishounen Trunks:((Heh, I have a chart and my calculator here...so I'll be doing my damage tally...))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] OUR TEAM WILL BE OUT FIRST WITH SUCH LOW LEVELS, except mine, I might last long, maybe.....WHILE YOU GUYS WIL BE BATTLEING FOR AN EXTRA 100 EXP []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ -.- ]
Bishounen Trunks:((Ok, less bitching more fighting...))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ Liam, post ]
Liam Masterson:((No, I'm not fighting. I'm just gonna watch.))
Liam Masterson:((Sorry.))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ .. dude, jeff's back so now you can fight ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] okay...so I"m gonna be out in like 5 turns at this rate ::posts::? []
Bishounen Trunks:((Ya gotta now...it's an even number...))
Bishounen Trunks:((And we're going to 40...))
Liam Masterson:((All right then.))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ ::waits for his turn to come around again:: e.e ]
Hosaka CFH:[ have I been hit yet? ]
Liam Masterson:::Being as non-descrpitive as possible, jumps at and kicks Trunks in the knee::
Liam Masterson:Liam Masterson rolled 4 29-sided dice: 26 3 26 5
Draco Malfoy HP:[] 2 more minutes for screwz ville []
Bishounen Trunks:((::Just waits for his turn:: No...we've been bitching...))
Liam Masterson:((Doubles..do I go again?))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] whoa....we might just do it, yes you go []
Bishounen Trunks:((Yup...))
Liam Masterson:::Then kicks him again::
Liam Masterson:Liam Masterson rolled 4 29-sided dice: 12 1 13 12
Hosaka CFH:[ we're going to what? ]
Liam Masterson:((FAWK!))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] O.O []
Bishounen Trunks:((40...>/))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] he's the one... []
Draco Malfoy HP:-6-
Liam Masterson:((Doubles again...))
Draco Malfoy HP:-0-
Bishounen Trunks:((Go again...I'll write a crappy post...))
Liam Masterson:Liam Masterson rolled 4 29-sided dice: 8 22 21 24
Draco Malfoy HP:[] reroll.... []
Draco Malfoy HP:[] gonna get kicked out, brb ::waits:: []
Liam Masterson:((Why re-roll?))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] e.e thought you were a 3d []
Liam Masterson:((Nope, 4.))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ no he's a 4d ]
Bishounen Trunks:::Yadda yadda, the young Sayia-jin was kicked in the knee not once, not twice, but thrice.. Grabbing his knee he knew this wasn't gonna be a good night...::
Bishounen Trunks:((So, I'm at liek 12...>/))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ haha, even though not trying, you still amaze some of us.. XD
Bishounen Trunks:((Next...is Jeffy. Oh, and Thanks...))
Liam Masterson:((Is damage not worked the same in a MS?))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ so um.. Jeff.. go.. ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ Welcome Drew ]
Bishounen Trunks:((Gimme a minute to see what happened to Trunks...))
Hosaka CFH:[ I've not been attacked, right? ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ right ]
Hosaka CFH:[ Aight. ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ it's only been me, and liam, that have gone so far ]
Draco Malfoy HP has left the room.
Bishounen Trunks:((Trunks is at 12 damage...))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ And Vegeta, what's he at? ]
Hosaka CFH:::Hosaka moved over beside Liam and smiled a little, he waited until he had finished kicking Trunks around, and then lifted one hand, and slammed it right into the top of his skull::
Hosaka CFH:Hosaka CFH rolled 3 51-sided dice: 16 22 51
Draco Malfoy HP has entered the room.
Bishounen Trunks:(0...right now...))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] ::thankfully, his connections were good at coming on, but yet sucked during his online time;: []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ arite ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] time to post []
Hosaka CFH:-1-
Hosaka CFH:-11-*
Bishounen Vegeta:[ after draco, it's the goblins turn? ]
Bishounen Trunks:(11)
Draco Malfoy HP:[] >/ []
Bishounen Trunks:((Thanks Jeff...))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] :;3rd god fucken damnit:: []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ lol ]
Hosaka CFH:[ No prob. =D ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ you're 4th for now, next go around, you're 3rd ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] ::dies:: []
Draco Malfoy HP:[] so I go now? []
Hosaka CFH:[ ::Isn't gonna let anyone beat up Trunks, 'cause he wants a piece of him.:: >/ ]
Bishounen Trunks:((Heh...))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ o.o ]
Liam Masterson:((Oh..you hit me?))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ ::Isn't going to let Hosaka touch Trunks, 'cause he has no real valid reason:: ]
Bishounen Trunks:((Let me hit level 30, so I can do SSj 2...then you'll get your wish...))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] I think I"ll break out Draco's new tri attack []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ <~at SSj2 ]
Bishounen Trunks:((<~Can do USSJ...but it's evil and wrong...))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ haha ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ i don't think I'll go THAT far with this.. I hardly watch the show any-fuckin-more ]
Bishounen Trunks:((I just watched it to study my character...))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ heh ]
Liam Masterson:((Hosaka, did you hit Liam or Trunks?))
Draco Malfoy HP:::he concentrated his mana to his body as his body started to glow, 2 separate forms of him split into to 2, he then opened his eyes as he sent his 1st clone to trunks, his 2nd to Hosaka, and 3rd to Vegeta, all to kick there guts:: []Its kinda obvious where the dice are going, 1 dice for each of you []
Hosaka CFH:[ Liam. ]
Liam Masterson:((Damn.))
Draco Malfoy HP:Draco Malfoy HP rolled 1 43-sided die: 8
Bishounen Trunks:((He hasn't hit his teammate, yet..))
Hosaka CFH:[ yet XD ]
Draco Malfoy HP:Draco Malfoy HP rolled 1 43-sided die: 19
Draco Malfoy HP:[] -1- for hosaka []
Hosaka CFH:Hosaka 1
Draco Malfoy HP:Draco Malfoy HP rolled 1 43-sided die: 28
Draco Malfoy HP:[] -3- for Vegeta []
Bishounen Trunks:::Trunks dodged that attack, because he's a cool little Sayia-jin like that...::
Draco Malfoy HP:[] neat tri attack if I say so myself... ^_^ []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ But see.. the only log of me really going SSj.. is kinda.. crappy.. just tells how his hair color changes, his body kinda gets that golden glow, and his eyes turn to aqua ]
Bishounen Vegeta:::he winced::
Draco Malfoy HP:::he ran back to his postion as he kept his guard up::
Bishounen Trunks:((My Trun, right...?))
Hosaka CFH:::Hosaka winced a tad bit, but not really, 'cause Draco was a pussy anyhow:: [ XD ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ I guess? ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] ... []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ lol ]
Bishounen Trunks:((*Shrug* Ok.))
Liam Masterson:::Realizes he's been hit by Hosaka, and stumbles back a little, dazed.:: ((Sorry for that delayed reaction.))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ lol ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ Goblin, you there ? ]
Nikyob de Goblin:((yeah, just waiting for my turn, whenever the hell it is.))
Bishounen Trunks:::The young Sayia-jin rocketed over to Draco, at a breakneck speed...in hopes of tackeling him down...::
Bishounen Trunks:Bishounen Trunks rolled 3 44-sided dice: 8 18 39
Bishounen Vegeta:[ lol okay ]
Bishounen Trunks:(6)
Bishounen Vegeta:[ now it's your turn goblin ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] D-( dont' know, 6 I guess) Liam-11 Goblin-0 Vegeta-3 Trunks-7 Hosaka-1 []
Draco Malfoy HP:[] :has 12 damage poitns now? []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ 13 ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ not 12 ]
Bishounen Trunks:((Trunks is at 12...))
Liam Masterson:(( ::Has 8, he thinks...not sure.:: ))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ i hit your ass for 7,and drew did a 6 ]
Liam Masterson:(( I'm keeping track with little tally marks...kinda sad.))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] ::pretends he can't count so he has 12 damage points:: ^_^ []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ 13* ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] 12* []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ >/ ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ Draco - 13 ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] ^-^ []
Bishounen Trunks:((Next...))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ Goblin's turn, then mine ]
Nikyob de Goblin:::He looked about the various people gathered and fighting, and decided which to attack.. He remembered the hosaka guy from the last time, and decided he owed him a slight debt of pain, and meandered over to him to pay him, with interest, in the form of a nutstomping::
Nikyob de Goblin:Nikyob de Goblin rolled 3 30-sided dice: 18 1 11
Hosaka CFH:-1-
Bishounen Trunks:(1)
Draco Malfoy HP:::he slammed to the ground from trunks's kick, he then kicked out of the hold and ran back to his spot with his guard up::
Bishounen Vegeta:[ don't describe too much gob ]
Hosaka CFH:::He let out a sharp little yelp from the nutstomping..::
Nikyob de Goblin:((eh, I know.))
Liam Masterson:((I thought I only had 8 damage.))
Bishounen Trunks:::Yadda yada...he connected with Draco, and flipped a few times, landing on his knees.::
Bishounen Vegeta:::he took his hit earlier, and hopped over to draco with this almost bald head, and sent a gut-wrenching blow to his ribs:: [ kinda lagged over here.. ]
Nikyob de Goblin:((sorry, it be a habit, and I try to make Nikyob a funny char, and the only way I can do that is through semi-long posts.))
Bishounen Vegeta:Bishounen Vegeta rolled 3 53-sided dice: 53 24 46
Bishounen Vegeta: lag lag lag lag lag lag lag lag ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[]....it takes that long for you to type "//roll-dice3-sides53" Dan? []
Liam Masterson:::He turned away from Trunks and glared at Hosaka at this sudden, random attack, and boxed him hard on the temples.::
Liam Masterson:Liam Masterson rolled 4 29-sided dice: 12 9 13 26
Bishounen Vegeta:[ i just said, i'm kinda lagged b'otch ]
Bishounen Trunks:(17, for Dan's...)
Draco Malfoy HP:[] ...if you sayso []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ -.- ]
Nikyob de Goblin:((implyin' something dirty, Draco?))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] 30 ALREADY? []
Draco Malfoy HP:[] yes....of course, if we C and P the //roll then we can do defender modifers []
Draco Malfoy HP:[] can't* []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ huh? ]
Hosaka CFH:Hosaka is at 4.
Hosaka CFH:[ My turn now, right? ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ Vegeta is at.. blah.. ]
Liam Masterson:((I think so, yes.)
Bishounen Vegeta:[ sure ]
Draco Malfoy HP:::he fell to the floor as he staggard back up, in a heap of pain, he cupped his hands together with his wand inbetween and awfuck it::
Bishounen Vegeta:[ lol ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] well...this ai'nt gonna be like the FF fight where I got rpd killed... ::goes to prove he was fucked 3rd:: []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ lol ]
Hosaka CFH:::He staggered to the left a tad bit as he was boxed, and then slid himself around Liam. Being as Hosaka was of low standards, he was a dirty fighter, quickly ducking down, he reached inbetween Liam's legs, and slammed his arm upwards into his crotch..::
Hosaka CFH:Hosaka CFH rolled 3 51-sided dice: 6 42 25
Hosaka CFH:-9-
Draco Malfoy HP:[] ::quotes after his drunk dad:: Bishounen Vegeta[ you're 4th for now(Noel) go around, you're 3rd(Noel)] ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] BAH []
Liam Masterson:::His eyes got big, his pupils small, and he collapsed to the ground, tears streaming down his face in silent sobs.::
Bishounen Vegeta:[ oops.. ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ ROFL ]
Hosaka CFH:[ XD ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] gotta save my teammates yo... []
Nikyob de Goblin:(heh.)
Bishounen Vegeta:[ Jiff bes nawtay ]
Liam Masterson:((Who the hell is on my fawkin team, anyway?))
Bishounen Trunks:(Yeeesssss....)
Draco Malfoy HP:[] me and goblin []
Liam Masterson:((Hosaka, I thought YOU were.))
Hosaka CFH:[ XD ]
Liam Masterson:((Oooh...))
Hosaka CFH:[ Naw ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ o.o ; ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] me too.... ::glares at dan:: []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ he's on the dream team ]
Liam Masterson:((Okay.. That explains the attack you made upon me. Heh.))
Bishounen Trunks:((Anyhow...who's next?))
Nikyob de Goblin:(yeah, damned cock knocker jeff...I hate that bastich, always kickin' my ass.))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] shoulda been jeff right now since I'm truely 3rd []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ lol ]
Hosaka CFH:[ XD ]
Liam Masterson:(( X to the fuckin' D!!))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ Noel, you go 3rd NEXT time ][
Draco Malfoy HP:[] if there is one -.- damn teams are fixed []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ rofl ]
Bishounen Trunks:((Can we just go on...? =/))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ I know, damn, POST NOEL! >:o>:o>:o ]
Draco Malfoy HP:::he looked around as he flew up into the air and postioned his hands into a cup with his wand inbetween his hands, he began to power up his mana...:: HEY TRUNKS!!
Draco Malfoy HP:[] its mimic time..... ^_^ []
Bishounen Trunks:((I haven't burnin attacked yet...?))
Bishounen Trunks:((Oh well...))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ ::sports a new hair cut:: ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ got it highlighted YEAH! ]
Draco Malfoy HP:::he had finished his charging as he flew straight down to trunks:: Fooled ya! ::with a wink, he ran to VEGETA and power punched vegeta with his glowing arua +1::
Draco Malfoy HP:Draco Malfoy HP rolled 3 43-sided dice: 24 18 10
Bishounen Trunks:((Heh. I'm wearin' mine like Mirai Trunks'...it's rather odd...))
Draco Malfoy HP:-4-
Hosaka CFH:[ Dan, is that for you? or...Vegeta? ]
Bishounen Vegeta:-3-
Liam Masterson:((Four. He used +1))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] 4....you add the 1 to the highest roll -.- []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ oh ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ baka ]
Liam Masterson:((Wait it is three.))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] Vegeta has 10 ::nods:: AND DON T' CHEAT YOURSELF AGAIN.....eh? []
Liam Masterson:(( ::Lookin' at the chart:: ))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ it's 4 ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] 24 plus 1 equals 25....therefore its 3 damage and 18 is 1 damage []
Draco Malfoy HP:[] so its -4- []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ OKAY, someone go ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ meaning GOBLIN GO ]
Liam Masterson:(( o.o; Crap. I have more than the damage that I think I have...))
Nikyob de Goblin:(my turn again!?)
Bishounen Trunks:((I think it's my turn...))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ yes ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ wait.. ]
Hosaka CFH:[ I've dealt 20 to you, by myself Liam. so far anyhow. ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ e.e it's drew's ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] get some nice doubles goblin, and trunks is 2nd to last []
Liam Masterson:((Yes, you have.))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ gob is last ]
Liam Masterson:((My bad.))
Nikyob de Goblin:((thought so.
Bishounen Trunks:((Right. Lemme post now...))
Bishounen Trunks:Here, lemme show you how it's done, pal. ::The youthe lept to the ari, flaing his arms about. Crossing him at his chest, tyhen then outstreched both hands, meeting them at the thumb and forefingers...:: HEY YOU!!
Bishounen Vegeta:[ Score? ]
Bishounen Trunks:::with that, he launched his famed burning attack right for the Goblin...in hopes of dealing some damage...::
Bishounen Trunks:Bishounen Trunks rolled 3 44-sided dice: 16 37 25
Draco Malfoy HP:::he raised his wand into the air:: DEFENDIO! ::a shield surrounded him as it protected him from an attack -2::
Bishounen Vegeta:[ that's allowed? ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] itchy trigger finger eh draco? []
Bishounen Trunks:((ohhh, Tooo baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddd)
Bishounen Trunks:((Yeah, defensive modifers are good...))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] ::has a shield to protect himself of whoever smacks him:: []
Liam Masterson:(( o.o; Defending modifiers? Oi, shit.))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ Draco - K.O.ed i think ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] NOT YET STUPID []
Draco Malfoy HP:30*, NOT 40* []
Bishounen Trunks:((Anyhow..9 for mine...))
Liam Masterson:((I'm at 20..))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] that 9 was for Liam dan.... []
Nikyob de Goblin has left the room.
Bishounen Trunks:((That NINE was for...Nikyob))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ lol ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] well, it wasn't for me []
Bishounen Trunks:((Unless Liam is a Goblin, too...))
Liam Masterson:((Nope...))
Liam Masterson:((Sorry.))
Bishounen Trunks:((One hour...and 15 minutes left...))
Draco Malfoy HP:::he turned to Liam:: You'll need this..DEFENDIO! ::a shield surrounded Liam as it protected him from an attack -2::
Liam Masterson:::Is surrouned and protected and such..:: Oh . . ?
Hosaka CFH:::Hosaka kindly honked his cock at the 'defendio'::
Bishounen Vegeta:[ lol ]
Liam Masterson:(("Defendio.. ::Laughs:: ))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] fuck you, I at least thought of a defense ::claims bragging rights for a defensive spell:: []
Bishounen Trunks:((Bah...I use the SSj's 'Golden Aura' as Trunks defensive modifer...))
Liam Masterson:(( *-"))
Bishounen Trunks:((ohhhhhh...))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] I'm the 2nd one to use defensive modifers next to Iczer I think []
Bishounen Trunks:((I've been planning the defensive mod for quite a while...just never 'unlocked' it...))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ What the hell are we gonna do with all this EXPand such? ]
Liam Masterson:(( ::Sits around, being all "defendio-ed" and such..:: ))
Bishounen Trunks:((Be monsters...))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] ....you level up with it []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ o.o ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] >/ []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ why don't we buy stuff? ]
Liam Masterson:((Is there stuff to buy?))
Liam Masterson:((Who's turn is it?))
Bishounen Trunks:((There should be...but AIM is an un-organized Hellhole))
Nikyob de Goblin has entered the room.
Bishounen Vegeta:[ HEY HEY HEY! it was 20 ]
Bishounen Trunks:((Nikyobs...who was hit with a Bruning attack...for nine...))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] counted for 20 or 20 seconds to type your numbers? []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ no, i checked the post you moron ]
Nikyob de Goblin:((my post, right?))
Liam Masterson:((Yus.))
Bishounen Trunks:((Yes...))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ yep ]
Bishounen Trunks:((I paste mine..))
Liam Masterson:((Are we not supposed to have that on c/p?))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] I guess...wut do you say andrew? []
Bishounen Trunks:((it doesn't matter. We just all get suspicious...))
Nikyob de Goblin:::He scratched his chin for a moment, then decided since Hosaka did not get it the first time, that more drastic measures were needed. he slid through his legs, then turned and bit Hosaka dead in the his Bawz, and waited for the whelp like the bish he knew hosaka was.::
Bishounen Trunks:((If it looks liek a cheat...have them re-roll. End of story.))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] say that again.. ::glares at modering dan:: []
Nikyob de Goblin:Nikyob de Goblin rolled 3 30-sided dice: 18 8 5
Bishounen Trunks:(1)
Hosaka CFH:-1-
Hosaka CFH:Hosaka 5
Bishounen Vegeta:[ -1- ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ MY TURN! ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] count it for 3 since you loved it e.e;; []
Bishounen Trunks:((What's the tally...))
Nikyob de Goblin:((heh.))
Hosaka CFH:::He staggered back a good bit from the force of the blow, and then doubled over in pain, he laid there for a few seconds before even trying to move..::
Draco Malfoy HP:::he held his shield up, ready for the onslaught as he has 30 points of damage::
Bishounen Trunks:((I have 12...maybe a bit more...))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] I wish mark was on..... []
Draco Malfoy HP:[] I kicked his 3d46 ass []
Bishounen Trunks:((And/or Neon...))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] and I was a 3d42 then []
Draco Malfoy HP:[] oh and andrew.....can we switch dice? []
>Bishounen Trunks:((WhaCHA mean...?))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] kinda like dan did....with Daath Telvecho []
Bishounen Vegeta:::He fell back a foot or so, not really feeling anything, but leapt to the left side of Draco, right in between him and Liam, performing a nice little leap into the air, sent down a raining blast of ki+1:: Kakusandan [ SA: First attack; Liam ]
Bishounen Vegeta:Bishounen Vegeta rolled 2 53-sided dice: 13 47
Bishounen Trunks:((Ermmmmmmmmmm))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ baka ]
Bishounen Vegeta:Bishounen Vegeta rolled 1 53-sided die: 18
Draco Malfoy HP:[] he switched his dice stuff from Daath to his Vegeta []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ e.e ]
Liam Masterson:((That was on me?))
Bishounen Trunks:((If it was a will...then yes.))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] so what does dan do? []
Draco Malfoy HP:[] he didn't get 3d53 in 1 fucken week.... []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ One was to Liam,and the other was to Draco ]
Liam Masterson:((Ouch.))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] he switched his stats from Daath to Vegeta... []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ Noel, Devin got to 3d30 in one day, so stfu ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] 'cuz you trainged him and got 4 dice sides at the same time []
Liam Masterson:((Wait, don't I have that "Defendio" bullshit?))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] yea []
Liam Masterson:((And that's minus two?))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ no, I set up a training, and he did it, and we sparred a few times ]
Bishounen Trunks:((Noel, I know about as much as you... I'm no expert...))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] ::he has 31 points of damage now:: []
>Bishounen Vegeta:[ how much does Liam have now? ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] I know more, I read....somehting that some people don't besides my harry potter fixes []
Liam Masterson:((I am at 26, I believe.))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ 47 - 7 damage ]
Liam Masterson:((Oh.. Then I'm at 25. I had that Defendio -2 thing...I guess.))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ it only lasts for one round ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ -.- ]
Liam Masterson:((Then I'm at 27.))
Liam Masterson:((I guess.))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ yeah.. ]
Nikyob de Goblin:((okay! people! how do you determine damage!?))
Liam Masterson:(( ::Shrugs a bit:: ))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ Liam, your turn ]
Liam Masterson:((Yus.))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ Nik, go here http://www.geocities.com/gryphonexe/rp/scorechart.html ]
Bishounen Trunks:((Just keep it at 27. This is highly un-organized...))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] my mom brings good luck.... ::invites her in:: []
Nikyob de Goblin:((when you roll, how is it determined? I mean, is the damage from each roll counted and added up, or is it just the highest roll?))
Bishounen Trunks:((Damage from each dice...))
Liam Masterson:::He didn't really notice getting fried, except that it hurt like a fucking nut. What he DID notice was Hosaka not moving, and his neck kind of out in the open. With an inhuman growl, he leapt at Hosaka and chomped down on his neck +1::
Liam Masterson:Liam Masterson rolled 4 29-sided dice: 25 25 26 26
Bishounen Trunks:((You add what the dice do togeter...))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] HOLY FUCKEN SHIT []
Liam Masterson:((holy shit.))
Nikyob de Goblin:((nice....))
Draco Malfoy HP:-12-
Liam Masterson:((I got double doubles..do I go again?))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] he got 2 doubles....you go only again once though.....sucks
Bishounen Trunks:((Each 25 is worth three and so is each 26...amking 12))
Nikyob de Goblin:((kick that cockhonker's ass Liam!))
Bishounen Trunks:((Do ya kinda get it...?))
Liam Masterson:::And as he sucked the blood out of that "cockhonkers" body, he beat him incessantly in the gut.::
Draco Malfoy HP:[] good god that was good, that should've been for Vegeta...I'd rather have jeff at a 3d60 []
Liam Masterson:http://members.aol.com/fieraazote/page4.html
Liam Masterson:((OOps.))
Nikyob de Goblin:((heh.))
Liam Masterson:Liam Masterson rolled 4 29-sided dice: 7 26 24 11
Draco Malfoy HP:-6-
Draco Malfoy HP:-5*-
Hosaka CFH:Hosaka 17 [ and he didn't get double doubles, if you remember right, he had a +1, so it was 25 25 26 27]
Hosaka CFH:-23-
Hosaka CFH:<-is at 23
Draco Malfoy HP:[] my turn....I wonder if I can top that []
Hosaka CFH:[ It's my turn >/ ]
Hosaka CFH:[ Right? ]
Liam Masterson:((Heh heh heh.))
Liam Masterson:((Draco is technically 3rd, though you've been going third.))
Hosaka CFH:[ wtf >/]
Liam Masterson:((I dunno. Don't listen to me. I just say things.))
Hosaka CFH:[ >/ ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ just go someone ]
Hosaka CFH:[ ::Dun like being moved in the middle of battle:: >/
Hosaka CFH:]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ lol ]
Liam Masterson:((Then go third!))
Bishounen Trunks:((brb))
Liam Masterson:(( ::Volunteers to go again.:: ))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ i think noel is posting ]
Liam Masterson:((Oh.))
Draco Malfoy HP has left the room.
Liam Masterson:((That or leaving, eh?))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ o.o ]
Draco Malfoy HP has entered the room.
Liam Masterson:((Welcome back.))
Hosaka CFH:::He let out a slight yelp as he was bit in the neck, and then staggered back as Liam dealt the next blow. He then grabbed ahold of the man by his neck, and pried him off quickly. HE then slammed him down into the ground as hard as he could, following up with a swift kick to the side of his head..::
Bishounen Trunks:((Backish...And WB, Noel.))
Bishounen Vegeta:
Hosaka CFH:Hosaka CFH rolled 3 51-sided dice: 7 41 38
Hosaka CFH:[ sorry I had Nikyob on C & P ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] OH NOT, NOT THIS TIME P[
Liam Masterson:((Shit. How much is that?))
Nikyob de Goblin:((welcome back guy I do not really know.))
Hosaka CFH:-11-
Bishounen Vegeta:[ lol ]
Nikyob de Goblin:((what you mean you mean you had me on C&P?))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ Jeff, you should have taken Noel out of it ]
Hosaka CFH:[ I had one of your comments on C &; P ]
Nikyob de Goblin:((ahness..))
Hosaka CFH:[ Where you said something about me being a cock knocker or something. ]
Liam Masterson:((I'm at 38...SHIT.))
Nikyob de Goblin:((yeah, damn cockhonkerknocker.))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ -.- ]
Hosaka CFH:[ >/ ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ And why not? Like Andrew said, 'this is highly un-organized' ]
Nikyob de Goblin:((hee, I am being a bish as in response to my last ass stomping.)
Nikyob de Goblin:((so there, Jeff.)0
Liam Masterson:::He fell, the ground kind of exploding under him, and then yelped as Hosaka's foot landed in his head. A little blood trickled down the side of his face. Licking his lips, he struggled to his feet, his eyes locked hungrily on the wound in Hosaka's neck.::
Bishounen Vegeta:[ ::shrugs:: ]
Hosaka CFH:[ <-Ghetto Jesus ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ I went afk, kiddo ]
Hosaka CFH:[ <-can turn Water into Gin ]
Bishounen Trunks:((Noel...yer up. Post...))
Liam Masterson:(( ::Laughs:: ))
Hosaka CFH:[ <-can turn grass into weed. ]
Bishounen Trunks:((<~Can havest corn like no toomorw, for he's Super Nebraska-jin Level 2...))
Hosaka CFH:[ XD ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ LOL XD ]
Nikyob de Goblin:((oh man, Ima gonna fly you out here Jeebus, then we gonna make ourselves some money.))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] <-hunt for oil, and is good at it []
Liam Masterson:(( ::Is some loser kid from California...can do nothing like there's no tomorrow, except maybe sleep.:: ))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ FUCKING POST NOEL >:o>:o ]
Bishounen Trunks:((I sleep pretty good too. 12 hours a night.))
Liam Masterson:((Damn, man. I get six on the weekdays.))
Liam Masterson:((If I'm lucky.))
Bishounen Trunks:((I also don't go to School. I graduated last year. Working to pay for College...))
Draco Malfoy HP:::he jumped into the air as he had his mana chargin all this time, he thrusted his cupped hands containing his wand in his hands as he charrged just once more...:: HEY VEGETA!
Bishounen Vegeta:[ -.- ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ touch me and die ]
Liam Masterson:((Bah. I have to get up at six AM every damn morning because of school..oh well.))
Bishounen Trunks:((Crap. >< ::Hides...:: ))
Bishounen Vegeta:::He looked up to draco..:: tch.. another faggot with a wand.. damn pixie..
Hosaka CFH:[ XD ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ XD ]
Bishounen Trunks:((X to the mofoin' D!!))
Liam Masterson:((Pixie!))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ >D ]
Draco Malfoy HP:::he let loose his storred mana energy as he formed it into a towering beam and shot it at Vegeta's head as it scrapped off his hair:: [] HEY BALDY []
Draco Malfoy HP:Draco Malfoy HP rolled 3 43-sided dice: 36 43 2
Liam Masterson:(( Teamed up with a Pixie and a Goblin...what's an Immortal Vampire to do?))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] BAM:: []
Draco Malfoy HP:-11-
Bishounen Trunks:(11)
Bishounen Vegeta:::he touched the top of his head, his hair regrow because he >uses hair club for men::
Draco Malfoy HP:[] celebrate....as vegeta has 21 damage points []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ Oooooooooh ]
Liam Masterson:((XD))
Bishounen Trunks:((Heh. Veggie's already got a brodaing hairline as is...))
Bishounen Trunks:((My trun...right.))
Liam Masterson:((Yeah.))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ nooo.. ::snicker:: ]
Nikyob de Goblin:((fer modifiers, you add plus one to the final total, or...?)
Liam Masterson:((Highest roll.))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] +1-+3 []
Nikyob de Goblin:((???))
Bishounen Trunks:::Still in the air form his last atttack, the youth rocketed to his target, Liam...aiming a spped kick to his collarbone...or somesuch nonesense...::
Bishounen Trunks:Bishounen Trunks rolled 3 44-sided dice: 11 5 4
Bishounen Trunks:((Or not...))
Draco Malfoy HP:-0-
Liam Masterson:((HAHAHAHAHA!! o.o; ))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] if I had added my +2....it would've been 12 instead of
11..... []
Liam Masterson:::He felt the air rush over his head as Trunks went careening by.::
Bishounen Trunks:::Completly missing his target, he then crashed a nice couple feet behind his target...::
Nikyob de Goblin:((not getting it. do you add the +1 to each damage from the three rolls, or just the final number?))
Bishounen Trunks:((To the higest rolling dice...))
Nikyob de Goblin:((alrighty.))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ ::waits:: ]
Nikyob de Goblin:((who's turn?))
Bishounen Trunks:((I dunno))
Nikyob de Goblin:((mine?))
Bishounen Trunks:((Yours...))
Liam Masterson:((Yeah, Nikyob.))
Bishounen Trunks:((I think I'm still at 12... e.e; ))
Im Ghetto Jesus has entered the room.
Im Ghetto Jesus:<-is
Draco Malfoy HP:[] D-31 Liam-37 or 38 Goblin-16 []
Nikyob de Goblin:::he felt all confused and discombobulated as everyone flew around doing their own thing, and decided to just go give his good buddy Trunks a kick to the shin::
Nikyob de Goblin:Nikyob de Goblin rolled 3 30-sided dice: 15 12 23
Draco Malfoy HP:-3-
Bishounen Trunks:(3)
Im Ghetto Jesus:::Turns the water into Gin::
Im Ghetto Jesus:Im Ghetto Jesus rolled 3 51-sided dice: 22 15 17
Im Ghetto Jesus:8-)
Im Ghetto Jesus has left the room.
Bishounen Trunks:::To add insult to injury, after missing his target, somehow...the youth was also kicked in the shin...this hasn't been the best night for the Sayia-jin...::
Bishounen Vegeta:fuckin pixie ass-..::he fell back a slight bit and rushed over to the back side of draco and sent a volley of punches to the back of his head, gritting his teeth as he did so..::
Bishounen Vegeta:Bishounen Vegeta rolled 3 53-sided dice: 10 41 20
Draco Malfoy HP:[] :survives:: []
Draco Malfoy HP:-8-
Bishounen Vegeta:[ 39 total ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] NOW I HAVE 39 DAN []
Liam Masterson:::No one had hit him, though he was barely hanging on by a fuckin' thread. One last chance to do some damage... He scrambled towards Hosaka and kicked him in the 'nads...this wasn't a day for Hosaka's 'nads, thats for sure. As he fell, he leapt at his throat again, his jaw clamping down and haning the fuck on.::
Liam Masterson:Liam Masterson rolled 4 29-sided dice: 11 15 10 27
Liam Masterson:((FAWK!))
Draco Malfoy HP:-4-
Hosaka CFH:<-Hosaka 28
Bishounen Trunks:<~Trunks 15
Bishounen Vegeta:<~Vegeta.. whatever ]
Draco Malfoy HP:<- 39
Liam Masterson:<~Liam 38
Draco Malfoy HP:][ 23* dan, dont' act stupid
Bishounen Trunks:((*Sigh* I'll be edting this log. That's for sure...))
Bishounen Trunks:((Editing, even...))
Liam Masterson:(( ::About to die...can just feeeeeeeeeeeel it...:: ))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ as will I, taking out all the OOC talk, most of it anyways ]
Nikyob de Goblin has left the room.
Nikyob de Goblin has entered the room.
Draco Malfoy HP:::he grinned as he held his wand into the air:: Pixie eh? Here's some pixe shit.... ::he then pointed his wand into the air as the sky started to turn black....::
Bishounen Trunks:((If my new trick don't work...wanns send my a copy..?))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ sure ]
Bishounen Trunks:((thanks))
Draco Malfoy HP:METEO! ::a loud yell was heard as the 1st and only wave of metoriods came crashing into the earth as1 gigantic metoriod slammed into Vegeta's head::
Bishounen Vegeta:[ yeah ]
Draco Malfoy HP:Draco Malfoy HP rolled 3 43-sided dice: 30 18 12
Draco Malfoy HP:-5-
Bishounen Vegeta:[ Meteo.. that was back in like.. ::thinks:: final fantasy 2 ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] Vegeta-26 ::has time to count:: []
Bishounen Trunks:((Post, Jeff...))
Hosaka CFH:::He winced a slight bit at the attacked, being as his nuts were basically numb, he didn't really care all that much, but as for the throat, he let out a rather nasty growl, and then slammed his fist into the being's ribs, following up with the retrievel of his dagger, shoving it directly into his gut, twisting, and shoving it as far as he possibly could...::
Hosaka CFH:Hosaka CFH rolled 3 51-sided dice: 44 50 38
Bishounen Vegeta:[ O.O ]
Nikyob de Goblin:((also FF3/6))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] who was that for? []
Liam Masterson:(( I'M HELLA FUCKIN' DEAD!!!!))
Hosaka CFH:-19-
Bishounen Vegeta:[ that was to Liam ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ O.O!! ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] well...that guys out, he was at 15 []
Draco Malfoy HP:[] 15 plus 19 equals 34 though.... []
Draco Malfoy HP:[] or he had higher damage, more then 15? []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ noo he was high than that, I hit him too ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ higher* rather ]
Liam Masterson:(( ::Currently has 57 damage:: ))
Hosaka CFH:[ He said he was at like 38 or some shit. ]
Bishounen Vegeta:Liam Masterson: <~Liam 38
Hosaka CFH:[ I mean, in my first two posts, I hit him for 20 all together. ]
Liam Masterson:((I'm real dead.))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] D-39 liam-OUT with 57 Goblin-???? []
Bishounen Trunks:((It is my turn, right...?))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ I think Goblin only has 9 ]
Bishounen Trunks:((I think he's at nine, Noel...))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] wow.... []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ lol, no one's paid him attention ]
Liam Masterson:::With the twist of the knife, his entire body just blew up, showering Hosaka and the rest of the room with little parts of Liam.::
Hosaka CFH:[ <-destroyed Liam. ]
Nikyob de Goblin:((That is fine by me...))
Hosaka CFH:[ XD ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] all you guys gunned for the.... :noticed the stragagy as it was too late:: []
Nikyob de Goblin:((bwaha, must suck to be slow.))
Bishounen Trunks:((Is it my post..?))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] your turn, yes
Bishounen Vegeta:[ yes ]
Bishounen Trunks:::The youth stayed crouched, but delivered a simple sweep aimed for Nikyob's feet...::
Bishounen Trunks:Bishounen Trunks rolled 3 44-sided dice: 20 8 19
Bishounen Trunks:(3)
Draco Malfoy HP:[] the guy has 12 now according by trunks' counting []
Bishounen Trunks:((::He then murded his dice...))
Hosaka CFH:murdered*
Hosaka CFH:p.p
Hosaka CFH:[ < loves that face. ]
Bishounen Trunks:((Thanks...I'm not too good at 4 AM...))
Hosaka CFH:[ Holy mother of god, it's 5 am @_@ ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] I shine at 10 AM but I'm at school.... []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ Jeff, how many hits do you have? ]
Hosaka CFH:[ Hosaka 28. ]
Nikyob de Goblin:((four in my place of chicago.))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ I'm actually really awake at 5 pm.. ]
Bishounen Trunks:((<-15 for now...))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ I just nod and act like i'm busy at school ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] .......bounce []
Draco Malfoy HP:[] oh, and go goblin []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ so.. very.. ::rubs his eyes:: tired.. ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] I'm bored... []
Liam Masterson:::Sighs, despite the fact that he is coating the walls of the MS room.::
Bishounen Trunks:((Soo, lets hurry the hell up..))
Nikyob de Goblin:::He did not like that little lavender haired pansy kicking him around, and decided to act upon it, by promptly kicking him in the nuts.::
Nikyob de Goblin:Nikyob de Goblin rolled 3 30-sided dice: 25 15 2
Draco Malfoy HP:[] not good, if I'm bored in a big mass team spar []
Draco Malfoy HP:-4-
Bishounen Vegeta:[ who was that to? ]
Bishounen Trunks:((>/))
Nikyob de Goblin:(heh.)
Bishounen Vegeta:[ oh.. XD ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ My turn ]
Bishounen Trunks:((The 'lavender haired pansy'...))
Hosaka CFH:[ >/ ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] I get my kicks out of fighting trunks, not big fights []
Bishounen Trunks:::Yadda yadda...he was kicked in the area...face truning red...::
Bishounen Vegeta:[ is Draco dead or no? ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] Jerome makes me laugh.....zero is good.... []
Nikyob de Goblin:((well, maybe I shoulda said, the most accurately portrayed version of a Lavender haired pansy.))
Bishounen Trunks:((I still can't take that hit...))
Draco Malfoy HP:[]....I....have......39..... []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ Fuck.. he never ever ever ever dies ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ ::going to keeel him:: ]
Hosaka CFH:[ I like sparring in big fights. ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] ::is special, as he devloped his own modifer engine:: []
Hosaka CFH:[ Anyway, brb. ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] ::and taught andrew healing....:: []
Bishounen Trunks:((Heh, the lavender haired pansy that gonna get beat by his 'father'...))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] ::and brought the first defensive move to dice(unoffical, maybe I did do it....?):: []
Bishounen Vegeta:::he winced aslight bit and retaliated fast:: FUCKING PIXIE! ::he then leapt above him and raised his hands to his chest, then thrust it out in front of him thus performing his Big Bang Attack, right at the from of Draco's face+2::
Bishounen Vegeta:Bishounen Vegeta rolled 3 53-sided dice: 4 38 8
Bishounen Vegeta:[ -.- ]
Draco Malfoy HP:-6-
Hosaka CFH:[ XD ]
Bishounen Trunks:(6)
Bishounen Vegeta:[ done, dead, gone, roasted, toasted ]
Hosaka CFH:[ Now all of us are on Nikyob, this is sure to be fun. XD ]
Bishounen Trunks:((Well, I stand to make 530 EXP, the winner will get 630
Liam Masterson:::Little bits of his almost non-existant body are also fried by the attack::
Nikyob de Goblin:((ah, fuck me like a duck...))
Bishounen Vegeta:::And with that, him still kind of floating in the air, glared at nikyob::
Liam Masterson:((sorry, I shush now.))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] =/ the hell goblin? []
Hosaka CFH:[ Tally? ]
Liam Masterson:((At least you aren't coating the walls of the damn room...))
Hosaka CFH:[ Hosaka 28. ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ I REEAALLY wanna use my final flash in this battle ]
Nikyob de Goblin:((heh.))
Nikyob de Goblin:((no.))
Nikyob de Goblin:(((bish)))
Bishounen Trunks:((<~19...))
Hosaka CFH:[ I started it? ]
Nikyob de Goblin:((what about Vegetable?))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] not you jeff []
Nikyob de Goblin:((what is his tally?))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] *ahem* Guru Dan []
Draco Malfoy HP:[] and he has 25 []
Hosaka CFH:[ I was gonna say, Noel, if I had started it, I would've ended it a >long time ago. ]
Bishounen Trunks:((Can we just go on, please?))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] I'm careful around you now....jeff... =/ []
Hosaka CFH:[ Yes, let's do so. ]
Hosaka CFH:[ Nikyob's post, I believe. ]
Hosaka CFH:[ right? ]
Hosaka CFH:[ Or Trunks ]
Hosaka CFH:[ One of the two. ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] sad to say.....its your turn?? []
Bishounen Trunks:((Dunno...))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] yea its your turn jeff []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ -.- ]
Hosaka CFH:[ k ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ who's turn? ]
Hosaka CFH:::a rather grim smile rested on those two, thin pallid lips of Hosaka Jenitsu. He was a killer, and he loved to see things die like that, especially if he caused it, and in a quick blur of motion, he was already behind Nikyob..:: Payback's a bitch....isn't it? ::he then slammed his foot directly into Nikyob's balls, from behind::
Hosaka CFH:Hosaka CFH rolled 3 51-sided dice: 4 1 21
Draco Malfoy HP:[] 'cuz for once I"mright and its trunks's turn []
Hosaka CFH:-2-
Bishounen Trunks:((Well, let Nikyob post...next, I'll go last...))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ ::smicks jeff:: ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ >D ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] Don't look at me, this is nice talking time []
Bishounen Trunks:((vhead's Jeff or something:: ))
Bishounen Trunks:((>/))
Hosaka CFH:[ ::Kills dan by slitting his throat open slightly, and sliding fish hooks in the slit, then hanging his ass above a railroad track, just to watch him get smacked by a train:: >/ ]
Liam Masterson:(( Beheads* even..?))
Bishounen Trunks:(( ::Likes the '>/' face...:: ))
Nikyob de Goblin:::his normally green face went red like a cherry, and he cupped his crotch in an attempt to protect himself, seeing as he was an easy mark for those nasty attacks, 'cause us Goblins be well-endowed.::
Draco Malfoy HP:::he crawled over to Liam:: I bet you 200 gold that Trunks guy will win the match
Bishounen Trunks:((Nope, vhead.. Some anchinet funny...))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ XD jeff ]
Liam Masterson:((Ahh. I see.))
Bishounen Trunks:((anchient, even...))
Liam Masterson:(Ancient, even.))
Bishounen Trunks:((That too...))
Liam Masterson:((heh.))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ is gobling going to roll or what? ]
Bishounen Trunks:((He has to do an attack first...))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ goblin* oh ]
Hosaka CFH:[ He was taking his hit, Dan. ]
Liam Masterson:::He is currently splattered all over the damn room, and quite unable to respond. His left eye, half intact, rolls over and looks at Draco.::
Hosaka CFH:[ o.o; ::THinks Dan doesn't read the posts, at all:: ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ O.o ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ Sure I do ]
Nikyob de Goblin:::He watched as a piece of Liam went sliding down the wall, and watched as the other guy was blown out of existence. Well, it was nice knowing them, he thought, and went to equip those fine steel toed boots of shinkicking, and turned and said to Hosaka "Yes, paybacks are a bitch."::then he reduced his shin to a bloody mess.+1::
Nikyob de Goblin:Nikyob de Goblin rolled 3 30-sided dice: 14 12 11
Nikyob de Goblin:(...))
Bishounen Trunks:(1)
Bishounen Vegeta:[ -0- ]
Nikyob de Goblin:(not cool.))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ wait.. 1 ]
Bishounen Trunks:((A +1 to the 14...))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ didn't see the thing ]
Hosaka CFH:Hosaka 29
Liam Masterson:((I'm begging you guys... Please stop arguing.))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] and about 1 minute and 15 seconds till I'm booted from damned ISP.... []
Hosaka CFH:::He growled a good bit and dropped to one knee, slowly caressing his shin to try and cause the pain to stop..::
Bishounen Trunks:::The youth just blinked...three on one was hardly fair, but oh >well. From where-ever the hell he was he lept to the goblin, elbowing down at its head..::
Bishounen Trunks:Bishounen Trunks rolled 3 44-sided dice: 28 41 34
Draco Malfoy HP:[] ::he then ads 5 exp and 20 gold to his profile:: []
Hosaka CFH:-14-
Bishounen Vegeta:[ Score? ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] 5 seconds.... []
Bishounen Trunks:(28?)
Hosaka CFH:[ yeah ]
Hosaka CFH:[ That's it. ]
Nikyob de Goblin:((bastich. everyone kicks my ass, even the most accurately portrayed lavender haired pansy.))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ ::nods:: ]
Hosaka CFH:[ XD ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ lol ]
Bishounen Trunks:((Yeah, curse his Sayia-jin blood. *nod*))
Liam Masterson:((XD))
Bishounen Vegeta:::With him still floating mid-air, he sent his entire body towards the goblin, full speed did he send a straight jab into the socket of his left key, then sent a quick upper cut to his lower chin::
Bishounen Vegeta:Bishounen Vegeta rolled 3 53-sided dice: 11 22 47
Bishounen Vegeta:[ e.e ]
Hosaka CFH:-9-
Nikyob de Goblin:((wait till Ima fuckin' 3dfiddy something....then this goblin will be messing up alla your shins))
Liam Masterson:((XD))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ lol XD ]
Bishounen Trunks:((Heheh...))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ 36 total ]
Bishounen Trunks:((Then we go at each other. Great...))
Hosaka CFH:::Hosaka sprung forth from his kneeling position, directly at the goblin. Upon nearing this little nigga, he slammed his knee into his face, following up with a double handed hammer, of sorts, to the top of his head..::
Hosaka CFH:Hosaka CFH rolled 3 51-sided dice: 27 29 37
Draco Malfoy HP has left the room.
Bishounen Vegeta:[ OOohh.. and it's OVER! ]
Hosaka CFH:-11-
Bishounen Trunks:((Why is it...I start on the attacking of my teammates..?))
Liam Masterson:::His half a left eye watched as the Goblin hella died.::
Bishounen Vegeta:[ GRRREAAT .. ::gets to face the wrath of Trunks and Hosaka ]
Nikyob de Goblin has left the room.
Nikyob de Goblin has entered the room.
Hosaka CFH:[ <-Obliterated 2/3 of the enemy. ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ lol, I took out noel.. so NYAH ]
Liam Masterson:((Obliterated is a fitting word for what you did to Liam.))
Hosaka CFH:[ XD ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ XD ]
Draco Malfoy HP has entered the room.
Bishounen Trunks:::He then lept to the bad-ass Hosaka. Rather then a frontal assult, the youth balled both fists, flew behind Hosaka, and delived a punch aimed for his back...::
Bishounen Trunks:Bishounen Trunks rolled 3 44-sided dice: 44 7 39
Liam Masterson:(( ::Watches as Liam's right pinky toe slides down the wall...sighs a little:: ))
Hosaka CFH:-11-
Bishounen Vegeta:[ o.o;; ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ Hosaka = almost dead? ]
Nikyob de Goblin:((what the hell?))
Hosaka CFH:[ -_- Hosaka 39 ]
Hosaka CFH:[ >/ ]
Nikyob de Goblin:((did I die?))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] who's winning Liam-mun? []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ O.O ]
Hosaka CFH:[ Yeah. ]
Bishounen Trunks:((I'm sorry))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ Trunks is at what? ]
Hosaka CFH:[ I destroyed ya Goblin boy. ]
Nikyob de Goblin:((bastard.))
Liam Masterson:((Umm... Nikyob is dead.))
Bishounen Trunks:((19))
Liam Masterson:((Trunks is kickin ass now.))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ e.e ]
Nikyob de Goblin:(wasn't even here for it.)
Bishounen Vegeta:[ ::gonna try:: ]
Bishounen Trunks:((Not dead, just KOed...))
Liam Masterson:((That too.))
Nikyob de Goblin:(yeah, I know.)
Nikyob de Goblin:(but still.)
Liam Masterson:((I guess then I'm not dead, just in a billion trillion pieces?))
Liam Masterson:((Makes sense.))
Hosaka CFH:[ XD ]
Nikyob de Goblin:(yes, awaiting reassembly at a later date, Liam.)
Draco Malfoy HP:::he smirked at the bodyless Liam:: Still up for the 200 gold bet?
Hosaka CFH:[ You want Hosaka to glue you together? ]
Bishounen Vegeta:::He then moved back to the left side of hosaka, over by where Trunks was too, and leapt up, sending a spinning round house to either of their heads:: [ SA: First dice Trunks ]
Hosaka CFH:[ XD ]
Bishounen Trunks:((:Gonna get a beating from 'daddy'...:: I can sense it..))
Bishounen Vegeta:Bishounen Vegeta rolled 2 53-sided dice: 44 2
Bishounen Vegeta:Bishounen Vegeta rolled 1 53-sided die: 46
Bishounen Vegeta:[ there ]
Hosaka CFH:[::done:: ]
Hosaka CFH:[ ;.; ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ Hosaka = boom ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ ::pats jeff:: s'okay ]
Bishounen Trunks:(Trunks...25...)
Bishounen Vegeta:[ Vegeta is at what noel ? ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] and Vegeta has....? []
Liam Masterson:::The eye stares idly at him...then somehow, the eye speaks.:: Naw, I don't think so...
Hosaka CFH:::He staggered over to where one of Liam's pieces were, and whipped out his handy dandy bottle of krazy glue, then began putting him back together..::
Hosaka CFH:[ XD ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] I don't know, he was at 25 when I left, so who knows if any of them attacked Vegeta.... []
Bishounen Vegeta has left the room.
Liam Masterson:((XD!!!!))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] and he ran []
Liam Masterson:((Thanks..))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] I'll give him 5 minutes? I invited him right now []
Bishounen Trunks:((So did I...))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] bah, he'll be here by the time it stops lagging []
Bishounen Vegeta has entered the room.
Bishounen Vegeta:[ i really hate aim ]
Bishounen Trunks:((Heh...I guess it's my post now...))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ And, seeing as how aim closed the chat as i went to click save, i no longer have it to log ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ yeah ]
Bishounen Trunks:((Drat...))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] and...he did, so lag is gone? []
Liam Masterson:((Am I like..the only one who hasn't left the chat yet?))
Bishounen Trunks:::The youth took the kick square in his back...from the ony one who could do it...:: .. ::He then lept at his 'father', dropkicking down at his shoulders...::
Bishounen Trunks:Bishounen Trunks rolled 3 44-sided dice: 7 44 22
Hosaka CFH:-8-
Bishounen Vegeta:[ You can always just send it to me drew, and ill edit then ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ e.e ]
Bishounen Trunks:((I haven't...but...Mac saving is evil...))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ lol ]
Liam Masterson:((Last time I tried to log something...))
Liam Masterson:((Half of it mysteriously dissapeared.))
Liam Masterson:((Don't count on me...))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] pretty much....and lag is still here []
Bishounen Trunks:((Well, I'll save it and see what happens...))
Bishounen Vegeta:::he fell forward a bit, clutching at his back a bit.. he then turned quickly and leapt to his back side, and sent a volley of bone-shattering punches across his head::
Bishounen Vegeta:Bishounen Vegeta rolled 3 53-sided dice: 10 18 19
Liam Masterson:((<~~Is notoriously paranoid of computers and the internet))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ yes, lag is gone, but im fucked ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ -.- ]
Hosaka CFH:-2-
Bishounen Vegeta:[ Trunks - 27 Vegeta - er.. 34? ]
Hosaka CFH:33.
Bishounen Vegeta:[ k ]
Nikyob de Goblin has left the room.
Bishounen Trunks:::Lurching forward from every punch delivered from his 'father' the youth had to do something. When the barrage finally stopped, he turned on his right heel, his left foot aimed for his 'fathers' arm...::
Bishounen Trunks:Bishounen Trunks rolled 3 44-sided dice: 18 28 31
Bishounen Vegeta:[ e.e ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ ::lost:: ]
Hosaka CFH:-8-
Bishounen Vegeta:[ -.- ]
Bishounen Trunks:((::Somehow...won...:: ))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ good spar people ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ and me and jeff are stuck with 5 exp and 20 gp? ]
Liam Masterson:((Congrats, Trunks.))
Bishounen Trunks:((::Gets his 630 EXP...:: ))
Bishounen Trunks:((You two get 530 EXP...))
Hosaka CFH:[::Gets his 530:: ]
Nikyob de Goblin has entered the room.
Bishounen Vegeta:[ o.o;; ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ awesome]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] :::gets jack shit as he added everything already:: []
Bishounen Trunks:((Thanks...and yes, a good spar...all...))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] and now its gone.... []
Liam Masterson:((How much do I get?))
Nikyob de Goblin:(what'd I miss, what was awesome?))
Liam Masterson:((Nothing?))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] we get 5 exp and 20 gold since we suck so bad []
Hosaka CFH:Hosaka CFH rolled 1 51-sided die: 48
Liam Masterson:((ah. I gained a level anyhow...))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ what about gp ? ]
Liam Masterson:Liam Masterson rolled 1 29-sided die: 24
Bishounen Trunks:((<~3d46...))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ drew, how much gpt, none? ]
Bishounen Trunks:((Double EXP...))
Bishounen Trunks:((Soo...1060?))
Bishounen Vegeta:[ 1060 ]
Bishounen Vegeta:[ k ]
Liam Masterson:Liam Masterson rolled 4 30-sided dice: 13 11 15 8
Liam Masterson:((That was a crappy test roll...))
Draco Malfoy HP:[] can't wait till draco is level 38...he'll be smacking people around with his +3 regular modifers []
Hosaka CFH has left the room.
Liam Masterson:((How do I figure modifiers?))
Liam Masterson:::Steps OOC::
Bishounen Vegeta:[ Andrew ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] like this []
Bishounen Trunks:Bishounen Trunks rolled 1 44-sided die: 44
Draco Malfoy HP:::punches his gut +1 blahblahblah::
Bishounen Trunks:((Yes...?))
Draco Malfoy HP:Draco Malfoy HP rolled 3 43-sided dice: 43 31 36
Liam Masterson:Yeah, I know that..
Bishounen Trunks:Bishounen Trunks rolled 1 45-sided die: 20
Liam Masterson:But how do I figure when I get more?
Bishounen Vegeta:[ how come your char jumps from 54=6000, to 55=7500? ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] then, you add the 1 to the highest number rolll, in this case, 43 []
Draco Malfoy HP:[] the strength of your attacks []
Bishounen Vegeta:[ then the rest just go a normal 500 ]
Draco Malfoy HP:[] I'm doing the modifer's my way []
Bishounen Vegeta:Bishounen Vegeta rolled 1 53-sided die: 52
Bishounen Vegeta:[ O.O ]
Bishounen Trunks:((I dunno, I didn't write the chart...but it's like very five levels it's like...lots more then the average level up...))
Bishounen Trunks:Bishounen Trunks rolled 3 46-sided dice: 30 32 32
Bishounen Vegeta:[ hmm.. ::adds it:: ]
Bishounen Vegeta: [ yeah ]
Liam Masterson has left the room.
Bishounen Trunks:((Dyamn...))
Bishounen Trunks:((Now I need like 400 to level up...>/))