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Prototypical Dice Rules

The following rules are for a prototypical dice RP system, based upon stats and check rolls. Please note this these rules are NOT a replacement to the current, already well-established system. It's more of an add-on for those wanting something a little different, or a little bit more challenging and involving.

Also note that I am the only one working on these rules right now, and feeling them out as I go. I would love it if people tested these out in an actual, working RP setting, instead of just 'paper' like they are now.

Character Creation
Quite possibly the most important thing there is in a character's life, eh? Well, first of all, one must know what their character is going to do; if they'll be a warrior, a mage, a pladin, or what have you. This will effect the character's initial stats. Let us first describe the character classes:

Warrior - The warrior is basically your fighting meat-shield. Dumb as a rock, but strong as hell. At creation, Warriors receive a +2 bonus to both Str and Stm and a -1 deduction to Wis and MDef.
Mage - Your mage is a magical attacker, not a physical. Therefor your mage will have high intelligence. Creation bonuses: +2 to Wis and MDef, -1 deduction to both Str and Stm.
Thieves - Thieves are the ones you want picking locks and discovering traps. Thieves are naturally lucky. Creation bonuses: +2 to Luck.
Monk - This class is strong of both mind and body, and are completely in tune with the world around them. However, they have no creation bonuses or hindrances.
Paladins - Warriors who are blessed with a holy light. They have both the physical powers of the warrior, and the intelligence of the mage. However, due to this, not very many Paladins are alive anymore, let along taught the sacred art. These holy warriors have the following bonuses: +1 to Str, Stm, MDef and Wis. By approval only.

More to be added as required.
After deciding upon a character class, one must then establish their base stats. Level one stats are on a range of of 1-3 before adding or deducting creation bonuses, found by rolling one three sided dice. The base stats are as follow, along with their maximum values, per class.
Str - Strength. This is your character's ability to inflict damage. The higher the number the more base damage you can do! It's that simple. Wa: 25, Ma: 15, Th: 19, Mo: 24, Pa: 25
Stm - Stamina. This is your character's ability to take hits and still keep on going. Higher stamina means your base defense can be higher. Wa: 18, Ma: 10, Th: 12, Mo: 20, Pa: 19
Wis - Wisdom. This is your characters ability to cast spells. The higher this number the more effective your spells can be. Wa: 12, Ma: 25, Th: 15, Mo: 13, Pa: 20
MDef - Magical Defense. This is how well your characters can ward off offensive spells. Think Stamina for Magic. Wa: 10, Ma: 22, Th: 12, Mo: 11, Pa: 19
Luck - Luck. This is how lucky your character is in detecting traps and picking locks. This number is is compared to the trap/lock's base. Wa: 9, Ma: 9, Th: 25, Mo: 10, Pa: 11

More to be added as needed
The next most important thing would be your character's HP. We roll to determine this, too. It's different for different classes, as follows:
1d20 - Mages, Thieves. Best of four rolls.
2d20 - Warriors, Paladins. Best of three rolls.
3d20 - Monks. Best of two rolls.
Maximum HP for classes as follows:
Warriors, Paladins - 900 HP
Monks - 1000 HP
Mages - 500 HP
Thieves - 700 HP
HP is used during wars, adventures, and death matches. HP can be regained by potions, spells or just plain resting. If you run out of HP, your KOed, but not killed. During battle, if your wounds are not treated in KO state, you lose one HP per round. Once you hit -10 HP, you're dead. See this page for information on revival.

Of course, now you need a way to fuel spells and special attacks. This fuel is called MP, Magical Points. It's also determined by rolling. Different classes, different rolls.
1d10 - Warriors. Best of three rolls. If after three rolls, the warrior does not roll a five or greater, five MP is awarded.
1d15 - Thieves, Monks. Best of three rolls. If after three rolls eight or more is not rolled, eight MP is awarded.
1d20 - Paladins. Best of two rolls. If after two rolls, the paladin does not roll a ten or greater, ten MP is awarded.
1d30 - Mages. Best of two rolls. If after two rolls, the mage does not roll a fifteen or greater, fifteen MP is awarded.
Maximum MP for classes as follows:
Mages, Paladins - 200 MP
Monks, Warriors - 100 MP
Thieves - 120 MP
MP is constantly used for special attacks and spells. It can be regained by various elixers and resting.

As you have read, MP fuels your special attacks and spells. Various spells and attacks require different amounts of MP, right? Let's just say you're a mage and you want to cast your basic Fire spell. Fine. And let's just say that spell costs 3 MP to cast. Simple, you deduct 3 MP for your current MP. But, what about modifiers? You know the various +1/2/3 attacks..? Let's say your mage can do up to a Fire +3 ("Burn to death!")..how do we calculate MP usage? Fairly simple.
A +1 modifier requires one additional MP. Simple, right? So, the example fire spell would require 4 MP to cast.
A +2 modifier requires three additional MP to cast. (+1 +2..3) Again, the example fire spell would require 6 MP.
A +3 modifier, however, requires six additional MP to cast. (+1 +2 +3..6) The spell would cost 9 MP to cast! For a low level fire spell!
Characters may only be created in the witness of a verified Dice RPer.

Character Growth
So, now we've got our awesome character created, it's time to let him grow and develop. Refer to the chart on this page for levels. At every level up HP and MP is increased by certain rolls:
1d20 - HP. You only get one roll for this.
1d10 - MP. Again, only one roll.

However, if you get a roll and don't like it, you can wager HP, MP, or both on a game called double or five. The rules are simple for this. You do a standard roll, 2d6, and if you score any doubles, you double your HP/MP bonus (whichever you wagered). However, if you don't roll doubles, you only get 5 HP/MP (again, whichever you wagered). Fair enough.
Every level, your character can increase one of their base stats by rolling a 1d3, however they can only increase the same stat once every two levels. Say you increase Str on level 13, you can't increase it again until you hit level 16. Every fifteen levels, your character can increase the stats that they are naturally gifted in once more. I.E. A Warrior may increase his Str and Stm again. A Mage may increase her Wis and MDef again. A Paladin may increase her Str, Stm, MDef and Wis again. Luck for Thieves. And the poor Monk, he can skip this. Meaning, they get an extra roll for those stats only.

The Dreaded Stats
Now, this is where the fun begins! Everything you've read so far is a slight modification of the current dice system, save for the stats and creation. Now, we have all these stats, how in the hell do we use them? Sit back and let me explain this, oh so neat idea.

Your base stats are your friend and enemy, all in one. Let's make up two example sets of base stats.
Anakin Str: 14 Stm: 15 Wis: 8 MDef: 5 Luck: 5
Obi-Wan Str: 15 Stm: 12 Wis: 11 MDef: 7 Luck: 3

Here, we have Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Let's just say, for some reason, they face off once more. Here's how their stats would help and hinder them.
Anakin decides to attack Obi-Wan directly! Anakin rolls his dice and gets 35 damage standard! He then rolls a 1d(Str), so a 1d14 to determine any extra damage. If Anakin's attack misses, he would not roll the 1d14. Now, before taking the hit, Obi-Wan would roll a 1d(Stm), so a 1d12 in this situation, to determine how much of Anakin's attack is invalidated.

It boils down to this, for Str and Stm:
After doing your dice roll, and the attack connects you do a 1d(Str) to determine total damage Before taking damage, you roll a 1d(Stm) to determine how much of that damage is taken off.

Let's make another two sets of stats to examine Wisdom:
Angela Str: 10 Stm: 10 Wis: 18 MDef: 15 Luck: 3
Simon Str: 20 Stm: 18 Wis: 6 MDef: 5 Luck: 4

Wow, this girl has some wisdom! Meaning this girl is either a bitchin' spell-caster, or a decent Paladin. Regardless. Let's look how the wisdom stat effects spells.
Let's say our lovely Angela casts a fire spell on Simon. Again, she does her damage roll, then a 1d(Wis); so a 1d18 in this situation to determine the total amount of damage the spell does. Before taking the damage, Simon would roll a 1d(MDef), so a 1d5, to determine how much of the spell's damage is taken off.

Again, it boils down to this:
After doing the dice roll for the spell, assuming it connects, you do a 1d(Wis) to determine total damage. Before taking damage you do a 1d(MDef) to determine how much of that damage is taken off.

One more stat to explain, one more base stat example:
Hawkeye Str: 15 Stm: 12 Wis: 10 MDef: 10 Luck: 10

One can only assume that Hawkeye here is a Thief in training. Now, let's say Hawkeye here comes up to a standard lock to pick. We'll assume that standard locks require a luck greater than 5 to pick. This is where this stat is different than ANY OTHER. That is why I chose to do it last.

Hawkeye's the obvious choice to pick the lock here, but he doesn't automatically pick it. Oh no. This stat requires you to roll a 1d(Luck) to determine if you'll successfully pick the lock or not. In this situation, Hawkeye would roll a 1d10..anything greater than five will successfully pick the lock, anything lower, and Hawkeye has to try again. He gets three chances to pick the lock before he no longer can and someone else has to try.

Here is a mock character creation:
oapboap: Name: Han Starkiller
oapboap: Class: Warrior
oapboap: Base Stats:
onlinehost: oapboap rolled 1 3-sided die: 3
oapboap: 3 Str
oapboap: +2 Bonus to Str
oapboap: 5 Str!
onlinehost: oapboap rolled 1 3-sided die: 2
oapboap: 2 Stm
oapboap: +2 Bonus to Stm
oapboap: 4 Stm
onlinehost: oapboap rolled 1 3-sided die: 3
oapboap: 3 Wis
oapboap: -1 Deduction to Wis
oapboap: 2 Wis
onlinehost: oapboap rolled 1 3-sided die: 3
oapboap: -1 Deduction to MDef
oapboap: 2 MDef
onlinehost: oapboap rolled 1 3-sided die: 3
oapboap: 3 Luck
3:40 PM
oapboap: HP ROLLS
onlinehost: oapboap rolled 2 20-sided dice: 7 10
oapboap: 1
onlinehost: oapboap rolled 2 20-sided dice: 5 9
oapboap: 2
onlinehost: oapboap rolled 2 20-sided dice: 10 9
oapboap: 3
oapboap: 19 Total HP
oapboap: MP ROLLS
onlinehost: oapboap rolled 1 10-sided die: 1
oapboap: 1
onlinehost: oapboap rolled 1 10-sided die: 9
oapboap: 2
onlinehost: oapboap rolled 1 10-sided die: 9
oapboap: 3
oapboap: 9 MP

So, here we have Han Starkiller, who is a warrior. Here are his stats:
Str: 5 Stm: 4 Wis:2 MDef: 2 Luck: 3
He has 19/19 HP and 9/9 MP.

Here is a on-the fly example:
Oapboap: Let's see stats in actiton!
Oapboap: action, too
Oapboap: We'll use the example Han on the page.
Oapboap: *Han attacks a dummy, for shits and giggles*
onlinehost: oapboap rolled 2 20-sided dice: 13 2
Oapboap: >/
Oapboap: Hit fuckers.
Oapboap: *Lather..*
onlinehost: oapboap rolled 2 20-sided dice: 8 3
Oapboap: *rinse....*
onlinehost: oapboap rolled 2 20-sided dice: 13 11
Oapboap: *re-fucking peat*
onlinehost: oapboap rolled 2 20-sided dice: 9 19
Oapboap: 1 Damage.
Oapboap: STR BONUS
onlinehost: oapboap rolled 1 5-sided die: 5
Oapboap: jrdkfhdfkjhkjdfhfdkljhzdrkj!
Oapboap: 6 total Damage
Oapboap: See, easy?