You have
just entered room "Gaming Chat 1."
Weapon Incarnate: ::Slowly stepping out of the dephths of the shadwons yatta yatta
he made eye contact with a purple headed flying mana s he grinned.He yawned and
bent his arms back as he flipped up and unsheathed some sort of bamboo stick as
he dashed by the man man in the air within the blink of an eye..landing away with
his back towards him,yet again he brushed away his hair and hoping for some sort
of hit::
Jacen Silvermoon: ::blinku::
Jacen Silvermoon: Whoa.
Weapon Incarnate: bam
Jack HMoon: oh it's a damn long story
Hosaka Jenitsu: My Ruby Incarnate has that.
Weapon Incarnate: Weapon Incarnate rolled 4 100-sided dice: 50 59 5 57
Hosaka Jenitsu: I'd kick his ass like whoa XD
Bishounen Trunks: So does Omega
Jack HMoon: ::::walks to Weapon::
Weapon Incarnate: Mna i cant ff at night..
Weapon Incarnate: fuck you jack
Draco Malfoy HP: [] my draco shall soon be immortal and powerful like that Ruby
Incarnate thing... []
Jack HMoon: ::throws his die at him::
Weapon Incarnate: o.o
Hosaka Jenitsu: XD
Weapon Incarnate: tally that shit yo
Weapon Incarnate: XD
Bishounen Trunks: I think I'll need my SSj-ness...
Jack HMoon: Jack HMoon Rolls a 500 Sided Die: 120
Jack HMoon: ooooo
Weapon Incarnate: That fooled me
Weapon Incarnate: XD
Jack HMoon: That gotta hurt
Draco Malfoy HP: [] I better use some kickass attacks...TIME FOR BALL KICKING!!
Jack HMoon has left the room.
Jacen Silvermoon: He = annoying
Draco Malfoy HP: [] very random, lets go people []
Draco Malfoy HP: [] 4 minutes []
Weapon Incarnate: o.o
Hosaka Jenitsu: Okay
Maniacal Bunny: ::skitters to the corner curls up and hushes::
Bishounen Trunks: Fine.
Draco Malfoy HP: Lets just go...
Hosaka Jenitsu: I am not gonna get too descriptive here, because I am just not
in the mood tonight to get deep into RP
Bishounen Trunks: ::in:: [Yes, I'll be a bit more descriptive later...]
Bishounen Trunks: [XD]
Hosaka Jenitsu: LOL
Weapon Incarnate: (XD)
Draco Malfoy HP: [] I shall not be that..but XtodaD []
Bishounen Trunks: [Maybe Trunks'll go SSj now...? Naw... The dice hate SSjs...]
Weapon Incarnate: Noel
Draco Malfoy HP: [] yes? []
Weapon Incarnate: Youre aware its your turn
Weapon Incarnate: right
Weapon Incarnate: XD
Draco Malfoy HP: [] I'm 3rd []
Bishounen Trunks: [Fukkit, where's them pastes]
Bishounen Trunks: [I'm 3rd...]
Weapon Incarnate: i got 15
Bishounen Trunks: [I got 14]
Draco Malfoy HP: [] I got 17.. []
Weapon Incarnate: i got 16
Weapon Incarnate: noel
Weapon Incarnate: you got 15
Draco Malfoy HP: [] o.o;;;; []
Weapon Incarnate: scroll up
Weapon Incarnate: bitch
Draco Malfoy HP: [] my bad []
Weapon Incarnate: XD
Weapon Incarnate: Thats ok
Draco Malfoy HP: [] I'm illiterate, screw it, I'm mexican []
Jacen Silvermoon: All that time bitching and it was he who was holding it up.
Draco Malfoy HP: [] I jump the boarder for fun []
Hosaka Jenitsu: ::Hosaka Jenitsu, midnight assassin, burst onto the scene like
a bat out of hell; he moved in a literal blur of obsidian movement, rushing around
the area until coming to a sudden stop beside Trunks...:: It's been a while...hasn't
it? ::he folded his arms, and waited for the opposition to appear..::
Weapon Incarnate: then you and andrew and jeff
Draco Malfoy HP: [] so I'm....4th? []
Draco Malfoy HP: [] 30 seconds, gonna get booted people []
Weapon Incarnate: no
Weapon Incarnate: yore next
Weapon Incarnate: you were.
Weapon Incarnate: Me you andrew and jeff that was the order..
Bishounen Trunks: Oh, yes it has.. ::The you Sayia-jin nooded, brushing back one
of those shoulder-length lavender strands. A very errie smile came about his face...::
Draco Malfoy HP has left the room.
Draco Malfoy HP has entered the room.
Bishounen Trunks: [Correct me if I'm wrong...but it IS alla us -vs- the Weapon...right?]
Draco Malfoy HP: [] ::with his somewhat reliable internet service of bluelight,
he was then back in:: []
Weapon Incarnate: ::Slowly out of now where,The man of the shadows silently reappeared
back to where he once stood with his head lowered,and his naginata reasting upon
his shoulder as he looked up slightly to Hosaka And Trunks only bearing a grin
of intimidation::
Weapon Incarnate: ::Yawn-u::
Weapon Incarnate: fuck im tired.
Draco Malfoy HP: [] eh? []
Weapon Incarnate: Im bored too.
Weapon Incarnate: o.o
Draco Malfoy HP: [] all of us charries vs. the weapon? []
Weapon Incarnate: Yes. i guess.
Bishounen Trunks: [Well...if we'd get started...]
Hosaka Jenitsu: [ Yeah, we're gonna rape us a weapon. 8-)]
Bishounen Trunks: [XD]
Draco Malfoy HP: [] WOO!! []
Weapon Incarnate: XD
Hosaka Jenitsu: [ So post Noel. ]
Weapon Incarnate: Man i went a bit ago..
Bishounen Trunks: [::Goin' SSj...soon...::]
Kero Keroberus has left the room.
Draco Malfoy HP: [] okie...who to smack []
Weapon Incarnate: Scroll up nigga's
Bishounen Trunks: [Who'd you kill...? ::doesn't wanna scroll::]
Weapon Incarnate: No one
Weapon Incarnate: I hit you for atleast 26
Weapon Incarnate: or 27
Bishounen Trunks: [Who'd you severly maim--ME!!! >/]
Weapon Incarnate: just a hit no skill
Hosaka Jenitsu: XD
Maniacal Bunny: Violate okie? not rape
Weapon Incarnate: XD
Bishounen Trunks: ::Hit or some BS...before he was even in this lousy joint...::
Bishounen Trunks: [Happy?]
Weapon Incarnate: XD
Weapon Incarnate: XD
Draco Malfoy HP: ::he ran up to the weapon, with an evil gleam in his eye he decided
to let loose his powerful attack, he brought his hands close to his chest, mumbled
some well chosen words, and fired his energy beam at the weapon's head hopefully
doing some severe damage, this move was known to him as "The Energy Beam"
Draco Malfoy HP: Draco Malfoy HP rolled 3 45-sided dice: 25 24 37
Draco Malfoy HP: [] ::bows:: []
Hosaka Jenitsu: [ yeeeaaah fuck him up XD ]
Bishounen Trunks: [My turn...?]
Hosaka Jenitsu: [ Yeah ]
Weapon Incarnate: Yes?
Hosaka Jenitsu: [ Then mine. ]
Weapon Incarnate: What was that?
Weapon Incarnate: 13 damagae?
Weapon Incarnate: Damage rather
Bishounen Trunks: [SSj pastes attack..]
Jack HMoon has entered the room.
Draco Malfoy HP: [] hey jeff...make Hosaka wack him with his cock []
Weapon Incarnate: +2 damn..
Jack HMoon: Jeff?
Weapon Incarnate: Noel
Jack HMoon: Still here?
Weapon Incarnate: How much was that?
Hosaka Jenitsu: -10-
Weapon Incarnate: 13?
Draco Malfoy HP: [] add 2 to the highest roll []
Weapon Incarnate: Arg really?
Weapon Incarnate: I know
Jack HMoon: Kenny didn't sleep for 17 hrs and your still here Jeff?
Bishounen Trunks: [THERE THEY ARE!! ::paste::]
Weapon Incarnate: 24 25 39
Bishounen Trunks: ::A slight smirk came about his face. Clenching his fists he
began to prepare himself for the massive burst of power. The effects of which
could be seen immediately; loose debris started hovering, his hair started to
fly around due to his massive 'ki' being awakened, so to speak. And of course,
as any Sayia-jin would, he screamed at the top of his lungs during the charging.::
Jack HMoon has left the room.
Bishounen Trunks: ::After the so called charge of power, it finally took over,
that innate power known as Super Sayia-jin. His once lavender hair was transformed
into a bright golden pointed mass to show off his status of the sought out power
of Super Sayia-jin. His ice-blue pools were changed into an eccentric shade of
aquamarine that almost seemed devoid of any life. An aura of 'golden fire' surrounded
his entire body that was untouchable by mere humans. This awesome ability, even
tough flashy and taking strain on his body every moment while he was in it, increased
his power almost tenfold.::
Hosaka Jenitsu: [ >D fuck him up! ]
Draco Malfoy HP: [] :;sniff:: so beautiful []
Weapon Incarnate: XD
Maniacal Bunny: Dat was vury nice Andrew
Bishounen Trunks: ::Wasting no time, the now SSj lept to the Weapon, drawing Tapions
Swords. Arriving at the evil thing [XD] he slashed downwards...+2::
Bishounen Trunks: Bishounen Trunks rolled 3 46-sided dice: 36 1 38
Bishounen Trunks: [That wasn't...]
Draco Malfoy HP: [] GO ANDREW!!! []
Draco Malfoy HP: [] I count -11- []
Bishounen Trunks: [Erg... Wait! 36+2=38]
Hosaka Jenitsu: -11-
Bishounen Trunks: [Doubles fer the SSj!!]
Bishounen Trunks: [Right?]
Draco Malfoy HP: [] silly andrew, adding is simple []
Draco Malfoy HP: [] add the 2 to the HIGHEST roll []
Bishounen Trunks: [ARRGH! ::dies::]
Bishounen Trunks: [It's been WAY too long...]
Draco Malfoy HP: [] I still rmember...and I'm failing math, stupid mexican mother
fucker.... []
Bishounen Trunks: [Oh well, I helped mess up the weapon...]
Bishounen Trunks: [And to think...I passed Calculus with a 90...]
Weapon Incarnate: >/
Draco Malfoy HP: [] yes, now jeff shall smash it over the head with his 50 foot
cock []
Bishounen Trunks: [XD]
Hosaka Jenitsu: ::The assassin of hell would NOT let a simple Super Saiya-jin
out do him, no no, not by a long shot. As soon as Trunks had sprung forth towards
the beast, Hosaka blurred at him as well, unsheathing Eternal Darkness, he let
a wide-arced slash go at the side of his neck..::
Hosaka Jenitsu: Hosaka Jenitsu rolled 3 54-sided dice: 1 4 49
Hosaka Jenitsu: [ XD ]
Hosaka Jenitsu: [ Fuckin' whore ]
Weapon Incarnate: f14tomcatsurf: whats upWeapon Incarnate: Werd
Weapon Incarnate: f14tomcatsurf: ?
Bishounen Trunks: [Imangine the EXP we'll get fer this..]
Draco Malfoy HP: [] if now..Draco will..with his...13 pine wood wand with a phoenix
hair attached to it []
Hosaka Jenitsu: -7- -.-;
Weapon Incarnate: andrew youre at like 24
Bishounen Trunks: [::Still good...::]
Bishounen Trunks: [I know..]
Bishounen Trunks: [Dick >/]
Draco Malfoy HP: [] ::got the best damage in the round:: []
Weapon Incarnate: how much on me?
Weapon Incarnate: Har har har..
Hosaka Jenitsu: 28 on weapon.
Weapon Incarnate: my turn
Weapon Incarnate: I have 100 bitch
Weapon Incarnate: o.o
Weapon Incarnate: HP i meant
Hosaka Jenitsu: [ Make sure you take your hits as well, evan. ]
Draco Malfoy HP: [] weapon-28 Draco-0 Trunks-24? Hosaka-0 []
Bishounen Trunks: [Trunks 24.. >/]
Hosaka Jenitsu: [ and that don't mean shit, we got 50 a piece =P ::honks his cock
at him:: XD ]
Bishounen Trunks: [Don't make me go all USSJ up in here...]
Jacen Silvermoon: :-*
Draco Malfoy HP: [] come on evan, smack us around with that metal pole you have
Bishounen Trunks: [::Oh yes, it was true.. Trunks was sneaky enough to have yet
another SSj level::]
Hosaka Jenitsu: [ XD ]
Hosaka Jenitsu: [ I'll go Jinn on that mutha fucka >/ ]
Hosaka Jenitsu: [ XD ]
Draco Malfoy HP: [] LOL []
Jacen Silvermoon: Mwahahahaha.
Bishounen Trunks: [Go fer it.]
Jacen Silvermoon: ::created the Jinn::
Hosaka Jenitsu: [ I will in a little bit, if he pisses me off, or I get near death.
Draco Malfoy HP: [] sadly, Draco isn't a jinn...however, he has some killer pussy
spells that do some nice damage []
Jacen Silvermoon: Jacen was Jinn.
Hosaka Jenitsu: [ Hosaka stole that shit XD ]
Jacen Silvermoon: ::nodnod::
Draco Malfoy HP: [] Lance, are you learning? []
Jacen Silvermoon: Hell no. Just watching.
Jacen Silvermoon: I diced on AOL though.
Jacen Silvermoon: So I'm sure it's nothing hard.
Jacen Silvermoon: I'll learn later.
Draco Malfoy HP: [] I can't wait till the dice tournyes...Draco and Trunks face
off again... []
Jacen Silvermoon: I just wanna watch a can-o-whoopass being opened.
Bishounen Trunks: [Yay...]
Draco Malfoy HP: [] ::in the tourney:: []
Hosaka Jenitsu: [ Yo i wanna be in it too. o.o; ]
Bishounen Trunks: [I'll give yas the link when we're done..]
Draco Malfoy HP: [] so be's me, Andrew, Jeff, possibly Evan, possibly Dan, and
Gryphy []
Draco Malfoy HP: [] ::the orignal person to first dice along with Andrew and Gryphy::
Draco Malfoy HP: [] ::is []
Weapon Incarnate: :He slowly rubbed his fore head and laughed slightly"heh
heh.."while rising to his feet as he turned towards them, scythes ripped
out of the back of each hand as his plunged them into the ground to keep stance,as
he thrusts his arms out to the front of him,aiming at hosaka,sparks flew around
the palms of his hands forming into a weak blue aura energy began to gather at
the front of the cupped hands,to form a massive ball for black energy.The ball
imploded with a white flash ,and launched a pure energy beam of red with a 20ft
diameter into his direction while gaining speed every moment,as he stood in his
stance -Fierce Pillar-::
Weapon Incarnate: Weapon Incarnate rolled 4 100-sided dice: 19 54 59 54
Weapon Incarnate: +6 to each roll..
Draco Malfoy HP: [] @_@ - O_O []
Hosaka Jenitsu: [ WHORE WHORE WHORE >:o>:o>:o>:o>:o>:o]
Weapon Incarnate: Man its hard to be creative at night.
Jacen Silvermoon: Reading material on the Jinn:
Jacen Silvermoon: :-D
Draco Malfoy HP: [] time to attack.. ::charges;: []
Bishounen Trunks: [Aww, I'll go all USSJ fer ya. Trunks needed something to irk
him to the level...]
Weapon Incarnate: ::blocks::
Jack HMoon has entered the room.
Weapon Incarnate: >/
Hosaka Jenitsu: -34-
Hosaka Jenitsu: ;.;
Bishounen Trunks: [Poor Jeff.]
Jack HMoon has left the room.
Weapon Incarnate: Hosaka:16HP Trunks:24HP Draco:50
Weapon Incarnate: >/
Bishounen Trunks: [Hrm...]
Weapon Incarnate:
Weapon Incarnate:
Weapon Incarnate: I dont wanna use that move alot.
Bishounen Trunks: [What is it...?]
Weapon Incarnate: In my profile
Weapon Incarnate: its a cheap move
Bishounen Trunks: [::works on a post to start trunks' Ussj thing..::]
Bishounen Trunks: [Ah..]
Draco Malfoy HP: ::he sneered a bit:: Stupid weapon, not going for me? ::he honcked
his cock at him, imitating Hosaka, and withdrew his 11 inch pine wood wand with
a phoenix feather at the tip, he waved it around, and bellowed:: DOSMEDORE! :;a
giant skull with a serpent for a tounge emitted from his wand and crashed into
the chest of the weapon +1::
Draco Malfoy HP: Draco Malfoy HP rolled 3 45-sided dice: 41 28 22
Draco Malfoy HP: [] ::bows once more:: []
Bishounen Trunks: [Nah, I'll wait until next round...if there is on..]
Draco Malfoy HP: -11-
Hosaka Jenitsu has left the room.
Draco Malfoy HP: [] bluelight touble, he be back []
Hosaka Jenitsu has entered the room.
Hosaka Jenitsu: [whose post? ]
Bishounen Trunks: Message is too long or too complex
Bishounen Trunks: Bishounen Trunks rolled 3 46-sided dice: 38 17 35
Draco Malfoy HP: [] yours []
Bishounen Trunks: {Noooooooooo]
Draco Malfoy HP: [] ...? []
Bishounen Trunks: [It ate my ppost!]
Jacen Silvermoon: ::screams:: STOP CALLING ME FOR WEED YOU MOTHA FUCKA!! >:o>:o
Bishounen Trunks: [I'ma kill AIM.. Go Jeff.. I'll repost...]
Bishounen Trunks: [Shall I...or wait fer Jeff...?]
Weapon Incarnate: Well its your turn anyways
Bishounen Trunks: [Fine..]
Bishounen Trunks: [Don't hate me...]
Bishounen Trunks: ::The Super Sayia-jin lept into the air, the situation wass
too too perfect. Crossing his arms over his chest he began to channel ki. Finally
the channeling had been completed. Tossing his hands behind his head, a strange
blue aura surrounded the youth. The very same aura then found its way into a small
sphere between his hands. Allowing this sphere to grow about 10 times in size,
the youth just smirked, tossing the huge blue sphere of ki at the weapon +5 [+2
fer SSj and +3 fer the attack] while managing to scream out two words...:: FINISHING
Bishounen Trunks: Bishounen Trunks rolled 3 46-sided dice: 35 11 32
Weapon Incarnate: No you wanna die?
Bishounen Trunks: [::Bows...::]
Weapon Incarnate: >/
Draco Malfoy HP: -12?-
Bishounen Trunks: [Not too sure..]
Bishounen Trunks: [I'm thinking 10]
Bishounen Trunks: [40=6 10.. >/]
Draco Malfoy HP: [] my bad Andrew []
Bishounen Trunks: [S'ok]
Bishounen Trunks: [I'd take the 12]
Weapon Incarnate: Weapon:78/150
Draco Malfoy HP: [] so how many damage we've done on weapon, nevermind... []
Jacen Silvermoon has left the room.
Weapon Incarnate: i counted 72.
Weapon Incarnate: o.o
Draco Malfoy HP: [] I thought weapon was just having 70, and us 50... []
Bishounen Trunks: [I friggin' suck...]
Bishounen Trunks: [I thought he got 75...]
Weapon Incarnate: jeffffff
Weapon Incarnate: what is he doing
Bishounen Trunks: [Typing up a post...]
Weapon Incarnate: writting a novel?
Bishounen Trunks: [Most likely]
Weapon Incarnate: Oh.
Weapon Incarnate: Ok.
Draco Malfoy HP: [] I found the post, gonna paste it, okay andrew? []
Bishounen Trunks: [Didn't ya like my naovel...?]
Bishounen Trunks: [Fine]
Weapon Incarnate: I have 14min..
Bishounen Trunks: [I personally hated the post of mine...]
Maniacal Bunny: it was bootiful Andrew.
Draco Malfoy HP: Hosaka Jenitsu (1:22:43 AM): He'll have 75
Weapon Incarnate: Carol
Weapon Incarnate: Watchin?
Bishounen Trunks: [Thankya, Carol.]
Weapon Incarnate: I didnt see that
Maniacal Bunny: no, Im not watchin.
Hosaka Jenitsu: ::He was slammed into the ground with the force of the Weapon's
attack. It was no matter though, it was true in all honesty, that the weapon had
fucked up; he should've just attacked Draco instead. Without even so much as a
word, he rose from the ground with an almost angry look on his face. Without anymore
hesitation, it was time for the Jinn to be unleashed, no more Hosaka Jenitsu,
but the bloodred fleshed beast of rage. He sunk back into the shadows, his eyes
almost immediately flaring a deep crimson, his chest expanding, tearing off the
upperhalf of his ninja's garb. His flesh shifting into a deep blood red, and on
his hands shot out five, six inch long razorsharp black talons, which could rip
even the hardest of metals into shreds. He emerged from the shadows completely
changed, his body was a tool of desctruction, and the first thing he saw, just
happened to be WEAPON. As he rushed towards the beast, he seemed to 'skitter'
across the ground; it was eerie, to say the least, the way he let out that ear
piercing shriek, as he moved across the ground and leapt at the beast's upperbody,
slashing his talons at the beast's face as hard, and as fast as he could...(+6..razor
Hosaka Jenitsu: Hosaka Jenitsu rolled 3 54-sided dice: 34 53 17
Draco Malfoy HP: [] read it and weep Evan, Jeff needs 3 smacks on you, and your
gone... []
Bishounen Trunks: [TA-HOLY SHIT!!]
Bishounen Trunks: [::loses on the best post award::]
Draco Malfoy HP: [] :;speaks like the black brother man:: GOD DAMN!! []
Hosaka Jenitsu: -17-
Bishounen Trunks: [Man if Hosaka's new form or D' get hurt...Trunks be goin all
Weapon Incarnate: I thought i had150?
Weapon Incarnate: If i did
Weapon Incarnate: Im at 61
Maniacal Bunny: Nice attack, Jeff
Draco Malfoy HP: Hosaka Jenitsu (1:22:43 AM): He'll have 75
Weapon Incarnate:
Hosaka Jenitsu: [ It was decent. But I almost fell asleep, which is why it took
so long. XD]
Weapon Incarnate: I saw you had 50hp
Bishounen Trunks: [XD]
Weapon Incarnate: so i 3x50
Weapon Incarnate: thats alll
Bishounen Trunks: [AIM Ate my Post..]
Weapon Incarnate: "inferred"
Weapon Incarnate: Nice post jeff
Weapon Incarnate: A fuckin jinn?
Draco Malfoy HP: [] I got 3 minutes left..and I'll be booted again []
Weapon Incarnate:
Weapon Incarnate: 8-)8-)
Hosaka Jenitsu: I got 22
Hosaka Jenitsu: Nyah Nyah =P
Weapon Incarnate: My turn?
Hosaka Jenitsu: XD
Bishounen Trunks: [-SSj...ready to go USSj]
Weapon Incarnate: Yeah i have my special already written
Weapon Incarnate: >/
Draco Malfoy HP: [] should he go...or wait till I come back...answers? []
Bishounen Trunks: [Got ten with his cheapest attack. >/]
Bishounen Trunks: [Depends]
Weapon Incarnate: XD
Draco Malfoy HP: [] I dont' wear those Andrew.... []
Bishounen Trunks: [I say wait...]
Bishounen Trunks: [Tch]
Bishounen Trunks: [Must I explain EVERYTHING!!]
Draco Malfoy HP: [] um.... ::tilts his head:; yes? []
Weapon Incarnate: :Breathing quite heavily he smirked at Trunks,as he rushed to
his feet and dashed into his direction,he then leapedinto the twirling his naginata
in hand and placing it to his side as he landed.He then slowly rose the Naginata
which then doppelganged him ,creating three Weapons on each side of him.As they
all leaped into the air with the real one in the middel landing on all sides of
Trunks,they eached preformed a ten hit severe combo on all sides off him.They
all smirked and brushed back there hair and leaped into the air to fall into one
weapon,as the real one back flipped away and the others simply dissolved-Weapon
Weapon Incarnate: Weapon Incarnate rolled 4 100-sided dice: 21 27 84 38
Hosaka Jenitsu: [ XD ]
Bishounen Trunks: [::dies::]
Weapon Incarnate: XD
Draco Malfoy HP: [] wow.. []
Draco Malfoy HP: [] be right back to collect the scraps people []
Weapon Incarnate: XD
Weapon Incarnate: Damn i hate fun characters
Weapon Incarnate: gadwin is getting there..
Akasha Romanus has entered the room.
Jacen Silvermoon has entered the room.
Weapon Incarnate: I need exp thought
Maniacal Bunny: ^_^
Akasha Romanus: ::slinks in all quiet and sneaky like::
Maniacal Bunny: ::pounce cling::
Akasha Romanus: eep!
Hosaka Jenitsu: -31-
Hosaka Jenitsu: [ XD ]
Weapon Incarnate: XD
Weapon Incarnate: Whoops
Hosaka Jenitsu: { He fucked you up Andrew] XD
Weapon Incarnate: ::Stepped on trunks::
Weapon Incarnate: >_
Akasha Romanus: ::clingles::
Weapon Incarnate: Maybe ill be a trainer at the tourney
Weapon Incarnate: people spar me for fun
Draco Malfoy HP has left the room.
Weapon Incarnate: To get Tough
Weapon Incarnate: 8-)8-)
Bishounen Trunks: ::Trunks, although a SSj, was taken in by the lousy little tri-Attack...which
he shouldda been prepared for...since he studied Draco's he just sorta
fell to the ground that once golden hair had returned to its lavender state...meaning
the youth was unconscience...::
Draco Malfoy HP has entered the room.
Bishounen Trunks: [I will murder you later...]
Akasha Romanus: ::takes out her razor edged dildo::
Weapon Incarnate: XD
Akasha Romanus: ::snickers::
Bishounen Trunks: [But I getta chill in mun land and leech EXP like it was going
outta style]
Hosaka Jenitsu: [ XD ]
Bishounen Trunks: [Ok, you two... KICK HIS ASS FOR TRUNKS!!]
Bishounen Trunks: [Heh]
Maniacal Bunny: ^_^
Weapon Incarnate: ::he rips it out now:: arg
Hosaka Jenitsu: [ No Prob. >:] ]
Weapon Incarnate: ::Walks over to lizs front::
Akasha Romanus: lmfao
Draco Malfoy HP: Hmph! I don't get no respect.. ::soon after his sorry Rodney
Dangerfield impression, he mumbled a few choice words, and brought 3 sharp diamonds
from the earth, with his hands free, he directed them to pierce the head of the
weapon forcefully +2::
Draco Malfoy HP: Draco Malfoy HP rolled 3 45-sided dice: 38 45 4
Maniacal Bunny: ::doeS:
Bishounen Trunks: [Andrew wants some EXP]
Akasha Romanus: .....................
Weapon Incarnate: XD::Walks off now::
Draco Malfoy HP: [] :BAM!! THE 45!! []
Akasha Romanus: ::falls on the floor in severe pain::
Draco Malfoy HP: -12-
Weapon Incarnate: XD
Weapon Incarnate: <49
Hosaka Jenitsu: -13-
Draco Malfoy HP: [] good counting jeff ::winku:: []
Bishounen Trunks: [::Got knocked the fuck out:: >/]
Maniacal Bunny: ::kicks his ass for Andrew now::
Maniacal Bunny: ::doeS:
Akasha Romanus: XD
Weapon Incarnate: ::kicked while making a post::
Weapon Incarnate: >//
Akasha Romanus: ::walks to Evan::
Akasha Romanus: ::does::
Akasha Romanus: ::smicks him lots::
Akasha Romanus: ::does::
Weapon Incarnate: o.o
Draco Malfoy HP: [] Trunks-goodbye Draco-zero ^_^ Hosaka?? Weapon-lots of damage
done to him []
Akasha Romanus: ::smick::
Weapon Incarnate: ::Smicked::
Akasha Romanus: ::smick::
Weapon Incarnate: o.<
Akasha Romanus: ::smick::
Maniacal Bunny: ::joins the smick fest::
Akasha Romanus: XD!
Maniacal Bunny: ::smick::
Akasha Romanus: ::SMICK::
Maniacal Bunny: ::smick::
Weapon Incarnate: ::oh but he was gone and put andrew in his place::
Akasha Romanus: ::smick::
Weapon Incarnate: 8-)
Draco Malfoy HP: [] and welcome back Lance..? []
Weapon Incarnate: ::he flips awa y silently like crouching tiger hidden dragon::
Bishounen Trunks: [::The handy-dandy Med Team, conisting of Andrew, came all in
and gathered up Trunks...hauling his bishounen ass outta the little sparring place...::]
Bishounen Trunks: [Heh]
Draco Malfoy HP: [] Lol []
Maniacal Bunny: ::finds weapon now::
Maniacal Bunny: ::does::
Draco Malfoy HP: [] so how much exp do we get Andrew? []
Bishounen Trunks: [Oh well, he was only knocked out... No broken anything.]
Bishounen Trunks: [You really wanna know...?]
Maniacal Bunny: ::kicks the crap outta him for trunkies::
Maniacal Bunny: ::doeS:
Draco Malfoy HP: [] yes....? []
Weapon Incarnate: ...
Akasha Romanus: hehehehe
Maniacal Bunny: ^_^
Weapon Incarnate: hehehe..not..go away child
Bishounen Trunks: [Give me five minutes ::Cheers on Carol.:: YAAAAAAAAAAYYY!]
Weapon Incarnate: leave me be
Weapon Incarnate: im not kidding no more.
Maniacal Bunny: ^_^
Maniacal Bunny: He called ME child hahahaha
Akasha Romanus: XD
Hosaka Jenitsu: ::Once he saw Trunks laying on the ground, he lost all manner
of self-control, and rushed at Weapon once more. This time he arched his back,
and let loose a good bit of that fiery breath, straight from the Jinn gut of his,
aimed directly at his face..(+6 Jinn Fire.)::
Hosaka Jenitsu: Hosaka Jenitsu rolled 3 54-sided dice: 50 50 39
Akasha Romanus: ::picks her up::
Hosaka Jenitsu: [ BAM BITCH ]
Bishounen Trunks: [What?]
Akasha Romanus: ::runs off with her::
Hosaka Jenitsu: [ ::SMACK!!!:: ]
Weapon Incarnate: ::turns to carol::
Draco Malfoy HP: [] O.O []
Draco Malfoy HP: -21-
Bishounen Trunks: [Woo, everyone likies Trunks]
Hosaka Jenitsu: -25-
Weapon Incarnate: <24
Draco Malfoy HP: [] o.o? oh yea, the +6 thing []
Hosaka Jenitsu: [ Count the six to all sides. ]
Hosaka Jenitsu: [ Doubles >:] ]
Akasha Romanus: ::aims it at Evan's ass::
Draco Malfoy HP: [] XD, Jeff goes again []
Hosaka Jenitsu: ::And with once swift motion of his hand, he sent a wide arced
slash of his talon directly at the front side of the weapon's throat...::
Hosaka Jenitsu: Hosaka Jenitsu rolled 3 54-sided dice: 42 39 24
Bishounen Trunks: [XD, kick some ass!]
Hosaka Jenitsu: -13-
Maniacal Bunny: ^_^
Weapon Incarnate: <11
Weapon Incarnate: XD
Draco Malfoy HP: [] just need my regular 11 attack and the thing is dead []
Akasha Romanus: ::le sigh:: I haven't used my dice charrie in ages....
Maniacal Bunny: Liz I wanna use Em will you teach me?
radiant meowkins has entered the room.
Bishounen Trunks: [XD Our EXP gained before the +100 bonus is 666...]
Bishounen Trunks: [Then you and Jeff spar fer the +100 EXP bonus]
Weapon Incarnate: ::He then flipped up into the air and vanished,he reappeared
to his front and uppercutted his jaw,and dissapeared,only to re-appear at his
back while he was in air and kicked his spine,sending him flying face first onto
the gravel as he flipped to Draco's left,as he went passed him in the blink of
an eye,lifting him up fast,he the spinned to his back and put his arm around his
neck backwards ,jumped up,and planted him head first into the ground.As he flipped
up and away to where he was::
Weapon Incarnate: Weapon Incarnate rolled 4 100-sided dice: 86 43 83 13
Bishounen Trunks: [15+14+6]
Bishounen Trunks: [35...?]
Bishounen Trunks: [Hurry up and kick his ass, you two...I want my 666 EXP]
Hosaka Jenitsu: [ XD shut up Andrew XD ]
Bishounen Trunks: [::Leechin the EXP tonight::]
Draco Malfoy HP: ::he was carrened into the ground, and smashed, luckily for some
people his neck was not broken, as he managed to get up, and struggle to his feet,
he put one hand to his forehead, mumbled some choice words, and created a magma
rift under the weapon, as the fire lifted up, and soon rained down upon the weapon
Draco Malfoy HP: Draco Malfoy HP rolled 3 45-sided dice: 31 39 13
Bishounen Trunks: [10?]
Hosaka Jenitsu: -10-
Weapon Incarnate:
Bishounen Trunks: [Trunks is like gone but he gets to leech EXP...]
Draco Malfoy HP: [] Draco: ::blinku:: []
Bishounen Trunks: [Yeaaaaah]
Hosaka Jenitsu: ::he rushed towards the weapon, who was near death at time time,
and he leapt into the air, his feet extended to his opponent's head, he slammed
into him with a simple dropkick...::
Hosaka Jenitsu: Hosaka Jenitsu rolled 3 54-sided dice: 2 5 28
Weapon Incarnate: OMFG>>
Hosaka Jenitsu: -3-
Weapon Incarnate: XD
Weapon Incarnate: XD
Hosaka Jenitsu: [ XD ]
Draco Malfoy HP: [] oh my god, that bareley passed []
Bishounen Trunks: [YAY! ::Takes his 666 EXP and 1332 G happily::]
Draco Malfoy HP: [] now for the hopefully extra 100 exp []
Bishounen Trunks: [You don't need EXP on that name]
Weapon Incarnate: With gadwin..
Bishounen Trunks: [You fight with Gadwin.. Duh]
Draco Malfoy HP: [] okay so much damage does Hosaka have? []
Bishounen Trunks: [::Probably leveled up...::]
Draco Malfoy HP: ::he smirked as Hosaka defeated the weapon, along with his help
of course, he pointed at Hosaka:: You shouldn't play with swords, you'll hurt
yourself. ::he then bellowed the disarming charm:: Expelliarmus ::a sudden blast
of air came from his hand, and slammed Hosaka to the ground along with his sword
flying away from him +1::
Hosaka Jenitsu: Ty
Draco Malfoy HP: Draco Malfoy HP rolled 3 45-sided dice: 25 29 25
Weapon Incarnate has left the room.
Draco Malfoy HP: [] I got doubles >) []
Hosaka Jenitsu: [ FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU ]
Hosaka Jenitsu: [ XD ]
Draco Malfoy HP: [] Hosaka-44 Draco- 35 []
Draco Malfoy HP: ::with a smirk on his face and an evil gleam on his eye, he walked
up to Hosaka:: This was fun, fighting that thing you know ::he then kicked Hosaka
in the chest with a powerful swift following it::
Draco Malfoy HP: Draco Malfoy HP rolled 3 45-sided dice: 27 12 27
Draco Malfoy HP: -6-
Draco Malfoy HP: [] Jeff-50 Draco-35 *ahem* []
Hosaka Jenitsu: ::He laid back and sighed, after he lost of course:: Gah fuck
you Draco
Hosaka Jenitsu: [ Lol ]
Akasha Romanus: XD
Jacen Silvermoon: wtg Noel
Gadwin Java: Noel
Akasha Romanus: Jeffy lost........::mocks::
Draco Malfoy HP: [] :;gets 766 exp and lots of gold:: []
Bishounen Trunks: [::Won the First MS EVER ON AIM:: HAH!]